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This is why I think Assassin's Creed (1) is the best AC.

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by Iztli
I just finished Assassin's creed (1) recently, maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I think is the best game of the series.

A)  I love the combat, not easy, timing matter and its spectacular (the only issue here is that the enemy is too passive sometimes). The risk/reward movements at the endgame are great.

B) Villans: Every target is interesting in many ways:

1) Every ''villan'' has a task in the world, a purpose in the main plan, they are not just villans who like to laugh whith a lantern below their chins while some lightings bolts are falling.

2) They are gray in many levels, everyone is trying to do good, but some are dark greys like Majd Addin, and you can empathize with others, like Garnier or Sibrand, even William of Montferrat.

3) Every single assassination is preceded by an amazing context and cinematic where you can understand who is your target and feel like you are not the center of the world, you are just between the people while events are occurring, not just a target/icon in your minimap waiting to get killed.

C) The characters developent: From the secundaries, villans, and main character, everyone has an amazing development, makes us to feel like we are in a credible world, something lost in the next assassins creeds where I feel like I'm playing in a cartoon world.

D) The map/world:  If I hear some herald talking about ''blah blah blah Abu'l Nuqoud blah blah blah'', Im like ''wait, he is my target, he will know where I can find him''. I fell like Im part of the world. I can even play the game with all the HUD off, If the informer says ''look at the Madrasa, inf front of the Bazar and the Synagogue at south'', I can see them from the center of the map (with some high ground obviously), not just an icon pined in my gps and going straight to it. But, I know its hard to keep it in the recent games, because they try to recreate the cities as well as possible, and AC1 is away far from it.


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male 1,127,411, wolf 184,141, sword 9,861, warrior 3,898, jaguar 3,026, medieval 2,018, soldier 1,689, iztli 616, assassin's creed 79, panthera onca 79
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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3 years, 9 months ago
It's next thing, Assassin's creed Furry.
3 years, 9 months ago
The first one at least isn’t overloaded with bullshit that has nothing to do with being an assassin or microtransactions out the ass...

but 2 is still my favorite. the sequels just.... get less and less appealing to the point that I don’t care anymore about them or most open world games.
3 years, 9 months ago
He dead. :c
3 years, 9 months ago
yes :D

that's why I draw the assassins with guard/ low rank clothes :P
3 years, 9 months ago
Black Flag was the first rated M game that I ever played. It got a then 19-year-old me to play all the games before it, and I had a great time.
3 years, 9 months ago
I love the series and yeah the first game was so awesome I love playing as Altair. The second game ending just completely WOWED me. Three was good but I felt It coulda been better and felt too much of a history lesson. Four was me playing as the biggest ultimate badass in the Carribean : Edward Kenway. Love playing that game on my Switch.
3 years, 9 months ago
If you think any of your targets minus one or two where doing good or trying to... You didn't pay attention :3


All you guys saying the new games are bad will please stop... The new games are just evolution of gaming taking its course and experimentation of the Ubisoft creators it's not bad it's a good thing games must grow and change or we'd still have pixel game I mean come on...

Also not one I bet game odyssey a fair chance huh?

Oh also the mircotransactions are pretty bad but they aren't game breaking you can still play and have fun with out them....I mean I can see why you don't like them but still...good news the new game won't have them apparently :3
3 years, 9 months ago
" ''everyone is trying to do good''

I didnt say they are doing good. Obviously everyone is doing the things in the absolute wrong way, I just mean their intentions.

" You didn't pay attention :3

I'm totally agree that a game must change and evolve, but with their own way, not just trying to implement dozens of mechanics just to impress the most of the targets, every asassins creed has the bigger map, more missions to do, more characters, more and more and more. They think it looks good in the press titles. And thats the big problem with the most recent AC, they are trying to make a lot of games at once, an RPG, a decitions game, an assassins creed universe game, a huge sandbox with hundreds of tasks, and trying to have a main narrative. What they only get its to be mediocre at every of them.

Fromsoftware just tryed for a couple of games to make a great 3rd person mele-combat game with a not too big world but special, unique and interesting, they didnt waste time with dozens of things like narrative/story cinematics/dialogs, huge worlds with hundreds of icons to do secundary missions, skill trees, crafting, decitions trees,e tc. They tried to improve their strenghs before take the next step.

