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So, hypothetically speaking... (contest related, read!)

(Note: if you don't know about my trickytray contest from last november (or don't feel like reading (or get annoyed by nested parentheticals)), ignore this for now. I'll make more sense once the contest actually starts)

I'm going to start trying to pull this contest thing together. Who'd be willing to help out? Main things I'm looking for (in no particular order)
 - Participants (duh)
 - Advertisement journals (pretty easy to do, IMO)
 - Art donations (your own services or commissions from others)
 - Site testers (not now, but when it's ready)

The contest, I've decided (with your help!) will work as follows:
1. When you enter, you'll be given a small amount "tickets." It won't be much, mind you, but it'll be something.
2. You'll then be given options for getting more tickets; these include
 - Making an ad journal for another ticket or two. I might even give you a unique URL and reward you for bringing others in.
 - Donating art. I'm not sure about how tickets this'll give you, but it'll be proportional to the value what you donate (ie, a 100x100 icon isn't the same as a fully shaded and colored, multicharacter piece)
 - Donating money. Yep, it cost a lot to do this last time. There will be set "packages" you can get.
3. You use your tickets to vote on the prizes available, as usual.
4. After a week (give or take, I'll give a specific time and date when the contest starts), the contest will closed. The drawing(s) will then be streamed for anyone who entered to watch.
5. If you won, you will be noted with what to do to claim your prize. This will be done (hopefully) within a few minutes of the drawing of the last prize.

A few notes on those:
 - Yes, donations. I will not be making a profit on this, though... if by some fluke I get more money from donations than I spent on the prizes, we'll decide what to do with it then (some charity, probably). Keep in mind, though, that this excess will NOT be given as a prize. That would make for a tricky legal situation.
 - The amount of tickets you can gain though donations will be capped; however, the amount you can donate will not.
 - Donating will increase your chances of winning, but does not, under any circumstances, guarantee you anything
 - There will be prizes designated for people who donate. You will be able to see them either way, but won't be able to bid on them unless you get a ticket package. I'm a tease, shh.
 - There will be age- and fetish- locked prizes, too. When you create your account, you'll be prompted to enter what you want to see. I take no responsibility for your lack of eye bleach.
 - If you break the rules (ie, [try to] cheat), you may forfeit your tickets and any donations you may have made.
 - If you donated art last time, but never completed it, you may not do so this time (unless you get it done, of course). Please note: this applies to me, in addition to some other artists. As such, I will not be entering my own prizes in this contest.
 - This will be open to InkBunny, SoFurry, and FurAffinity users. You must register using an account on one of these sites

Yay? Let me know if you can help, and what you think!
Viewed: 11 times
Added: 12 years, 11 months ago
12 years, 11 months ago
Same as I said on FA! Just wanted to be first commenting on here too~ :3
12 years, 11 months ago
...you goof XD
12 years, 11 months ago
I need your input on one point of the first four bullets, note me either here or on FA so I can throw what I am thinking of to you.
12 years, 11 months ago
Okies! It's done :3
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