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Hey there, Hope ya all remember me...

Hey Folks,

How's it going?

So here I am,

I want to start to apologise for anyone I had befriended on here, or RP, or likewise..  I miss drawing, i miss RP,  I miss you all,

But I had to change something, I was going to end up dead through being inactive and by my mind not being happy.

So i had to put the anchors on hard,

Get a Job that paid better and let me grow a little

Get a life outside the pc. i had 2 close friends who ended up having a kid together and moving a " not next door" away distance. i had no-one to go out with, and the world started to feel very lonely.

a year ago, i got a job in a start-up in robotics, working as a workshop technician.
I'm the oldest there by 20 years or so, but i just got moved up to " design engineer "

its cool hours, and rewarding ............. but its tiring, i wish i had found this 20 years ago.

I turned 40 in October last year and had my first adult holiday in my life to Japan , proposed to my partner,while there and am now engaged.

i run the Alien RPG every other week and have a lil socal group.. looking at the walking dead soon..

things are looking up, and starting to move.

I learnt of
passing and that hit me Hard. I would love to draw a picture but I'm not sure how i feel about it.. or if i could manage it emotionally,.

I want to draw sometimes, but i feel like i betrayed you all and i just feel like I'm not worthy anymore, that and i wish i could free up some time to try and make some more, or colour in someone's line art..  i

So i thank you all for all the watches and faves, i miss you all,

I don't think i can RP like i did anymore, but if someone has an interesting lineart i can work with, lets see it and it might get the fires going. you all seen my collabs with Ether, you know what i like..

Big hugs


Viewed: 59 times
Added: 3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 1 week ago
yeah i remember you, glad to see you are back
3 months, 1 week ago
Heya! I remember you! You were one of the first people to draw my little fox and I still smile every time I look back through my gallery and see it. It's great to see you peek your head in again, and I hope you can stick around, if you'd like to.

For what it's worth, from a total nobody, I don't think you have to feel guilty or like you betrayed anyone. Life happened, like it does to us all, and it sounds to me like you did what was the best things you could for yourself. Your well being and happiness come first, and I'm glad that, from the sound of things, they worked out all right. Speaking of which, congratulations on both the new job and especially on getting engaged! That's fantastic!

Whether you decide to stick around or not, thanks for updating us on everything, and here's wishing you all the best for the future, too!
3 months, 1 week ago
Mental health and real life always come first.  I think most of us would rather you step away to improve your life and mental health, then to have to stick around miserable and on the edge of doing something you can't take back.

That said, welcome back, but if not really, then continue to take all the time you need to secure your own happiness.
3 months, 1 week ago
Welcome back!  And hey, if you wanna draw, draw.  There's no reason to be concerned about what anyone else might feel about your having had to take time away.
3 months, 1 week ago
im glad to see you here back, youre always wellcome in home
3 months, 1 week ago
Hey Squeak, good to hear from you again. I completely understand I had take a long hiatus myself a while back and only recently started drawing regularly again. If you ever want to color any my line art feel free too, heck I'll draw you something if would like to color something specific.
3 months, 1 week ago
thanks for the offer, quite  backlog of artz to go though once i blacklist all the Ai stuff on here now...   no need to draw anything, I'm just hoping i can get some momentum going to try and eek out something that's been buzzing in the back of my head recently,  
3 months, 1 week ago
no prob, look forward to seeing more you work in the future!
3 months, 1 week ago
Always good to see a return. *hugs*
3 months, 1 week ago
Welcome back!
3 months, 1 week ago
Glad to see you back. Always take time for mental health. Huge congrats on your engagement! Take your time to settle in, art is fun, nothing to feel bad about not doing for a bit.
3 months, 1 week ago
i guess you can say its more guilt, There are people here i  am fond of, and i consider my friends, but i did just " nope" out existence, and that's left me with some  deep regrets.
3 months, 1 week ago
Anyone would understand fully and are happier you took care of yourself. I know guilt a lot of times doesn't ask to come around and can be a tough one to get past and I hope that you can work through it. It's nice to see an old friend check in and say they're okay, honestly.
3 months, 1 week ago
yay you're still alive.  Don't worry, draw when you feel like it.  Live life, live it to the fullest.
Do check in now and then though, we do get concerned.
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