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Now being single, all I can think about is the fact that I have absolutely no one to do things with, aside from my family.
I'm just pathetic.
Dunno how to even connect with people any more because I'm not part of any groups or community so that's a bust.
Fuck this sucks.
Viewed: 15 times
Added: 1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
Okay, here's some Life Advice:
Being Single gives you the perfect time to get your life in order. Decide what you want to achieve in 2023 and build yourself a roadmap to get there. break it down into easy 30 day, 60 day and 90 day goals. being single simply means you have no one holding you back, no distractions to derail your plans. this is all up to you, looking over your last three journals you want more followers, than crank out more art! or try posting more stories. look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself what it is you want, and make a plan to get it. it is not really that hard. it takes motivation and effort, combined with stoic determination.

Try getting outside and go for a walk to clear the mental cobwebs from your thinking meat. being cooped up in your room is not good for your mental health. if you feel you NEED help in that department, GO GET IT! Make 2023 the year of NO MORE EXCUSES! it is far too easy to give up at the first sign of resistance. You must Persevere! Get Off Damn "Social Media" it will suck your soul out, flooding you with nothing but bad news.(Social Media Is A Social Disease!) put it away for a week (I'd suggest a month, but that might me too extreme) and see how your mood improves.

I tend to write every day, I am going to be working on improving my art and am starting to explore some 2D animation via "Flipaclip" give it a try, (it's a free DL) you can have a lot of fun with it. in other words... STOP MOPING & FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF!  just ask yourself, is it really helping you achieve your goals?

Where you are now in your life is a direct result of the actions and choices you made in the past, if you are NOT where you want to be, then Change the direction of your life, Reassess your life and all the positions you hold, if they are not bringing you to where you want to be in life, than Jettison them for something that will get the results you are looking for. is it easy to reinvent yourself? No, is it worth it? Hell Yes!

start making a list of what you want to achieve by the end of 2023. Be Specific! start with the basics and work out from there, then make a list of everything standing on the way of you achieving these goals. for example, if you want a job, then why not start your own small business? you would be amazed what you can do with very little start up costs

what are your hobbies? can you monetize them to bring in some extra income? try volunteering at a local food bank, it will get you out of the house and meeting people, it will allow you to network within the community you live in and you never know where that will lead. besides you are generating positive karma helping others, and who knows, you may qualify for some programs that will help you achieve your goals for the year. think of the motto "Find A Need And Fill It"  

Get away from Toxic People! you don't need it, and it's bad for your mental health.  listen to this audiobook, it will help give you some perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZTJsYuAsNc put it on and just listen. it's called
"The Richest Man In Babylon" If you want to seriously "un-fuck" your life, think of this as a good first step. it may take you a couple of run throughs, but the concepts are sound, and applicable to your life.

This is advice from a "Graymuzzle" who has been here over 60 years. (I'm older than Google!) you don't get to BE this old without learning a thing or two about life. you sound like you are calling out for help, here ya go, consider this your "Dutch Uncle" talk. "Perspective: use it or lose it"
feel free to PM me or continue the discussion here. Clearly, what you are doing is NOT working in your life, think of this as a way to get your life back on track. depression SUCKS! I know, i beat it and got my life back. so don't tell me it can't be done.
Make 2023 your best year yet!
1 year, 3 months ago
Sorry, ive been meaning to reply to this for a bit and keep getting distracted with work and other things X.X

plan wise, ive actually been working on that for a bit, even before the split. While i dont have a ton of short term goals outside of getting more active so that i can then make plans to truly work on getting more in shape, i do have a 3-5 year goal of saving money to get a house built.
A big goal for sure, but one that with all the planning ive been doing around what i make at my job, is doable in as little as 3 years.

Id definitely say that my biggest problem is motivation to do my shorter term goals however. Partially due to the whole "im not seeing results" mentality (one of the reasons i stopped drawing long ago sadly), and times where i really want to try and keep up with my goals and just... cant. Like, i fully want to and know i have the time/energy, but for some reason just cannot physically get myself to do whatever it is im trying to do.
With followers, i actually dont mind not having many followers. Silly im sure. I like the fact that i know i can kind of come here and rant or just purge my thoughts knowing that im not necessarily going to get interaction but have the chance to. Which, considering my need of interaction lately, is actually quite the opposite of what most would think lol.

Ive started trying to bike around at least 2-3 times a week to get out of the house and help get active, and also have started going to the local Y to play around in the racquetball court with my brother twice a week for both of us to be active. So far, im a week behind, since i really only started this week, but its a start. Im hoping that at the very least i can keep up the gym stuff with my brother. Ended up not biking today since i got off work later and then showered and cooked lol. but i still have plenty of week to bike 2 more times lol.

Ironically, i actually dont really get on social media. Ive only recently been scrolling facebook occasionally again, and thats really to just check meme pages i follow. technically there is tumbler, but thats even more so just me looking at funny things. Lack of social media is fine with me since i do my best to stay off it. Hell, thats why i found out a local hobby shop had burned down about a month after the fact XD

I am doing my best to no mope anymore. Recently made a new friend and thats actually helped since i have someone to talk to more often. keeps me from brooding. I think one of the reasons i have been putting of doing anything art related, is because ill end up using it as an excuse to not be active. Doing my best to avoid giving myself excuses.

As for my goals list, its pretty simple so far:
-Lose 50Lbs.
-do a physical activity at LEAST 3 times a week. (i miss being more in shape)
-Do something social at least every other Friday, either going to the local hobby shop, or playing pool at the local pool hall. Speaking of, actually got invited to a table just before i had decided to leave the first day i did this, and made me have a great night after.

Thats... Thats about it so far lol.

I Greatly appreciate all the advice, and will do my best to use it as well as i can! If im able to keep up with my minor goals, im hoping to have completed my first one by mid year or sooner.

Thank you again, i truly mean it.

Edit: on a semi-side note, i should edit the last 2 recordings i have of a horror game playthrough so i can post them on YT so its complete lol
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