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After Practice
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LimonYalkiman's Gallery (64)

Part X - Plain Talking

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Yawning leisurely, Jackson parked his sluggish rear on the creaking sofa, before he leaned back and propped up both paws on the coffee table in front of him. Smugly he flexed his lumpy toes before the eyes of his guest. "You know what you have to do..." he remarked with a dirty smile.

Nervously Limon faced the bear's black soles, which were thirsting for his undivided attention. Uncertain the fox's small hands fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as he hesitated – something he usually didn't dare! Today Limon appeared even more despondent than usual, though for once his tormentor's dusty paws were not the cause. "Erm... J-Jackson...?" he asked meekly, but the bear apparently didn't hear.

"Get started already!" Jackson grumbled, who meanwhile had occupied himself with his smart phone.

Limon swallowed hard. 'Now or never' he thought – no – threatened to himself, before the dainty fennec did something he never did before like this: He raised his voice against the bear, "Jackson, I must tell you something!"

Jackson looked up. This sudden insubordination was indeed something new. And even Jacks realized that Limon wanted something important from him. The bear was in fact curious (and also a little amused), though carried it off well. "Oh, really?" he asked emphatically enough that Limon's tail tucked between his legs.

"A-actually... I'd like to... ask you for something..." he corrected stuttering, to behave more submissive and less demanding, for he knew that Jackson enjoyed when he groveled before him.

Now the bear finally put his phone down and fixed his unrelenting, brown eyes on the shuddering fennec. "Well, now you got me curious," he sneered with crossed arms and observed appreciatively how Limon tried to hide his panic in front of him.

It took a moment for the fox to find the strength to couch his desire in terms, "P-please, Jacks... c-can you make Brandon leave me alone?" In a mix of hope and fear, Limon saw up to receive Jackson's answer. He was certain the bear would snap at him, but the bear's reaction happened to be quite different.

A genuine laugh escaped the thick lad. "And why should I do that?"

"Because..." Limon felt uneasy to enunciate it, especially in front of Jackson. For one thing it's not like him to speak like this about someone else, and then there also was the fact that Brandon and Jackson were friends. The last thing Limon wanted was to end up in crossfire, but this was a matter he just had to address. And approaching Jackson with it was the only option he saw possible. "Because he's brutal... and hurts me..." he revealed eventually.

"And he has every right to do so, you little moanbag!" Jackson countered indifferently. Why Limon came out with feeling treated badly now of all times, was beyond the bear. They weren't putting him through the mill just since yesterday, after all! "Don't act like such a pussy and just put up with it. It's no news to you to get squashed."

But this time Limon didn't let himself be played down. "I'm serious, Jacks! He's going too far." Suddenly the fennec pulled up his shirt and turned his side to the bear. "Here!" he said and brushed his yellow fur back just below the ribs to reveal a large bruise. "And here!" Also his back showed several contusions and on his wiry body the swellings were clearly visible. "And these are just from this week. I... can't go on like this."

The bear pondered while he beheld Limon's ill-treated body. Those were indeed some unpleasant lesions, but surely nothing the small fox didn't deserve. "Those are just some black and blue marks. Stuff like this happens."

"He's beating me up, Jacks!" Limon complained desperately. "When we're alone. And he's getting ever... crueler..."

This time he only got thoughtful silence as answer. Jackson knew of course that Brandon was a savage and sure enough wouldn't treat the fox any more graciously than he did. As such, he indeed couldn't deny Limon's accusation a certain credibility. But he wouldn't have guessed that the wolf would evince such recklessness. On the other hand, he did hand the fox to Brandon on a silver plate. So why wouldn't he take the chance and blow off some steam? Brandon was but an idiot! And overdoing it was a thing he always was good at. Usually Jackson didn't gave a shit about the crap his friend fucked up, but this time it was different. If this would continue, Limon could follow through and snitch on them. And Jackson certainly didn't want to relinquish his personal fox slave! It was just too much fun to wear this little fucker out. And, granted, he kinda got used to Limon's extensive foot massages by now...

While Jackson seemed to ponder, Limon took the initiative again to push the bear's thoughts into a direction that would be favorable for him: By going down on his knees in front of him. "Please, Jackson..." he said, his head submissively lowered before the powerful, black soles. "I'm begging you. Make him leave me alone. I'm sure he will listen to you. Please! I need your help. I'll do anything you want. Really! Everything, no matter what. I beg you, Jacks!"

