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I want to open up.

I know that opening up emotionally in a public forum is sometimes in bad taste, but I feel explaining an issue to my audience.

A few are aware of my personal life and background, I've been dealing with a lot of a abusive people in my life even up to recent times. All of that baggage created a lot of self loathing and low self esteem issues that translated into my art. A lot of my friends and people that know about my art have asked the same question: "Why don't you draw more of..." Take your pick, High Gear Club, Bonding, Strings, Trick or Treat... etc?. Well, up to a month ago, I had a break through with my therapist about my issues. This very important breakthrough with my emotions explained why I did (didn't) do the things this way. I seem like I stalled or not really doing much of anything for a while. Well, I never stop drawing, in fact... I always draw, it has become my coopping mechanism and stress release. The truth is that I haven't posted most of my art at all. A few close friends have seen some of it, but over 80% to 85% of my art has never been posted (and never will). Why because its either vent art for myself or drawing other's characters and art styles for practice.

Why am I opening up about this? Because, its a symptom of an emotional issue that I've been dealing with, I don't love myself or my characters. I was drawing comics and pin ups of other's OCs and I realized, "why don't I draw my own? Why don't I show this level of love to my own characters?" All the practice in the world won't make up for the lack of attention to my own imagination and worlds. I saw what I was doing, it wasn't practice, it was just a way to dodge my own art and imagination. A coopping mechanism became just an escapist mechanism for me to justify abandoning my own concepts. This is why I didn't draw Libra outside of commissions or some (rare) vent art, this is why it takes me forever to draw comics that include my own characters. I feel like I've betrayed myself and let others down because of my own inactions on dealing with my emotional issues. I kept coming for excuses on why I didn't continue certain projects or why I never drew my OCs anymore... the reason, because I didn't like myself enough to draw them.

All of this stemed from years of abuse by my parents as a child and others later in life. Please don't take this journal as a "oh, woe is me." There are no victims, except for my audience, because I feel like I've let you down. Yes, there have been legitimate issues that have slowed down my progress, but I am at fault when there was opportinities to draw my own things I didn't take them. Too often I went "Oh, how about I draw this character, I would like to practice that style." Or "How about if I drew a short comic about this character and he was a suit all this time!" In most cases, I could have used my own characters and I could have double or trippled my gallary by now if I had. Thanks to this epiphany, I will close that chapter of my life and I have started to concentrate on my own art, OCs and concepts. Actually I'll start posting them very soon in fact.

I want to apologize to my audience for failing to deliver when I could have. I didn't mean to drag anyone into my own emotional baggage. I hope you can understand and you'll see changes pretty soon.
Viewed: 130 times
Added: 1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Oh well I for one am glad you let it out only in your own pace , it really is good to open up about stuff that happened in your past , my psychiatrist told me to do that and talk to friends and family about things that happened to me I know if I could draw again,, some of the stuff I went through was so bad it would scare people, lot of people I told was like I would kill myself if I went through that and believe I almost did it one day I got home from school I had my dad's 22mag. Gun to my head , but no worry's you have friends and a good furry family here , *hugs tight*
1 year, 5 months ago
I...don't know what to say...
First of all, it's very important to put a verb to what are you thinking
I think you're not a failure to your audience, since you post what you consider to post, so, i think there's nothing wrong there when you said that you don't post the ~85% of what you produce, as well i don't consider that you're a failure when you take ages to publish something related to your OCs. As an example, it took me 6 years to publish one new draw, and i think it was magestic to do so, since it took too much time to do so (And i've several ideas to do in my back log, and cant make time to do them because i dont know how to do so!).
I don't foget about the cause, and i think you're doing what you can do to heal, at your own pace, and that's what really matters. I've my own things, and i'm trying to heal as well
I do understand you when you said that you use art as a stress relief, i try to so

*hugs* Don't worry about us, as usually say: "First of all, take care yourself, if you're good, we're good"
cheers from Argentina!
1 year, 5 months ago
I really feel like a certain someone took advantage of you for so long, that it's like the tale of the giving tree. He took and he took and, how often did he give anything to you? Sorry to hear about the abuse you suffered earlier in life. All I know is you had a good established universe going and it just seemed like "he" hoarded it.

And while we had a bit of a shaky start when I started commissioning from you, due to my rather OCD nature of wanting pictures just right, I've since learned to ease up on that and accept that artists aren't always going to get certain details exactly right and how it can be stressful for one to be held to such high expectations...a lesson, unfortunately, that I learned too late since I can't go back to FA to commission anyone unless they have accounts here.

But this isn't about me. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate you opening up like this and that I hope things really look up for you, going forward.
1 year ago
I remember you attacking me and threatening to ruin my business if I didn't hire your boyfriend at the time to build my website. Is that the abuser you're speaking of here?
1 year ago
hi, first let me apologize for that. Yes, I'm sorry that you were abused like that. I do remember the episode, I'm sorry about that, I didn't do that by choice. I'm sorry for not reaching out. He's not my boyfriend, he was just an abuser, he saw you as a threat to his hold and he wanted to get rid of you because he saw anyone as a threat to his control. I would never threaten anyone their livelyhood like that @w@.

I really, truely apologize for that.
1 year ago
I sent you a detailed note but wanted to say here that I forgive you and you saying that makes me feel better... A lot better.

Thank you.
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