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A Delicious Menu of Updates

Hi everyone

Lots of updates to list. The site was actually upgraded yesterday. These journals take a long time to write as I have to dig through the task tracker to find the interesting stuff!


* Changed: New Menu system has been added. The new Sales system (when it is finally launched) introduces more links for the main menu which made the old “a few simple icons” style inadequate. It just becomes too crowded. Another advantage is that we can now move all the Account related links off the Userpage and into the menu where they belong. For more details and discussion see journal https://inkbunny.net/journalview.php?id=11548

* Added: You can now disable the upload progress meter (option is under Account Settings). This may help users that have trouble with the upload system timing-out or giving other strange errors.

* Changed: Favoriting a submission no longer requires an entire page reload. Clicking the Fav stars under a submission saves your Fav choice (it's saved once the stars stop flashing) and lets you keep browsing the page immediately.

* Changed/Added: The Notices page now shows a loading icon when performing “remove” tasks. This tells you what is really happening between your browser and the server when you click remove. Previously it looked like the remove happened instantly, even if it really took several seconds to complete the task. If you navigate away from the page before the remove request finishes, you might come back later and find the Notice is still there! This way you at least have the chance to let it finish first.

* Changed/Added: The “Accept Friend” button on the Notices page now shows a loading icon to let you know when the task is completed. Addresses the same issue as above.

* Fixed: Editing comments on Internet Explorer would remove carriage returns by mistake. Should work as expected now.

* Added: 4 new banners have been added since the last full site update.

* Added: Moderators can now gracefully Undelete submissions with a single click. Useful for when things get removed by mistake or a decision is reversed. We could undelete previously but it was a slow and manual process.

* Added: Moderators can now lock submissions into the Hidden mode. Useful for when we want to hide something while a decision is being made or while allowing an artist to make changes to a submission to comply with the ACP.

* Changed: Payment types “Special instructions” under Sales in Account Settings now accept BBCode. This means your payment special instructions can now contain links and other embedded goodies listed on https://inkbunny.net/bbcode.php

* Fixed: Shadow box effect behind really tall images shouldn't have those odd gaps in it now.

* Fixed: Advertise New Stream page now has the correct hours listed in the dropdown. It listed the 4 hours + options twice and didn't list 3 hours + due to a typo.  

* Removed: Obsolete code from back when SSL/TLS encryption was optional has been deleted.

* Added: Front page now caches database query results for Guest users every 5 minutes. This improves performance as most hits on the front page are by unregistered users.

* Optimised: Method for updating watcher's unread submissions count has been improved. Posting a new submission used to take a long time if you have a lot of watchers but it should be faster now.

* Changed: Maximum story length is now 500,000 characters (was 250,000).

* Changed: Maximum submission description length is now 100,000 (was 10,000).

* Changed: Maximum journal length is now 100,000 characters (was 10,000).

* Changed: Maximum private message length is now 100,000 characters (was 10,000).

* Fixed: Replacing files and thumbnails on Friends-only or Hidden submissions was failing. Should work fine now.

* Fixed: The remove button on Notices page now cannot be clicked repeatedly. This used to cause the Notice counter to displaying an incorrect count such as “-1”.

* Changed: Maintenance Mode screen has been enhanced. It now shows the Twitter status messages embedded in the page. It will now check via an AJAX request for when the site is back online. It used reload the whole page every 30 seconds which was useless if the site actually went totally off-air.

* Upgraded: We have upgraded to JWPlayer 5.6 for embedded Flash and Video.

* Changed: Notes view for accounts and submissions now supports BBCode (this is an admin-only thing).

* Optimised: The script that protects Friends-only/Hidden files now serves up large files in buffered chunks rather than first reading the whole file into memory and then dumping it all out once the end of the file is reached.

* Fixed: Page heading graphic for Submissions used to say “Gallery” for some reason. Now it has the correct “Submission” heading graphic.

* Fixed: Elapsed time under journal excerpts on Userpage now has its own line. When it used to come right after the journal text on the same line it often got wrapped oddly.

* Fixed: Some MP3 files would not be accepted and would return an error on upload like “unknown type”. All MP3 files should now be accepted.

* Fixed: Other minor bugs and glitches.

Thanks everyone!

Viewed: 658 times
Added: 12 years, 11 months ago
Site News Item: yes
Commenting Locked
12 years, 11 months ago
WOW. nice work :D

....by the way.....why is there no "remove comment" button for eventually misplaced comments (like such that should be a comment in reply to another comment and accidently postet as new comment)?
12 years, 11 months ago
Inkbunny is such an industrious little cutie =^..^=
All this is much appreciated, Thank you very many !
12 years, 11 months ago
Moderators can now gracefully Undelete submissions with a single click
ah ha ha ho
12 years, 11 months ago
Awesome, soooo awesome.
12 years, 11 months ago
Might I suggest Markdown to replace BBCode? The Python implementation in particular has some nice extensions, though you'd probably be more interested in the PHP implementation.
12 years, 11 months ago
I'm guessing the new banners are the same "new" banners from awhile back?
12 years, 11 months ago
Hmm... just to say, but you guys should look into wrapping flash, video, and audio content in HTML5-compliant tags and use the standard player stuff as a fallback.

