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April 2024 Check In

Heya all,
Another month down, another journal update,

Art has been slow but for a good reason. I reached out to other for art advice and such and it really does help. It was a lot and it was a sense of me just trying to learn. Sometimes I think when you draw, you learn for yourself in how to do things then you start geting more and more technical like fundementals, shapes, perceptives, proportions etc etc. I am still learning that'll never change but I'm glad that I ask and reach out to more experianced artists for advice. Feedback, I'll admit, it does get to me but because I have a hard time to take it and say "ok, i know what to work on next'," it was hard but I had to push on through. I also learn more about myself when drawing like my list of OC to make is long, but I want to make them becuase I love the speices/genres and I want them, and that's ok then I figure out small details later on becuase I used to think of everything when making one OC but I don't want to do that because it was too much for me to handle. I've been thinking about all my projects I have on the back burner but unsure of how I can come back to them, like I have the notes and plans but then I have second thoughts and mostly because I haven't started them at least.

When it is the end of the semester it feels like the home stretched to a nice, long summer vacation, but just one last hurdle, final exams. But I also really want to graduate so I can just be done and out of school, but in order to do that I need.. even more classes that takes too long to get to. So I signed up for summer classes which kinda sucks because that means I'll be using my surface more when I want to use it more for my art, writing and stuff like that. My PC has weird issues with Windows 11 so that rules using my PC for anything with microsoft apps. I got really exhusted and went to my realtives to get away but it felt weird. Like I wanted to get away from being at school but I enjoyed the peace and quiet. Now I love my relatives and their my family but then I never do much with them and I'm not really... alone by myself. It is kind of like a imbalance of being along and wanted to get away. And I am finding out that I have a small event I go do and I've enjoyed it. Every Tuesday night is game night and I finally just talk to people unhindged about stuff. It feels good because usually I just sit in my room and do nothing. I just hope it keeps going because it is something to do and it feels good.

--On my mind--
Before I talked about OCs and worldbuilding and how I don't focus on all that at once. I'm starting to think about the OCs I want for the sake of wanting them. It feels better for me this way because as I am drawing them, ideas just start poping into my head so I quickly write them down and then it'll expand from there, its perfect. Sometimes I think about the direction I take my art like wanted to do comms or something, but I still don't have hte confidence for that, I really should start focusing on the simple things, like bringing characters to life, or making certain themes work and all that stuff. Like I have ideas and I want OCs to complement that. So I have good ideas, but I just have trouble getting them on paper. The more I just continue doing what I do, I start to learn more and more about myself, maybe I should write down and have a notes pad just about me, kinda like I'm reintroducing myself. And as long as I just continue to stay positive and surround myself in it, I will hope to be more accepting to myself.

I apologize this one is a bit more... off tangent heavy because I really don't know wwhat to say most of the time and there are more things I don't talk about that I feel liek I should say but unsure... idk. I guess my next step is to be more organized somehow, and something I suck at lol.

But thank you all for your time to read this and listen, if you have questions or feedback or whatever, I want to know. Thank you and have a nice day
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Added: 1 month, 1 week ago
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