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The fandom, a decade of learning

I started my journey in the fandom in 2006, more precisely, on August 26th 2006 at 11:56 AM. Yes I recorded that because when I joined FA I became a part of this community. I have to say that since I joined I have been challenged in my way of thinking and my attitude to the world. I started out as a immature and some what stupid person, doing idiot things. I made a name for myself, the Michigan slut. However, as I grew older and wiser, I realized that having such a title was not a good thing. So I began reforming myself into what I am today. Through the years I have seen my fair share of drama and pain, been through some painful break-ups and teary goodbyes. But I came to find people who would be there for me and I continue to find them. I am surrounded by furs who care deeply about me. I found naketa, calafin, syrios, arcnova, and many others who took me into their arms and protect me. What's more is I found friends who would be there for me when I hit dark times and weren't around just for the laughter. They held my hand and kept me from leaving the fandom and helped me heal. When I came back from this darkness I was greeted with open arms and well wishes. No other group of people has been this kind to me, no other group so sweet. Not even my christian family, who is supposed to love me could show that kind of love. The fandom has teached me not to judge others as well as shown me the compassion of its members. It has opened doors and expanded my influence beyond my surroundings. Soon I will be turning 30 years old and I have to say that the last twelve have been the best years of my life.
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Added: 7 years, 2 months ago
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