Thoughtfully Jackson looked down upon the imploring fennec. One could almost feel pity for this poor sucker. Begging on his knees for help from the bastard who harassed him for years to get an EVEN WORSE bastard off his back. Somehow the bear even enjoyed the situation. Coming to Limon's defense would give him even more power over the fox! He could simply patronize him and play the savior card. Or threaten to let the wolf off the chain again. "I'll come up with something..." Jackson eventually said, while he hid his mean grin behind his phone.

Relieved Limon looked up. "Thank you, Jackson!"

"Now get started already!", the bear growled back.

"Yes, Jackson. Toot-sweet," he answered meekly and immediately pressed his face against the thick, warm soles, which still waited impatiently in front of him. Obliged Limon stuck out his tongue and affectionately licked over the wrinkled, black skin. Soon his hands joined the effort to massage the paws with skilled fingers. Today he would worship Jackson like a god!


"Hurghh... Argh!" Limon stammered, laying on his back while Jackson's enormous paws bore down  on his stomach. For a while now the fat bear stood inertly on the small fox and watched him suffer. His two paws covered Limon's entire abdomen and reduced the delicate body to a fraction of its actual corpulence. Furthermore the bear's thick claws pierced underneath his costal arch. Even breathing gradually became more and more strenuous! "Urgh!"

"Shut your face!" Jackson calmly ordered from above. "You know that my parents are home."

"S-suhr-sorry..." Limon hissed through his teeth and tried to stifle his cries of pain. "You're just so, urgh... heavy..." Cautiously he craned his neck to take a look at what Jackson's weight did to his body. His belly was crushed so flat that maybe only one or two schoolbooks would still fit between the bear's paws and the floor. Sighing heavily, the fox put his head back down. "Hrrgh... h-how long, ahh... do you want to keep standing on me like this?" he asked, hoping for a soon end.

The beastly hard bear shrugged his shoulders. "For as long as I want."

"I... I c-hmmpf... can't no more!"

"Well, that sounds like a you problem," Jackson noticed with a mean grin.

The small fox gasped shakily and tried to concentrate on his breathing. The air burned in his lungs, but his abdomen felt cold and worn out already. Limon could feel the bear's heels rest right above his pelvis, where they cruelly dug themselves into his lower abdomen. The broad soles pressed his belly flat and didn't meet much resistance on their way. Jackson's toes occasionally 'grabbed' at him, but even worse that this were the bear's claws that poked under his ribs. Those damn claws! "Hugh... mmphff. Argh!" the small desert fox stuttered as his eyes welled up from the pain. "J-Jacks, p-please. Please! The cla-AH! Careful with your claws!" Limon begged desperately.

Though the mean bear didn't think about granting Limon alleviation. He remained still and stubborn where he stood, his arms crossed before his thick gut and his eyes curiously trained on the tortured fox below. "I settled things with Brandon, by the way. He'll leave you alone from now on," Jackson revealed casually.

Limon's large ears twitched. "Th-than..." though before he could give his thanks to Jackson, the bear went on.

"You will continue to do his homework and when I'm around, you are completely at Brandon's disposal. Additionally, every Wednesday, after practice, you will show up in the locker room. Once everyone's gone you're his for half an hour. No stingers, kicks, or other beatings!" he added to explain the conditions of their little deal a bit more precisely. "And this is non-negotiable! You can either agree to this, or everything will stay as is. But then you don't need to ask my help again!"

There was only one possible answer for the fox, "I, hmpff... agree..." During the useless attempt to relief some of the pain, Limon's arms rose to grab the bear's flabby ankles. Though as soon as he felt the shaggy fur between his fingers, he forced his limbs back down onto the floor to surrender himself unconditionally to Jackson. To show the bear how grateful he was, Limon would continue to suffer below his brute paws. This was the least he could do! "Th-thank you, Jacks..." he moaned hoarsely. God! If only this bear wouldn't be so damn heavy...

"Hmm..." Jackson smirked amused. Limon's distorted face and his devoted words didn't really go together. The bear knew that Limon only continued to let him stand on him out of gratitude. Normally the fox didn't last this long. The pain was writ large in his face! Out of pure goodness, Jackson relaxed his toes and thus took the pressure from his claws to grant the squirt underneath his paws at least a little bit of mitigation. For he didn't plan to dismount him any time soon. Now that he already had him in this position, Jackson wanted to know to a T just how long Limon really could endure this torture. Today he'd really squeeze absolutely everything out of him! "Later you can thank me properly. Because once we're done here, you're going to thoroughly lick my paws clean!"