Because that would just be RAD.
12 years, 11 months ago
I'd have said something extremely positive about these bug fixes, but I was too busy performing buffer overflows in Alpha Centauri. :p

These fixes, either way, are absolutely spiffing!
12 years, 11 months ago
Izzat why the Unit workshop always crashed for me whenever I tried to play one of the alien factions on a system later than Windows 98?
12 years, 11 months ago
No? Add me to an instant message contact, I'll try to fix your problems.
12 years, 11 months ago
Meh, I don't play it much any more; if I get back into it I'll try to remember to contact you.

Meanwhile, I don't do much IM stuff, but go ahead and add Alfadorfox if you're on Steam (the displayed name should be {BFG} Alfadorfox).
12 years, 11 months ago
" The new Sales system (when it is finally launched) introduces more links for the main menu which made the old “a few simple icons” style inadequate.

Ahh, so THAT'S why you couldn't just make the old style an option!

" * Added: Moderators can now gracefully Undelete submissions with a single click. Useful for when things get removed by mistake or a decision is reversed. We could undelete previously but it was a slow and manual process.

* Added: Moderators can now lock submissions into the Hidden mode. Useful for when we want to hide something while a decision is being made or while allowing an artist to make changes to a submission to comply with the ACP.

As if there were ever any DOUBT that IB is way better than FA!! XD

" * Changed: Maximum story length is now 500,000 characters (was 250,000).

Ooh, I'll have to inform a certain author who may want to recombine some story submissions.
12 years, 11 months ago
>Ooh, I'll have to inform a certain author who may want to recombine some story submissions.

Problem is, most of my halved stories now have comments/favs on both halves. I'd hate to delete anyone's comments. Then again, it often means twice the favs, so, that's cool.
12 years, 11 months ago
You could also preserve the comments by moving the whole story to one of the two submissions, with a link in the description to "archived comments" which would be from the old other, second/first half (depending on which got fewer comments you wanted on first display) trimmed to a notice that it was archived and moved to scraps.
12 years, 11 months ago
Needs to be a better way to seamlessly merge submissions with +faves/+comments, to keep things simple & tidy. :)

12 years, 11 months ago
Since the problem probably won't come up very often (just whenever someone a) has long story submissions they want to merge because the maximum length increased, or b) has multiple submissions they want to combine into one multiple-file submission once they figure out how to do that), it would probably be okay to simply open a support ticket whenever something like that is necessary--but before that service is offered, the code has to have a method for admins to do such a merge. The reason I say it might be restricted to admin use is because it seems like something that'd be terribly complicated, computationally expensive, and has the potential to muck up the database if done incorrectly. So it'd make sense to restrict its use without avoiding it entirely.
12 years, 11 months ago
That's fair enough, IMO, though I think it needs to be stressed that the story-submission lengthening affects only the text display window (which I think that if it supports the .doc format, it should support displaying .rtf as well, which last I checked, currently doesn't), as it DOES NOT affect files themselves that are submitted- As far as I know, there's still the 20MB limit in force for that.

I also think there should be added support for downloadable ebook formats, like PDF, EPUB and Kindle, since this is a major direction of distributing stories to mobile devices, as well as home computers. (While Kindle is the most popular standalone ereader, which also enjoys cross-platform mobile and desktop support, it is not the most widely-supported ebook format- That would be EPUB, which not only have commercial encryption for selling ebooks, but there are several unencrypted compilers available of this open-source platform- One I use is one with a very furry name- "eCub". PDF and EPUB also have Java readers available, which might be used for online display. As for Kindle, if users know how to upload third-party non-Amazon Kindle files- and Amazon does provide such a workaround- These should be allowed. There are one or two Kindle compilers, like Calibre.)

12 years, 11 months ago
Always nice to see progress. Thanks to the staff for all their hard work. =)
12 years, 11 months ago
Coool!!!! X3
12 years, 11 months ago
>Added: Moderators can now gracefully Undelete submissions with a single click. Useful for when things get removed by mistake or a decision is reversed. We could undelete previously but it was a slow and manual process.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Reading that made me desperately want to fling money at you, but I'm damn near broke this month!! Rest assured, when I get a bit more financially solvent, I am gonna donate to you like a mofo. If for nothing else, than for giving me such a massive Common Sense Boner.

<cries tears of joy>
12 years, 11 months ago
Nice work guys! Thank you very much for all the new features ^^
12 years, 11 months ago
Great work, guys. I'm really impressed with how you are running this site. You're doing outstanding!!!
12 years, 11 months ago
I could make LOTS of comments comparing FA to IB, Dragoneer to Starling, that wouldn't be flattering to one of these sites (though that site still has a few features I think the other should implement in due course, to make said site that's already awesome more awesome), but I'll just say.....


Between being a more conducive environment for my writing (I've written more since moving to IB than I have for the previous decade in toto!) to the on-the-ball admining and updating... I don't regret the move one bit! But just like
above, if I had the money, I'd be donating to IB! (Disability income sucks, especially when the state portion is reduced, leaving me with even less. :P )

12 years, 11 months ago
Definitely impressed. Nice work. :)
12 years, 11 months ago
Sizeable update, but when are we going to be able to search by content rating/type again?
12 years, 10 months ago
Starling, you're a magnificent bastard, you know that? Love what you and yours are doing here, don't think I could say that enough. Maybe I should show my thanks by unloading more often than I already do. ^^;

And for those of you who're too broke to donate, I'll send some monies on your behalf. :3
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