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Reflecting on 2022 as we go into 2023

This has been quite a year for me, a lot has happened, both good and bad, but as there's barely an hour left for the year to end, I want to share some reflections...

Back in late october, my laptop screen got busted and it ruined my art output... I have harped a lot about it on twitter, I need to focus on saving up comission money so I can get it and get my art output back, but until then, I have to truly adapt and overcome, I think the solution is finally here...  I'm gonna start seriously scheduling my days.

Along with artwork, I also have a youtube gaming channel, I used to do let's plays but nowadays I've been focused on fully edited reviews, output on that one hasn't been ideal either, so I cut my losses and started frontloading my videos.

I made 4 videos during december that I am going to start uploading weekly, every wednesday, that will give me plenty of time to frontload more videos and keep the output consistent, this new breathing room I gave myself has inspired me further regarding my art.

My week, starting on Jan 1st is gonna be scheduled proper, I can't multitask, any attempt at it has only derailed me further, so instead, each day of the week will be focused on one task, and one task only.  Like one day I'll make a video, another I focus on art, and so on.

This way, the stuff I want to do is gonna be better organized, productivity gets in a healthy rythm, and I don't get burdened with overchoice, where the indecision on what to do locks me up and end up doing nothing.

Along with working on projects and also working my little store I run at my local market, I'm gonna make sure to get back into doing regular excersize, the pandemic ruined me, and I need to recover, I lost 35 kg in 2020 by simply going out on walks, I want that again.

Finally, with everything properly organized, it will also give me plenty of room to deal with day-to-day life at home, and also do personal stuff, like gaming, or hanging out with friends, it's not perfect, but I feel this is a good starting point.

Lastly... Of course, starting January I will focus on finishing the c*mmissions I owe, I seriously apologize to all my clients x.x losing my laptop threw a wrench on everything, so I plan to start the year working hard to make up for the lost time.

That's all I have on mind right now, I hope everyone is having an awesome new year, and that everything you set yourself to make comes true!
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Added: 1 year, 5 months ago
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