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Why I Greatly Dislike AI Art

Honestly, while it may be nice for some concept/reference art perhaps, I personally don't like what has been unleashed. I see more and more people posting AI generated art, and lots of it at a time, and I feel like this website (Stable Diffusion) is a lazy and empty means of posting cheap art. I look at these art posts and I see emptiness behind them, because I know that there was no effort put into them.

Nevermind the fact that a lot of the time, AI art is hit or miss depending on the words you input. Heck, I don't even need to be told that what someone posts is AI art or not because after seeing it enough times, you begin to recognize that emptiness behind them. In short, stuff like that lacks any soul. There's no "life" in them. Even if the content is something I'm into, I feel nothing when viewing these because they're just empty shells of real art. I guess "empty" is the best word I can use to describe these.

The whole point of enjoying art is that distinction in art styles between artists and how they depict things. Some styles may be similar. Others can be much different. But at least they all seem "real" because at least I know that a human being created it with his own two hands. Not so much when you type a few words in a field and watch a website churn out some random result based on those words, that you have NO control over. In the end, how can you even call it yours?

Anyone who tries to argue that morphs be lumped in with AI art based on what I've said...no. Even morphs or photo/art manipulations require some work and effort to produce a specific result. I'll take morphs any day over AI art, because at least I know they have "soul" behind them.

Bottom line, I really believe that this whole AI art thing is a bad idea that'll only bring out people merely pretending to be artists, who don't have the motivation to put in real effort into making actual art. In fact, I'm already beginning to unwatch anyone who chooses to post (mostly) AI art and not their own self-made art because I don't want my art notifications flooded with fakes.

It's one thing to use it privately for concepts and perhaps references. But when you post stuff like that, it just sends the message that you're too lazy to make it yourself. AI is never going to be precise to a person's vision of what they want. So there's really no sense of achievement. Anyway, I hope enough artists who read this will take my opinion seriously, because I feel like Stable Diffusion is a Pandora's Box being opened.
Viewed: 18 times
Added: 1 year, 7 months ago
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