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Aogami's Gallery (2919)

We Love You Wendy


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by Aogami
I cannot stop crying. I miss this little baby so much. I can't express how heartbroken we are. We took her to the vet because she had some swelling on her upper lip and we thought it was an infected tooth, but the anti-biotics didn't work and she just got worse so quickly.

I have a fucking ... case of wet food I ordered that arrived two days ago. I bought it special for her, it's like veterinarian grade for older dogs with liver problems and I never even opened the box because she was in the ER and now it's just sitting in my front hall. I ordered it because she was having trouble swallowing the dry food. We took her to the vet that afternoon and they gave her some shots for the inflammation and more antibiotics and pain meds, and I ordered it as soon as we got home but by that night she was coughing up her food again and her whole face had swollen up so we took her to the ER. The only time we got to be with her after that was when we were transferring her from the ER to the hospital.

They gave us a referral and told us to go take her to this place but when we got there they said they couldn't see her for four days so we said fuck you and drove her home instead. We called veterinary hospitals all over the state and finally our regular vet got us an appointment at one over an hour away so we took her there. More x-rays, more samples, she was having trouble breathing now so they put her in an oxygenated kennel.

In the morning they called to say it was most likely cancer, but the primary concern was pneumonia. If she could get past that, we might have a few more months with her. That was hard to take, but we said ok. She's finally able to eat again, so there is hope. We drive down there after I finish work to visit. They let us in for a couple of minutes, but she has trouble breathing outside the special kennel so we can't stay long. She looks happy to see us. We brought her blanket from home. I tell her that we haven't abandoned her here, that we love her and we'll be back soon.

The next day the doctor calls and tells us to come down as soon as we can because her lungs are full of fluid and there is nothing anyone can do except euthanasia. That keeping her alive at this point would be cruel, waiting for her to die from lack of oxygen like she was drowning. I cancel streams I'm going to miss and we drive back down to say goodbye.

She is happy to see us. She stands up in the kennel despite the IV when we arrive and we spend a few minutes petting her. We've brought her bed for her to lay in. The doctor tells us what's going to happen. They shave a little of her fur and give it to me in a plastic baggie; I put it in my pocket. We aren't ready. We spend a few more minutes with her, I am sobbing awkwardly in public now; something I never do. Finally, Sheep picks her up and holds Wendy in her arms as the doctor administers a lethal dose of anesthesia. He checks her heart. She is gone. I quietly wonder how long it is between her heart stopping and brain death, and hope to God that it doesn't hurt, that she isn't scared. We go to a quiet room with the body and give her a few last pets. I tell her that I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

A nurse comes to take the body. She is completely limp and I cannot bear to watch. We go to the front, I pay the rest of the ten thousand dollars I owe for her care, and we pick out an urn. It's a simple brown wooden box with a slot for photos on the front.

We cry most of the hour and six minute drive home.

I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Nothing feels right. Everything reminds me of her. I know that I should celebrate her life, and the joy she brought us while she was alive but I can't help falling into grief. All I know is that I love and miss my precious baby, and I'd have paid anything, done anything for just a little more time with her.

You made a mark on our hearts. We love you so much. I'm sorry. Thank you Wendy.

EDIT: Thank you to everyone for your sympathies, kind words and empathetic stories. I think it's probably best if I don't try to reply to everyone, but Sheep and I have read them all and we really appreciate your support.

male 1,121,483, female 1,011,307, chihuahua 2,058, memorial 188
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year ago
Rating: General

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1 year ago
Pets aren't our whole lives... but they make our lives whole. :(
1 year ago
While I don’t TRULY know what you’re going through, I can relate. My Dog passed away and all I could do was cry. We’re here for you and your family.
1 year ago
Reminds me of my grandmother's dead dogs.
And my Mother's 2 DEAD DOGS.
What I'm trying to say is.
I have seen A LOT of dead dogs and people crying about them loudly.

I'm not ashamed to say I was crying loudly Too.🫂
1 year ago
This is a wonderful, beautiful memorial.
1 year ago
That's rough.

