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Judy Hoppes Kidnapped By Giant Zombie Nick Wilde

March 8th 2019 the day I was captured by a giant walker fox named Nick. It all started with the mammal virus it did not effect us pray but ever predator in Zootopia was effected by this virus It transformed your DNA to make you a  dead walker killing machine. I was part of a search and rescue division my name is Judy Hoppes age 18 its my birthday today  and I'm celebrating it by going through the heart of Zootopia looking for survivors who are trying to escape the city. But sadly on this mission my life was about to change. On the way to a safe house we where attacked by an ambush off predators one predator was a huge lion that charged our jeep and knocked it on its side. Have of us were suddenly eaten alive but I was injured badly and was witnessing my boyfriend being devoured by a zombie wolf all I can say was my heart sank and I fell unconcise. Suddenly as I laid motionless on the road I began to feel the ground shake and tremble underneath me. it was said from my survival studies that some walkers got accidentally hit with a growth ray and grew to at least 70ft tall. As I begin to wake feeling the ground around me shacking like an earthquake I look to see one of the giant walkers coming my way. It looked like a Fox wearing a green jacket and tan colored pants that  where slightly torn on one side and covered with blood on the other. suddenly the Fox stops and looms over me he crouches down to get a better view of me and he can tell that I'm scared out of my mind but at first he does not attack me or think of hurting me. Y-YOU OK C-CARROTS his voice booms. I sit up straight and say " what did you say" I ask it in confusion. I-I A-ASSKED I-IF Y-YOU A-ARRE O-OK he said again trying to find his words. " Yes I'm fine and why are you calling me carrot's" she askes the huge fox but before she gets an answer he gently pics her up and begins stomping towards what looks like an abandon amusement park. As the giant Fox is holding Judy close to him she can smell the stench of death on his body it just makes her  want to throw up but she holds it in till she sees where this giant dead predator is taking her. The Huge Fox then carefully kneels down and rips the roof of the abandon park and steps in. then he sets Judy down and sits in front of her with a huge THUD and says Y-YOU B-BE S-S-SAFE H-HERE the huge fox tells Judy. Judy looks around the park and then back at the giant walker she then carefully walks over to him and smiles and says " thank you I'm Judy what's your name I mean if you have a name " she says. She watches as the Huge Fox chooses his words M-MY -N NAME I-ISSS-IS N-NICK W-W-WILDE he answers catching a little breath of air from time to time. Judy for some odd reason tries to remember that name then it hits her she knew a Nick Wilde before when they where cubs. " OMG Nick" says Judy with gasp " Do you remember me we went to kindergarten together and you help me from Gidden Grey". J-JUDY I-I-I R-R-EMEMBER says Nick as he tries to smile. Judy runs up to Nick and hugs his huge pointer finger " Nick OMG I'm so happy its you " Judy begins to cry and as she does Nick gently pics her up hugs her and says J-J-JUDY I-ILL -K-KEEP Y-YOU S-S-SAFE he says. Judy forgetting that Nick is now a huge 70ft tall zombie nuzzle her head up against the remaining chest fur of Nick and cuddles with him. Nick then gently moves his body to the laying down position and holds his little bunny closer to him and says G-G-GOODNIGHT C-C-CARROTS I-I-I L-L-LOVE Y-Y-YOU. " Oh Nick I love you to " says Judy " Goodnight you big dead cute fox you " says Judy. And so Judy and her big zombie boyfriend Nick fall off to sleep with Nick giving Judy one little death breath kiss that again gives Judy the gag reflex. Nick giggles and grunts then he to falls off to sleep holding his cute little bunny safe and sound. THE END                                    
Viewed: 24 times
Added: 6 years ago
5 years, 8 months ago
Walker: *growling*

*stabs it in the head as other walkers walks towards me, growling at me*
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