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Reverse Bestiality? A Thought Experiment. (Please reply!)

Let's say an advanced alien civilization contacted with us, wanting to study us. They'd have no reason to exploit us because they can synthesize seemingly limitless amounts of seemingly any resource.

They want to interact with us. And part of that is... they want to FUCK us! And to be honest, they are pretty attractive--even if only to furries.

This is not bestiality, right? After all, they are intelligent.

But they're too intelligent. And I'm not talking about being mental calculators, or mastering new languages in days. They're more intelligent than us ways we can't comprehend. They have higher forms of awareness that we do. Forms that compare to ours like ours compare to those of animals who think their reflections are other animals. Their comprehension is literally beyond our comprehension.

This extends to sexual awareness! Their higher forms of awareness lead to more sophistocated forms of consent that we puny humans cannot understand.

Wouldn't that be reverse bestiality? Would them fucking us be bestiality to them? And yet, they seem to have no moral qualms whatsoever with doing just that.

What would you think of that? What would be your reaction?
Viewed: 32 times
Added: 6 years, 3 months ago
6 years, 3 months ago
You grind it down to the finest powder and it's just the base instinct to perform an act that is pleasurable.

Bestiality on humans in that way? Humans quite readily know how to and not to consent, it all depends on if the AYYLMAOs know how to speak human.
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