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Why is the right so unfunny?

Just as the title says, why do y'all think right wingers just aren't funny? This isn't even about edgy or offensive humor. I'm an edgy boy & I do think you can "punch down" and still be funny. The thing is, right wing comedians just...aren't funny. Right wing "comedy" isn't really comedy, it's more like they make statements about their beliefs & try to frame them as jokes when they aren't.
Viewed: 38 times
Added: 5 months ago
5 months ago
Their version of humor is just saying a slur or smth. There's no punchline. It's just "Haha look what I said for pure shock value."
5 months ago
Comedy is an art, and Rightoids have zero creativity and even less respect for those who have it. Combine that with 'being Conservative' being the beginning and end of many of their personalities, and that's why Conservative Comedy is such a collection of duds.

This here is also a great breakdown of the reasons why.
5 months ago
I've seen that video before and it's really great
5 months ago
If there's one thing I disagree with in the vid, it was the characterization of Ron White as a 'Conservative Comedian.' While he may vote 'R' in November, nothing about his set that I'm familiar with seems a uniquely Conservative lens on comedy. More a 'Conservative who is a comedian' than a 'Conservative Comedian.' Heck, my favorite bit of his is him dunking on his queerphobic cousin, which seems a very anti-Conservative joke.
5 months ago
The same could be said for any political "side". Just like a lot of overtly left-wing stuff isn't funny, the right-wing stuff can easily be the same level of unfunny.

Personally, I see overt political tribalism "comedy" as cringe no matter what side it is becasue their jokes always consist of "Other side stupid, hee hee hee!"

I'd rather see someone make fun of politics in general, and how close the left and right really are in America (they both love screwing people over, they both love wars, they both love big corporate money, they both love insider trading, they both love raising their own pay while regular people suffer, and so on) or, better yet, even completely avoid politics because it is so overdone.

Everybody has a different sense of humor.

What you may see as hilarious, to someone else could completely fall flat and be cringe, and vice-versa.
5 months ago
" The same could be said for any political "side". Just like a lot of overtly left-wing stuff isn't funny, the right-wing stuff can easily be the same level of unfunny.

I couldn´t have said it better. Agreed.
5 months ago
5 months ago
I don't think it's a both sides thing. A lot of left leaning humor is pretty funny, and I'm not just saying that because I'm left leaning, either. I know for awhile a hug problem with the left (or at least the loud parts of it) is they were sticks in the mud. Think around 2012-2016, when the term "SJW" was first used and actually had a meaning to it (rather than how conservatives use it now as a pejorative for anyone to the left of them.) That being said, it seems that portion of the left has gotten quieter or they've mellowed out.

Look at a lot of conservative humor. "Lady Ballers" for instance. It was created by the Daily Wire which isn't even a comedy studio, it's a right wing news organization. The people involved are conservative commentators. Take a look at the "jokes" presenting in it. They treat the concept of trans women and drag queens interchangeably, which shows they don't even know enough about the material they're satirizing to properly make fun of it. It's tired, boring, and overdone. In the movie the men wearing dresses beat all the women in every athletic field which is based on the assumption that any 'ol man can beat any woman athlete. Both of these false premises aren't even really there to be comical but to push their actual beliefs. The movie wasn't even really marketed as trying to be funny but it touted itself as "the most triggering movie ever!" That's the thing; most conservative humor is meant to push a narrative and the humor is secondary to that goal.
5 months ago
Can mostly speak out for an European point-of-view: essentially because at the beginning of twentieth century there was a rich leftist underlayer of intellectuals and writers who engaged in criticism  against the monarchist and the colonialist politics. They often found work in the nascent entertainment industry and it fed on new young intellectuals, writers, thinkers and comedians who used ironic art to convey a political message while the government press used nineteenth-century, militaristic and patriotic rhetoric to justify colonial enterprises, military spending and the bloodbath of the First World War.
Little has changed since then: except for the growing amount of people (just looking at these comments) who thinks "it's all the same, it's all equal" essentially because they grew disillusioned with what politics is, this is unfortunately the product of the same Western-capitalist society that wants individuals disinterested in the political debate (and therefore easy prey)

5 months ago
Why should hate be funny?

Politics are only funny when they don't affect you.  Politicians will say anything to anyone to gain more power.
5 months ago
It is far easier to shine a light on the absurd, then it is to frame common decency in absurdity.
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