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January 2024 Check In

Hey guys, happy holidays, things have been very rough for the new year for me so lets get into it.

I've been continuing to draw the problem is just getting my ideas somewhere because the moment I think of something my brain just forgets it or I move to another idea. This year I just want to write down my ideas that I can come back to later. I've been wanting to draw different kinks and scenarios for a while but there are so many to choose from. I've also been thinking about redoing some OC and Sona refs, also making OCs too, I gotta to write those down too. But I think about it too much and how much to put in for a OC like personality, a gimmick, hobby things like that, I don't know how much to put into the things you create.. see I thinking about it too much. But I just want to write the things as I just think about it

So over winter break I got sick and it was really bad to where it just hindered me for about 2 weeks, and worst it was right around the end of my break. Then going back to college was rough, the depression setting in. I really want out of college, but I'm too close to finishing to where I'm trapped in college. But I'm doing slightly better, I think I miss having the time to just work on myself more than education can teach. In college, I've lost myself, lost my soul and now I'm trying to find it again. I can't really explain more than that.

--On my mind--
I've been thinking about all the hobbies I try to do, drawing and writing mostly, and about howw I feel like a "jack of all trades." Just trying to do everything all at once when I can barely get anything done. It feels like my brain is on overload and then it fries itself for me not to get overwhemed. I'm in a cycle of getting nothing done. Also I've been thinking about how I need help or guildance on things, I don't use the most obvious thing; the internet. When I'm doing nothing or just minding myself buiness I don't think about the stuggles I have with things. I ask othe people more than looking it up. I didn't know what information is important and what is just nothing on the internet so that's why I ask other people more. Also there is too much information for me to break down and pick out what is important, sounds like a basic education skill I should have learned but still in college not feeling like I'm learning anything. Also and I guess this is more of the furry side of things: how when other make sonas or OCs and how they just fit with their characters. Basically how artsist love their sonas and OCs to the point of the two being connected. Through art or media, everyone I see just connects with their creations. I'm struggling to even draw my sona more tthan anything because there is still something missing and also while I want to make more OCs, I'm afriad of not liking them and scrapping them. I really am diconnected from everything.

I'll admit this check in feels a bit shorter and more scattered. I feels like I didn't have much to say because most of what I say has been said already and if I say it now then you're reading the same message over and over again. But that's all I have to say, I'll answer any questions you have.
Small side note: I don't do this for attention or whatever, I got interested from Milachu's journals and thought I could try and see how I can do this, plus I just like talking and won't stop lol. Take it easy everyone and thank you for your time
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Added: 4 months, 1 week ago
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