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Tired of seeing all this sick shit on the front page. Pedophilia, Shota, rape, incest... Like, seriously guys ? Some people really should go see a doctor.

And before flaming, respect my opinion, please.
YES, I know that I can block what I don't want to see, but there's some porn I'd like to see, and some porn I DON'T want to see... But I see everything. So I rather see nothing than all this crazy shit you guys draw sometimes.

I'll keep this account active to continue to check my favorite artists' gallery from time to time, but that's all. My gallery will be cleared, and you'll find its content in an NSFW Tumblr, that will probably be private, which means that you'll need a password to have the access.
You'll just have to message me to have it, nothing more, nothing less.

I want my NSFW work to be a little more private now... So my next pictures won't be as public as they used to.

I know it sucks, but it's the decision I made.

I'll give the link to you guys once this blog will be done, and give you the address to contact me for the password.

So, see you later for who's interested, and goodbye for those who aren't :)
Viewed: 125 times
Added: 10 years, 6 months ago
10 years, 6 months ago
Well, alright, goodbye, and good luck.
10 years, 6 months ago
Thanks :)
10 years, 6 months ago
Sad to hear that from you... :C
But I respect you for this.
10 years, 6 months ago
Thanks ! :)
10 years, 6 months ago
I can agree with you about some of the arts. Even that I'm open minded I still think there should be some line even with arts what shouldn't be crossed (like rape, incest and pedophilia). However if there's art about "playful rape" which could be a part of couples sex play what both of them has agree with, then that's fine but real rape rape... Rapes happens all the time in this world so isn't that enough? Why we need to make arts about them just like about all the other things. Of course we artists as well have a freedom to draw whatever we want but still a commonsense with arts would be good thing to have :DD But I will let people draw what they want as long as they let me draw what I want ~ Both wins (or lose :'D)

I really would like to have a link and password to your Tumblr account then when you have made one! You know I'm also in Tumblr but I'm not active here actually...
10 years, 6 months ago
Yes, I totally agree with you... I'm not against 'playful rape' (which I admit, is part of my sexual life, sometimes), but I just HATE to see those furry cubs getting raped by guys with over sized penises...

And I'm letting them draw what they want, I'm just saying that I'm leaving because I don't like all this. :)
So in a way, I'm leaving them alone... ^^
But I see all this even in Sonadow pictures... Mostly in an artists' gallery, where Shadow is practically always raped. And I really hate it...

I'll give you the Tumblr and the password as soon as I'll create it. :)
10 years, 6 months ago
(You lucky person! You have a partner and sex life! I would do almost anything to have both of those as well! :DD) Oh, I agree but sadly some people have some weird fantasies... And I have to agree with you about those huge over sized cocks. I mean what's the big deal with them?! Isn't normal size penis enough? Why they have to be so fucking huge and disgusting looking? It doesn't mane ANY sense and at least, to me they don't arouse or anything - they freak me out. Plus they look so "not normal" that HUH! -___-

I have seen kind of lot of images where either Silver or Sonic get raped by Shadow but I have seen also arts about Shadow getting raped and to me... that's not like Shadow at all. People have these fantasies and they forget the reality and the real personality of the character etc.

Thank you so much :) I'll be waiting ~
10 years, 6 months ago
Aww, it will happen one day, no worries x) <3

And yeah, I agree... I don't know... I rather see 'normal' and 'realistic' porn than all this crazy stuff... Cubs covered with semen, crying and all because they're getting raped by an over sized penis, NO THANKS.
I really don't understand how people can find it 'hot'.

And I guess that some people just don't catch their real personalities, but... I don't know. Rape in general isn't okay to me.

And you're welcome ~ :)
10 years, 6 months ago
I'll be sad to see you go. But I guess you'll still have tumblr stuff so that's good!
10 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, I'll keep uploading stuff. :)
10 years, 6 months ago
Sad to see you go. I've got some questions. What's a NSFW Tumblr? Can I have a link and password when you've made it? Do I need an account in order to see the stuff?
10 years, 6 months ago
"NSFW" is "Not Safe For Work", it means that it has sexual content. I'll give it to you guys later, when I will create it. It's not done yet.
And I don't know, as it will be something private...
10 years, 6 months ago
It's sad that your leaving. But I respect your wishes. I don't blame you for anything. Good luck though. :)
Hope things get easier for you. ^^
10 years, 6 months ago
Thanks :)

I'm just REALLY tired to see all this. ^^;
10 years, 6 months ago
No prob! ^^

And hey, you're not the only one who's tired of it. ;)
10 years, 6 months ago
OH glad to know that !! I thought I was the only one... ><;
10 years, 6 months ago
Well, looks like you're not! ^^
10 years, 6 months ago
I agree completely. I'm pissed off at what passes for acceptable on this site sometimes, it unnerving. I'm only on here to post mature stuff that isn't disgusting and follows something. I'll ask for the password once you're finished, since I like staying connected with sensible people.
10 years, 6 months ago
Haha, glad to see that you agree ! :)

Thank you so much for your support ! <3
10 years, 6 months ago
No problem. :)
10 years, 6 months ago
You know you can block via keywords and artists here, right?

The philosophy of the site is that we try to give you tools to control what you see, and in turn we allow a wide range of material.
10 years, 6 months ago
I knew that, but I just don't want to stay here. I don't want to spend my time blocking artists and keywords either, I just think that some stuff shouldn't be allowed at all.

So I'm letting people have their own fantasies, that I highly disapprove, and decided to leave.
10 years, 6 months ago
Awwh, i would really like to see more of your art.
I would like to have a link hehe -^^-
10 years, 6 months ago
I'll give it to you guys when my blog will be done ! :) ~
10 years, 6 months ago
For my personal opinion I like this place much because it allows such large scale of different things which seems usually forbidden elsewhere. There is topics that I don't like either but I just skip them without longer hesitation.

I'm sorry that you didn't feel yourself comfortable here. Hope you still have rich future as an artist and when you can turn your focus on places that you like better. It's nice to hear where and why you have gone. I'm also interested about your tumblr when you get it done. ^^
10 years, 6 months ago
Well, I forced myself to skip what I don't like for a while now, and... I guess I just grew tired of it, because at some point or another, you're bound to stumble upon something you're against... For me, it's pedophilia. And the fact that I noticed that even the fandom I belong to is starting to display this tendency just kills me, so... I rather leave.

Thanks for understanding and your kind words ! <3
I'm currently creating the blog, it'll be ready soon. :) ~
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