But you gave her a good life, and I hope you can take some comfort in that. She was lucky to have you :)
1 year ago
everything ends.
1 year ago
I hope the best for you all.  I'm not great with words for things like this, but wishing you the best from here on out.
1 year ago
losing a pet is no different from losing a family member.  you have my sincere condolences.  hang in there and work through the grief.  Wendy will always be with you in your memory and in your heart.
1 year ago
I really feel for you, all my condolences........................
1 year ago
It's part of the human condition, letting small and large critters into our lives knowing we will see the pass on.  My condolances.
1 year ago
aww so sorry for your loss 😳.
1 year ago
I'm so sorry. With how much you loved her, there's no doubt you gave her the best, most wonderful life she could have ever wished for. I bet she was so happy to have you there with her. I bet you made all her fear just melt away.
1 year ago
Her love will be with you forever, and your love will be with her forever.
1 year ago
So sorry it ended that way. At least you got to be there for her at the end.
1 year ago
My condolences.
1 year ago
Sorry for your loss
1 year ago
Im sorry for your loss, the pain hurts now but over time the pain subsides. always know that those you have around you love and care for you and will see you through this hardship.
1 year ago
So sorry to hear your loss. I know she had a good home and was well loved and cared for. You never stop thinking about them and how they've made your lives better.
1 year ago
I’m so sorry for your loss. No words will ever be enough. All that love brings an even greater measure of pain in the end. I know it seems hollow, but I mean when I say if I can do anything I’d be happy to. Take care, and much love and concern from me ❤️
1 year ago
I feel for you.  I had a beloved dog growing up, and the end came under bad circumstances too.  I know how much it hurts (tearing up typing this actually).  But for the time you had together you made each other's lives better.  Never forget that: she loved you as much as you love her still.
1 year ago
My heart breaks for you both. I have no words to offer, only sympathies towards your loss and a moment of quiet, a pittance for what any loved one deserves.
1 year ago
i'm so sorry Aogami T-T
1 year ago
It is always terrible to lose a pet... I remember my german shepard and my 3 cats I lost over the time... I am sorry for you. If you need us we are here if you want to be alone then take your time.
1 year ago
Dog cancer is the absolute worst, I just lost one of those to that. Not fucking fair.
When my cat died and I had a bunch of special food and stuff left over for him, I took it to an animal shelter to donate and they were super grateful. Made me feel a little better.
1 year ago
What a lovely picture
1 year ago
I'm bawling my eyes out. I am so so so sorry for your loss. I know the pain and anguish you're going through. I wish you nothing but the best and you will be in my thoughts.
1 year ago
All I can say is "I Feel Your Pain"

The last one I had died in my arms from a massive coronary. Her heart gave out and thankfully she didn't linger but it hurts so I know that pain and will never forget it.
1 year ago
I'm so sorry, man. Just reading this has me tearing up, remembering my two black kitty siblings. Poor Gypsy, who ended up with such severe separation anxiety that she was pooping everywhere and crying the entire time she was alone. She got to the point of being in so much distress we had to acknowledge she had zero quality of life left, and the kindest thing was to let her go. That's the first time I ever literally couldn't stand up, and also the first time I ever wanted to actually, literally, physically murder another human being, when the fucking VET tried to guilt my brother and I over putting down a "healthy" cat. I was gripping the back of the chair in the room so hard it was creaking, just to keep my hands away from her throat...
She's buried(Gypsy, not the vet. I filed a complaint to the state veterinary board) in a sunny place  by our hammock trees in the side yard, near three of our previous cats from my childhood.
A year later, her brother started breathing strangely. The vet (not the same one, obviously) diagnosed a herniated diaphragm that his bowels had displace through into his chest cavity. Since I was out of work at the time, there was no way for me to afford the surgery. I still beat myself up over that. For the second time in a year, I was hit with grief so hard my knees gave out. Thankfully, this vet was a much better human being than the other one. (Fuck, I'm crying again.) I buried him next to his sister.

Our "cat garden" is always the most peaceful place on the property. When I'm depressed, I go out to lay in the hammock and just be close to the little lunatics that made my life so much better. Baron, our first cat when we moved here, totally placid and unflappable at home, but he ruled the neighborhood with iron paws and brought home a constant stream of "gifts" to leave on the porch. Doc, whose extra toes came with extra brains, who played fetch, but only with one PARTICULAR type of rubber snake, and could pick up rubber bounce balls like he had thumbs. Max, who once stood off a battered, scarred warrior of a racoon on the back porch and made him run away. Floyd, my grandmother's Tonkinese who was built like an MMA heavyweight and terrified of his own shadow. Rime, the other inheritance from Grandma, a huge silver tabby with TINY little paws that would climb up on my headboard and then jump on my chest like he was trying to drive them right through me, but had an unerring sense of when he was wanted on any lap. Mickey, Mom's TINY 5lb primadonna with the little white tip on her tail, and Patches, a calico who had the SOFTEST fur I've ever touched, and the most amazing ability to shed exactly the right color to contrast with any article of clothing. Gypsy and Rover were the last additions, named for my Mom's favorite Irish traditional song. HUGE black cats, Gypsy was almost 15lbs and Rover topped 16lbs BEFORE he started to get fat. They both had a habit of playing with beards while laying on my or my brother's lap, and Rover would fall asleep on his back in the middle of the floor. Gypsy was so obsessed with potato chips, she once ate a salt&vinegar without sniffing it first, and spent the next hour pawing at her tongue, trying to get rid of the taste.

I still have Baron's last tag on my keychain, and a pill keychain with a little bit of Rover's fur next to it. Losing each of them hurt more than almost anything I could imagine, but I'll never be without a cat in my life, even so.
1 year ago
Always feels horrible when this happens.  Not gonna repeat what everyone else said, but love this drawing.  It's really from the heart and genuine.  It's hard to match the inspiration of personal IRL events.
1 year ago
I don't have the words to express the sympathy I feel. I'm so sorry for your loss.
1 year ago
Beautiful picture to remember a beloved pet - I'm so very sorry for your loss.
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Losing family is always painful, I know that pain far too well. Much more than I would like to admit.

Wendy was part of your family, man. You shared love and cherished her with what little time she had on this earth, and I know that she loved you and yours for taking care of her and giving her a home. She'll always be with you, in your heart.

But more than anything, I am glad that you shared stories of her with us. That way so many more of us know of that wonderful little heart of hers.
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