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New Character: Ping.

Inspired by my love of Red Pandas and one of Spix's random faceless sketches, I've decided to make a new character. She will be a female Red Panda, around 23 years of age, she will have been of Chinese decent (though living currently in either Japan, Scotland, or America), and oh yea, her colors are inverted. This means she will be mostly snowy white with gorgeous red accents where the white would normally be, like her muzzle, ears, and the adorable stripes under the eyes *the stripes are also reversed the the direction the curve) and she will have deep emerald coloured eyes. Advice on how to actually color her and/or draw her are appreciated (if anyone actually reads this). Thanks, I guess....I'm not sure where else this goes or how to make one of those ref. sheets for character info...
Viewed: 11 times
Added: 11 years, 1 month ago
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