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tis the season to GO FUCK YOURSELF

*sighs* fuck Christmas.
i give and give and give. Good Will, hundreds of dollars in gifts, even Christmas dinner! and what do i get in return? of the 15 people i gave gifts 5 gifts went bunk, 5 wish i'd gotten them something else, 5 think i'm the greatest thing on earth, and NOT A SINGLE PERSON got me anything. all of them who got their gift before Christmas or Knew i was getting them something all gave me the same god dammed answer! "oh i'm sorry i FORGOT!" bullshit! tell me you couldn't afford it, tell me you'd already spent to much on the people closest to you, hell even tell me you just don't care! but don't you fucking dare tell me that you FORGOT.

ya know what, next year i;m just not gonna celebrate! i'm not going to set up a stupid fucking tree i spent $40 for, i'm not going to take the time and thought to spend my hard earned money and wrap you a present for you tree, and i'm NOT going to have a nice Christmas dinner with the people i'm related to or care about, because its obvious the don't give a flying fuck about me!

I'm going to make enough money to cover my death, write a will leaving that money to my family, and i'm going to request that i be cremated and dropped in a city dumpster!

THANKYOU all none of you who read this for not taking the time and for not reading this dumbass rant by someone who does not matter. i'm going to go drink myself stupid.............
Viewed: 19 times
Added: 10 years, 5 months ago
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