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Everybody on the internet is hostile

And I'm tired of pretending it's not true.
also this journal is MY opinion (... but if you drop the pretend act, you'll know I'm true.) But first, a quick update on me,

Yes I am still alive, unfortunately.
Lots of terrible things have been happening in my life this past year. Think of a bad thing (whatever you want) and it probably has happened to me these last 2 years. I am just going through a terrible depressive episode with no end in sight and I unironically, literally, hope I die everytime I wake up.
If you're one of my enemy and you're reading this for some reason, you fucking won.

Everybody hate each other without even meeting or talking. Everybody is hostile by default, and that's why I don't bother using this or other sites.

I know most of the people who'll read this are not artists. Ask yourself, honestly, do the artists (or non artists) that you talk to act friendly (unless you literally pay them)? no. they hate you by default, without even knowing you (and that's when you're lucky enough they reply to you at all).

As an artist myself, don't think I have it easier. Other artists are hateful of each others. "Everyone is your enemy until proven wrong (and you never give them a chance to prove you wrong)" is how everybody seem to be.

It reminds me of Discord servers. nobody wants to meet new people. they're happy in their little place together, and you're the intruder. I don't know why it's like that.

Making friends, meeting new people is an insurmountable task. It wasn't like that years ago (yes there were jerks, but some people interacted in a friendly way still). Why is everyone so hateful of others? It's all so tiresome.

But all of this is maybe just me the problem (I don't believe it, but whatever) ; I never understood social interactions well. (also btw that's why Dusk is a demon, you don't want a demon around irl)
Viewed: 91 times
Added: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Not all people on the 'net are hostle, just some.
1 year ago
"some" feels like a big majority to me.
1 year ago
Pay them no mind.
1 year ago
Well I think what you said is true and I don't think it's your fault for not making friends.
But yeah it's true that now days making new friends are hard and meeting ppl that share the same interest are even harder. It's like everyone is suspicious and ppl start thinking we want something from them and most the time is not true.
And I have some artist friends that I meat a long the years and most of them hate having to do comms and everything but they need to sell their stuff and so yeah they need to act nice with ppl, and most the time they don't like to be bothered.
1 year ago
I hate how the internet has become and I hate every second I spend on it. I wish people were less like "that".

You're the kind of people I talk about in the journal ("non artist" though, YOU do draw).
When I see your page, joined 9 years ago, watching 3000 people and you're watched by 150, etc - it's all so demotivating. I don't know how you can keep going. I'd have given up long ago. (it's a compliment, not an attack. it's good you can keep going, I wish I was like you, keep strong!)

About the commission thing, I too hate doing commissions, especially if it's stuff I am not interested in so I understand why they hate it, I too hate it.
I am lucky to have a good job. (if I wanted to make as much as with my job, I'd have to ask 200$ for a drawing minimum.)
1 year ago
Most the time I spend looking at art in here nad not thinking on making friends and well I made most of my friends in the same country as mine so it's make easy for me to talk with then, beacuse language is not a big barrier and I'm tired to use English almost all the time in the internet so yeah it's a pretty good reason to stick in a first language conversation.

I have a question for you, what are you looking here on the internet? like meeting artists meeting interesting people or just trying to have a good conversation?
1 year ago
that's a good question.
I just want to share my art to people who are interest in my world, characters, me. Talk to them, have fun with them, and of course do the same for them (I'm also realistic, I know nobody wants to "just" give, lol).

Unfortunately, I am French. I haven't met any french people who aren't like "that". frenchs in particular are incredibly hostile by default (even if you go outside in the street, people aren't nice - online isn't better). how many french people do you know? that's right, one, just me (or if I'm wrong... it's a very low number). frenchs just aren't sociable or interested in it, so it's not a solution for me.
1 year ago
Yeah i think i only meet another french guy in my whole life so i can understand what you are talking about.
Hum yes i would love to meet ppl to talk about all this stuff, but lately my major topic is having opinions and discussions about irl topics, making art, games and everything else more a second plane thing
1 year ago
french people are rare online.
first, very very few speak english.
second, like I say, they prefer to stay in their own communities, to regurgitate 5 year old memes until the next outdated meme erupts. even as a french person myself ... it's hard to be near them because memes aren't something that ages very well. imagine if you were with people still using trollface everywhere, that's how bad it feels.
and of course... they aren't very friendly. I have met a few of them who don't fall into the first 2 points, but making them say more than one word in a reply was a real battle.
so, sticking with them isn't a real solution for me...

I don't know. I just wish I had people to talk to. most of my day, I spend it alone, with nobody to talk to.
1 year ago
This is a pretty negative outlook because not everyone is hostile or hates you by default. I'm perfectly capable of having a conversation on the internet that doesn't devolve into name calling (not on my side at least lol)
You just havent met people who are actually decent people i guess. They're out there, trust me. The assholes are just louder, that's all.
1 year ago
A few days ago, polygon5 blocked me from discord just because I asked him how he was doing and if he had any problems. How do you expect that there are no people who think like this, if you want to be friendly with someone and they block you?
1 year ago
@orthrus669 i like how you say that to me and also have me blocked so i can't reply to you lmao.