Quivering, Limon wheezed from the exertion, "Y-yes, Jack-s-son..."


When the noise inside the sports hall's large rooms finally died down, Limon hesitantly entered the locker room, which still stank off sweat and deodorant. He already was expected!

"Pretty cocky of you to hide behind Jackson!" the wolf grumbled salutatory. Brandon still wore his sports clothes and sat straddle-legged on the bench at the other end of the room.

Nervously Limon clutched his arm. "You didn't leave me any other choice..." he whispered meekly. Brandon certainly wouldn't listen to a fox and much less to Limon!

"Tsk, never mind..."the wolf growled and then stood up, before he approached Limon with fast steps. He seized the anxious fox and shoved him against the wall. "If it spoils Jacks' party, I can do without the thrashing, if I really have to. But not without giving you this last, little courtesy..." he said with a vile grin on his face, before he punched his fist into Limon's stomach.

"Ghak!" Groaning, the small fennec dropped to the floor as the blow hit him. Though this was not the end yet, since Brandon pulled him up again by the ears. "Hrgh-ARGH!" A second cry of pain escaped Limon when the wild bloke kicked his knee into his belly as well. When the wolf then finally let go of him, the wailing fox sank onto the cold tiles, where he rolled up into a writhing and whining mess.

"There!" Brandon sneered from above. "This was the last beating you got from me. I hope you'll feel this for a while still. And now lick my shoes clean, you disgusting, little piece of shit! Phthu..." Out of pure hatred, he spit down on the desert fox, who still squirmed in pain.

Limon surely would feel the consequences of this punch for a few days at least. Though, for the moment he managed to calm down somewhat. If he could take the wolf's words at face value, it was finally over now at least. Shall he enjoy this last blow, as long as he left him alone from now on!

"Will you hurry up already, you cocksucker!" Brandon barked and impatiently pushed his running shoe into his victim's face.

Whimpering, Limon stuck out his tongue and pressed it against the worn out shoe. The taste of dirt, old leather and stinking wolf paws greeted him. It was degrading and unfair to be forced to do this after receiving two such blows, but the fox bravely went on and also licked Brandon's sole when he offered it to him.

The wolf let Limon continue for a while and meanwhile called him names like coward, doormat and filthy fox, to name only a few of the more friendly insults. Once he finally had enough, he put the shoe, which Limon had worked on only seconds ago, down on the fox's head and pushed his face against the grubby floor. "And don't you forget where your place is, fox!" Brandon warned, before he finally left the whimpering fennec to his own devices.


As mentioned earlier, The Previous Part of Jackson and Limon's story arc officially marks the end of this series. The events of Part X, which take place some time after what happened in After Practice, by the way, were once planned, but never made it into the final cut. However, I found the idea not only entertaining enough, but also an important aspect for the characters and the story itself, so I decided to write it down anyway and post it as a little extra. But there's more! I put together a .PDF, containing all story parts and illustrations by SomeDeviantOcelot in one handy place for you to enjoy, in both German and English. You can find the .PDFs HERE!

Art (c) SomeDeviantOcelot
Characters & Story (c) Limon
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male 1,128,975, fox 235,645, anthro 195,443, wolf 184,330, canine 177,265, gay 142,485, paws 65,472, size difference 62,052, m/m 47,690, bear 45,957, vulpine 35,179, licking 21,772, paw 20,526, fennec 17,324, story 12,894, humiliation 11,543, shoes 6,308, fetish 5,953, pain 5,771, ursine 5,176, kneeling 4,910, rough 4,399, submission 3,650, mm 3,369, german 3,236, fear 2,559, crush 2,431, worship 2,251, dominance 2,191, bullying 1,691, begging 1,530, brown bear 1,518, bully 1,339, force 1,295, crushing 1,261, vulpes 1,137, degradation 1,105, sadism 843, malemale 811, gray wolf 803, english 754, stomping 655, trampling 341, brutal 284, fen 237, dub-con 229, jackson 193, desert fox 187, brandon 160, limon 95, shoe licking 59, weightplay 26, somedeviantocelot 17, pdf 16, groveling 8, forced foot worship 8, footgear worship 7, forced worship 4
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 years, 6 months ago
Rating: Mature

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