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My web page opened!

I made my web page and uploaded 3 interactive arts there!
You can now play these with your web browser.
Cafe moon drop (Khalua ,the pink bunny boy)
Maple Syrup (Youka, the fox girl)
Euphoric tentacles (Luo, the dolphin type girl)
Mobile device are not officially supported however, some mobile device can run my art!

Please visit and enjoy!

If this is well-received, I'll consider updating frequently.

Viewed: 333 times
Added: 4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
Unity Web GL! Nice! I played a bit with Youka, it looks nice :)
4 years, 1 month ago
i hope it dosnt gets the same fate like hanages page >_>
for those which dont want to click the journal the story in short.
hanages page got archived because it had too less unique IP´s visiting the site =w=
iunno why a webprovider would do such shit but the webproviders explanation was "too less unique users, so we provider our traffic to somehwhere else blabla" they probably didnt made enough money with hanages page via addverts etc. >w>
4 years, 1 month ago
really great friend, you are the best, I will consider support you to get the uncensored versions of the two first nwn
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