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Hey guys,

I know I haven't been active lately, and in my periods of time in which I am totally away from this stuff (with this persona at the very least) I've been a much happier person.

I'm not going to delete the account because I know there's art on here that's hard to find or host around the web. So instead, I'm going to change my password so that I'll stay away. That means I won't be able to respond to anything anymore. So for the final time: The sound effects were all sampled from soundboard sites (free and paid) or were clipped from Youtube videos. Sometimes I would higher the pitch to make the voices sound younger.

Lots of people share concerns about my safety, but I assure you everything is fine! Healthy and good, and much more mentally stable when away from this kind of art. So please don't worry and I'm sorry I have to leave.

Stay safe, take care of yourselves!


Made one more comment to this post about addiction. Hopefully that will answer some questions.
Officially logging off now. Bye everyone! <3
Viewed: 2,278 times
Added: 4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 7 months ago
If you make a new account for different content will we be made aware of it so we me follow and watch the new stuff?
4 years, 7 months ago
I guess if your happier we'll see ya on the other side
4 years, 7 months ago
I'm happy you're finding your own happiness. Be safe out there, not just because of the weird stuff you drew, but in general. People are crazy in the world! XD

*hugs lots* May we meet in another form, friend!
4 years, 7 months ago
We'll miss you. Hope everything forward is nothing but positive!
4 years, 7 months ago
I mean this in the best way, but I hope I never see you again. I hope you better yourself, and I know I should follow suite. If you ever wanna message me, maybe we could be there for eachother, but that's alright. I hope all goes well. It was nice knowing ya.
4 years, 7 months ago
Live life your best eh? I've been planning on doing something the same too
4 years, 7 months ago
Sad to see you go but do what feels best for you. Stay safe
4 years, 7 months ago
You will be missed.
4 years, 7 months ago
Some people have been PMing me asking why so I thought I would give an explanation:

I have a porn addiction. Porn is fine for a lot of people, but when you have an addiction, it becomes a pretty terrible thing. I've been getting treated and have had a few stints of staying away from it for a long time, and when I do I am a happier person. Taking away a trigger is a big part of healing and that's why I need to leave this account.

I have way too much to say about addiction as I think it's not intrinsically well understood. Addiction comes not from a point of seeking a good feeling, but smothering a depression. When abusing a substance you suppress dark feelings and never actually deal with them. I lost sleep to porn, missed important life moments because of it, and generally felt awful and guilty after. If you ever come to a point where you realize you might be making your life worse by participating in any specific activity, I highly suggest reading a book or watching a documentary on addiction. Even if you find out you aren't addicted, that's great! But it will also help you be more understanding to people who do suffer from addiction.

I hope that helps in understanding. I'm officially logging out now, so I won't be able to respond to pms.
Take care of yourself
4 years, 7 months ago
Take care, I was pretty interested in your main character. I wish you the best, and (a lot people) likes sex, but addiction is always dangerous. Why I can't be addicted to work ? *sigh*
4 years, 7 months ago
I'll jusy say this:

Porn addiction is not as easy to deal with as people online say it does. When you're out there please do what you can to get treatment, leaving/deleting an account for stuff like that is never enough.

Best of luck out there, take care~
4 years, 6 months ago
-Actually i have to say, I'm glad you're becoming happy I remember every discord message I sent to you of help whit that and in happy you're getting carried away from this thing... But aside I'm sad me cause I'm losing a really great friend like you, there are ways to be in the furry and not becoming addict to porn... If you come again please Pm me QwQ... We are gonna miss you Wyrmly/Rappey <3
10 months, 2 weeks ago
I was wanting to message them and become friends, but now i see this post and im sad.
4 years, 6 months ago
I’ve always enjoyed your work, and I hope you the best of recovery from your porn addiction. I mean I am addicted to it too, but it doesn’t stop me from missing out on important family events.
4 years, 5 months ago
Your jellybean is gonna miss you, mommy <3
3 years, 7 months ago
Good luck, I know how difficult overcoming an addiction can be.  I admire you for recognizing it and having the balls to deal with it before it's too late  Feel free to reach out to me if you ever need a wolf to talk to about such things.  Being happy and finding a healthy balance in life is what's important.  
3 years, 6 months ago
i hope you're doing well.
3 years, 1 month ago
Wish you the best! I’ll miss ya
2 years, 1 month ago
I just wish there was some way to contact you, I just really wanna know more about you and discuss business related stuff with you. Does anybody know any way at all to find you?
1 year, 9 months ago
This post glows like the sun
1 year, 3 months ago
Hope bro is doing well
6 months ago
I hope you are doing better, its nic to hear you are happier
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