You probably shouldn't assume everyone is going to do x to you because one person did x to you. That's a really bad, irrational way to view social situations.
Instead you should say "wow, that person in particular is a jerk and not a representation of everyone on the internet, just this one person in particular."
1 year ago
In fact. I had unblocked you, because i honestly wanted you to read me. I have not said it wanting to seek a fight.It just tires that some are so arrogant and rubbish that they forget that they were once newbies and people like us.
1 year ago
Honestly, I was completely disappointed in what the guy did to me. Although I hate some things like the fact that artists are already abusing paywalls a lot.I really try to be friendly and try to somehow get to know the person and if possible, make friends. You may see it that way, but in truth, unfortunately not all of us have had the same experience.
1 year ago
I know I have a very negative vision of things. Maybe it's just my depression talking... but I also wouldn't be depressed if I didn't run into problems all the time (both online and offline). either I've been unlucky (possible) or you've been lucky that the majority of people you know have bee nice to you.
1 year ago
It's absolutely your depression talking. Your outlook on events and your reaction to them matters more than the events themselves.
And i never said the majority of people I've talked to online were nice to me, I've talked to some real assholes online. The internet is a mix of good and bad people and i don't know how anyone can claim that a majority of people online are one way or the other without talking to everyone on the internet.
1 year ago
Thanks for the messages.
unfortunately it's not so easy for me. We all have a different past, and I find it too hard to deal with this in the way you described.
There's also the issue of, at what point do I start thinking "everybody is a dick". If you meet 5000 people in your life, and there's 80% of them who are dicks (that's about how I feel everybody is around me, online or offline), you'll end up thinking everybody is a dick, even if "those people aren't representative of the 8 billion people on earth". Like, you aren't wrong, but it's also not just possible sometimes.

it's a complicated matter (for me at least), really. I don't think there's a solution other than "just meet the right people bro" to change one's mind, and i don't really have any power in that matter.
1 year ago
But if 80% of people are dicks, then 20% aren't. You're discounting people you don't know irrationally. You really have to come around to understanding that if you want to make any progress towards changing your outlook.
I even said this wasn't easy, and I didn't say "just meet the right people bro", I said you have to try to reframe the way you think about your life, the things you've gone through, and other things that cause you to be depressed. You have to view them in a more positive way, as learning experiences rather than wounds. This is the same kind of advice you'll get from some therapists too. Reframing your thoughts is an effective way to combat depression.
Please consider looking into reframing techniques and try them out. They really do work if you stick to them consistently. Changing the way you talk to yourself also helps.
1 year ago
Basically, my advice is to not let your experience with others cloud your judgement about people you don't know. I've had really shitty friends, and I've had really amazing friends, it just depends on the person.
And, i know this is easier said than done, trust me, but you have to try to reframe the events in your life that have caused you to be depressed. I try to look for the silver lining, look for things i can use to better myself in the future, and try not to live in the past, constantly reminding myself of the bad things that have happened and focus on the good things i do have and the things i can control.
1 year ago
I am not going to start preaching to you how this is a negative outlook or what not. But indeed not everyone. Now and then you can find a shining example that will lighten up your day. You shouldn't worry about majority of group, population, whatever. It hardly determines anything let alone who you are...
1 year ago
I know it's a pessimistic vision of things but unfortunately i have not really met that shining example you talk about. it feels like the kind of saying a mother tell her kids, like "yes one day you will find true love, everybody does" ... knowing it's not actually true.
1 year ago
Guess I have been lucky or am just too naive to notice it. At worst, people just doesn't answer, never had anyone being truly mean.
Anyway, hope things will get better for you at some point. 2 years full of bad things is something no one should live through.

Eh, always found humans to be the hardest to deal with. Demons doesn't truly bother me that much ^^
1 year ago
thank you. two years isn't fun. I'd like to say "it can't get worse than that" but life always finds a way so I won't.
I just hope things can get better soon.
1 year ago
Being an artist and seeing how other artists draw for each other, fanarts and whatnot, made me feel like an outsider. But I came to terms with it and just be in my own little bubble. So I'm just alone with my community I built up where I met other people that way and we support each other. I also don't really want to do commissions, because it puts unnecessary pressure on me, but because money is important in life, I have no other choice sometimes.

I hope for you that you're able to find people that you like to be around and I'm sure they're there. You're definitely not alone. Maybe it helps to talk to friends about what bothers you. I wish you lots of luck on your journey. :D
1 year ago
yes, it's demotivating as an artist, I know what you mean.
I too see other artists with their own friend circle, doing stuff for each others, having fun, and I'm like "how the fuck do i achieve that?". Just out of curiosity I went to check when the last gift I received was: 2016. Life has just been complicated for me since then.
I'd love to be talking about shit with friends, but I don't really bring up any serious topic with them. I either don't feel close enough to them for that, or think they'd ditch me if they knew too much.
The truth is probably that the issue is me. (Real, actual) depression is a complete life killer. you can't make friends (because nobody likes someone who is feeling down), you can't move on, you can't do anything, you're stuck in hell and no help is coming from outside and you can't help yourself.
Like everybody, I have my enemies, and I sometimes wish them harm... but I wouldn't wish them *that*, knowing how it feels.
It's all so complicated.

Still thank you for your words.
1 year ago
You are not wrong my friend, we don't normalize just how rampant this issue usually is especially since irl interactions are seldom for some even. I know you've seen only bad days, but you made it this far already to give up. It doesn't feel like it, but you are thought about in those few hearts. I only hope for better days to come your way eventually ;.;

Don't dream its over! 💖💖🥺
1 year ago
thank you, my cute pirate duckie friend.
1 year ago
you are the embodiment of cuteness, and i will always believe in you
you got a friend in me *hugs*
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