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Another day, another trump supporter Hoax to debunk. (#suitcasegate)

The claim: Poll workers gave Biden 185,420 votes after the election monitors left for night via suitcases they had under the table. At 1.36am Nov 4

Do I really need to explain that is impossible for that number of people?  Amount of time? Or the fact that they couldn’t even pick up the suit cases if they had that many votes in them ?  

Look at it this way, 500 sheets (1 ream) of paper are about 5lbs. Election ballot paper is heavier but we will ignore that for now. That means that the collective weight would be able 463lb per suitcase. They showed (4) in their evidence video.  

185,420 ballots (one ballot per sheet) ÷ 500 sheets of paper = 370.84 x 5 lbs. (per 500 sheets = 1854.2 lbs. ÷ (4) suitcases = each weighing about

463 lbs. each.... and these women dead lifted that...  

(For reference, here is a photo of what 180,00 sheets of 20# 8.5x11 paper looks like

https://i.imgur.com/HJ79O5S.jpg   <-- you need pallets and a forklift just to move it.)

Moved at the speed of the flash... and loaded them all into the system with trump monitors in the building.  Oh, did you not know about that part? Yeah, it seems the election monitors where still in the building. They never left; they just followed the other poll workers out of the small area ( with others watching in the distance ). They can come and go as they please. They just decided to stop watching the people at the desk.

And to make matters worse, this is not even new. That video has been gone over and over by our conservative run voting system in GA.

So, what next? Did space aliens help Biden kick trumps ass in GA? Knowing how a certain trump supporter with a cigar in his mouth thinks, this is probably next. Honestly , are you Magatards tired of winning yet ? How many times are you going to make us beat you ?

Source:  https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/12/fact-check-v...
Viewed: 19 times
Added: 3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
Part of it is they're just complaining they where kept back as per covid protection rules, the other part is they lost and the lying sack of trash doesn't have proof to keep judges from laughing at them. Honestly, if IF by some slim chance something did happen (which I don't believe did) the country is better off in Biden's hands. I'm tired of a leader that has no regard for public safety having super plague spreaders, I'm tired of the lies, tired of having to suffer insults from inbred hillbilly scum just because I have to enforce mask rules because the boss says for us to. Worst of it, the call for hate and even violence by Tweet. The whole orange cult is nothing but traitors to the country!
3 years, 6 months ago
I would have honestly been impressed if the DNC could cheat to do this. Trump side already is doing that with gerrymandering and other rules that they setup to keep as many liberals from voting as possible. And yeah same.  Also did you see they have doxed one of the workers in that video "skunk fucker is doing it on inkbunny " and rednecks are now sending her death threats ?
3 years, 6 months ago
And just like that.... the GOP hand picked guy over the election here explains what was going on in the video and tells the trump supporters that was not fraud or hidden under the table ballots.


Now here is the sad part , one of the women in the video is now getting death threats.... There are people on this very site posting her name and talking about her being arrested and happy about it. Imagine doing your job and then having people destroy your life because their cult leader lost. And none of them will accept that what they did was wrong.
3 years, 6 months ago
The cowards would threaten someone with death, violence is all the inbred hillbilly trash knows. If they aren't driving around in gun mounted APCs scaring little old ladies they're killing peaceful protesters...
3 years, 5 months ago
The problem with your journals is, you bring forth a perspective that the other side will refuse to read. The people who need to read it will not read it. I made the same point in my Misinformation journal.

I am not liberal or conservative, and even I see the hoaxes. I fight against lies and misinformation, and oh boy, one party is loaded with WAY MORE than the other, and I know you know which one it is. *sighs* Even my Conservative friends are going "Maybe... just maybe... our party needs reform... And most likely, we need to think about things when our people are supporting... actual nazis..."
3 years, 3 months ago
yeah its like , its not a conversation with a lot of them. its who can say the most hurtful thing back to score points for their side. Facts don't matter anymore it seems. I honestly hope they have at least stopped trying to harass the poll workers I mentioned above. I also apologize for only now seeing your comment. I wasn't ignoring you. I am really bad at notifications on this site because i am mostly on discord.
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