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So… Yet another unplanned hiatus happened. I’m sorry.

The title says it all.

I tried not to do it this time. I really did. But life finds a way to get in the way of everything. It always does.

Every time I would try to write something substantial, writer’s block would come in and say, “Fuck you! You don’t get to do that!”

I know I likely shouldn’t be apologizing for something completely out of my control, considering I don’t write most of the content I post here for a living, but it still feels terrible to have been gone this long again while leaving you all hanging.

I might as well give a few life updates while I’m here.

I ended up quitting that job again. A miracle situation ended up happening with housing, and I don’t have to work now. For real, this time. Sure, it would get us some extra money, but if I end up working again, it’d only be for a few hours a week.

I’m finally free.

Unfortunately, this hasn’t meant that my creative process with writing was automatically refreshed and restored. No, that came back slowly. Very slowly. Had writer’s block for like… nine months at this point, or something like that.

Well, I finally started writing something substantial tonight. Something fun and interesting. Something I’ve never quite written before without being commissioned, and something I never thought I’d find attractive.

I’m not going to spoil what it is, but I’m hoping (keyword: hoping) to have this out within the week. If I don’t, well… life struck again. But if I do, you’ll have something meaty to sink your teeth into for the first time in a while. It’ll mean I’ll have another set of characters to write about, which means less time for my existing characters, but I’ll manage. At least, I hope I will.

Anyway, enough rambling. It’s good to be back, and I hope I’ll see you all very soon.

— Paradox
Viewed: 37 times
Added: 1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
Definitely a big welcome back, 'specially since there wasn't much heard from you for over a year.  Minus the couple story and lift postings a few couple of times.  Hopefully things will get better than now, and stay better for you.
1 year, 8 months ago
I hope they'll stay better, too. :3
1 year, 8 months ago
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