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Going on a Hiatus For a Bit

Hello There,

I'm done with the Alphabet Superset.

For my own health and well being, I've decided to stop weekly stories as well as take a break from writing in general. There are some real life difficulties that have come apparent to me and they require my attention first.

I am grateful for each and every one of you and your support of my work, but I really need to step back and question the content I'd like to write. I've been feeling disconnected from my passion for a while now and I need some distance to figure it out.

When you're drowning, sometimes you need to get out of the pool to understand why.

I do still fully intend to write again in the future, but when that will be is not known to me at the present. Regardless, I hope you are all still waiting for me when I do.

I wish you all the peace and joy and happiness in the world!

Viewed: 3 times
Added: 3 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Don't worry i'll be here when you come back. Take all the time you need.

Take care and hope we will see you sooner than later
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Yevon, my friend! I thank you for being around since the start of my journey. When I come back, I want to write something even better than Testing the Waters! It'll be hard, but I know I'll be able to. Stay safe and sane out there!
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Oh that's ambitious and I'm excited. I'm sure you can pull it off
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