Yes sure, Origins, Oddysey and Valhala could be great and ejoyable games, but just mediocre assassins creeds.
3 years, 9 months ago
I see your point but at the same time I love the old games as much as I love the news one which is to say alot I don't see what's wrong with them like you do

I can't say your wrong cause your very welcome to have your opinion and I will say that the older games have there charms but... They are extremely repetitive, they are also very bland not the setting the story, every assassin for the longest time was a guy who was betrayed or something like that ezio's father was betrayed and ezio lost his family Altair was betrayed by his mentor and lost his honor and his standing in the order, and Conner lost his mother and his people where hurt and so on and so forth ending when they did the Irish assassin who is bretrayed the assassin's Shane or what ever his name was that sides with both assassin's and Templars that was a mess  and if I had to trail one more person for ten minutes but stay just close enough or just far enough away to not be caught lest I have to do the entire mission over again I was gonna scream then they switched to the rogue the man who cares not for other just himself like kenway and avaline and even Jacob(syndicate gets a pass as Evie filled that roll of angsty creed lover lol)

So on they where fun but again repetitive then we got the new games with  deep stories and large world's to tell them in where you'd character is more then some assassin with a blade he or she is a truly individualized there story isn't the same

Spoiler alert for the plots to the new games cause I saw you said you where gonna play origins!

bayek wants revenge but not for some Templar plot no he's a father who's son was killed it just so happened the order was in the room as we learned that his sons death was actually on bayeks own hands as he held the knife that periced the kid and that killed the men there that day was just the way he could find peace it's a story of a damaged man and his wife trying to make a new place for themselves and reconcile the lost they both share and the only thing they continue to share after as the love they felt turned sour with the death of the boy and the killing they committed

And Kassandra or alexos I'd your playing with the non canon character

She is a orphaned soul who is very much in a name sake of the game odyssey to find home to find family to be someone Ina world where your legend is your reputation and learning used not entirely human that's a serious blow to anyone but she doesn't let it destroy her she embraces it she's a freaking demigod and she owns it!

If you play the dlc then you also learn more about the mystery one that came before too and you also see Kassandra go through a second arc where she has a child and must learn that her life will always be danger so she must send her baby away that heartbreaking especially since her mother had to do the same also the thought of guarding a place for thousands of years to eat h the earth change and grow to live that long fight in so many wars all because ekd a unnatural staff imagine how much she saw!

And in a few months we'll see a new character one they will try to bridge the divide better sides your traditional side and my love if the new games side is it gonna perfect I doubt it but I for one can't wait to play it and I won't judge it before it comes out... I hope you'll give it the same courtesy :3
3 years, 9 months ago
Brotherhood is more of my jam
3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
I am a very big fan of the Assassins creed series, so much so that some of Malik is derived off the series, I tend to buy the first day launch 120 dollar version  :V. I am also very passionate about its deep lore, and have become somewhat of an analyst tot he point ive created a few theories for the new viking one XD Come join the AC Fandom :D I highly suggest you keep on!
3 years, 9 months ago
Deja que lleguen los mongoles.  :v
3 years, 9 months ago
As a huge fan of AC, I honestly think all of them are amazing in their own respect (I absolutely loved Origin and Odyssey, but I adore RPGs and Egyptian and Greek mythology).
The first one was a great game that sadly doesn't get the recognition it deserves (much like 3), I mean it was a fantastic entry title and launched the whole mythos, not to mention Altair is easily one of the coolest assassins.
Black Flag is my personal favorite of all time, but I'm a little biased toward pirates XD
3 years, 9 months ago
Origins is a pending game to me, I just bought it but I now Im busy with patreon stuff, I dont have enough time to play a game that big :(

In its time I didn't enjoy Black Flag, the gameplay was really good, but the assasins creed context was so boring to me. Ive been playing every assassins creed this past few months to see them with the perspective I have now. I just started Revelations, I will try Black Flag soon.  
3 years, 9 months ago
A friendly suggestion: Play the cronicles, the best is the first one (China). Most people say the cronicles aren't good, bc they're plateform style witch is different from the original, but I like it bc you are forced to be stealthy otherwise you die easily. It has many puzles and it doesn't have a open world, just a straight foward story telling. I think that's what you're asking for, if it's not, at least I tried. XD
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