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In dire need of help

I am in dire need of help. I could lose everything. And because of this, I had to make a gofundme page. Every little bit of money could help me, even sharing it around would help me. But here first the page and what happend in short:


The first part is in German, sorry for that, gofundme is regional, but the second part is in English with the full explanation of what is going on with us.

But in short, the father of the family I live with did bad things to two of his four daughters, went to jail after he convinced us to buy with him a house and now there is a huge debt on the house. And instead of paying it off slowly or working with us together, he tries to get a private bankrupt in order to get freed from all his debts. Which but sadly would leave us behind with not only the debts on the house but his debts too. It would force us to lose the house and a much valuable as possible to get rid of the debt, but it never would be enough, so we would sit not only on the street but also having a huge debt to pay off.

And he tries everything to achieve this. The last thing he has done was changing his tax code and withheld it till it was too late. The tax office pulled in the mother's salary and the daughter who is also owner of the house has now to pay not only her part of the debts but also the part of the mother and her father.

This happened this month, and yesterday a water pipe broke, and our burner broke. Now we have now water and no heating, because we can't even pay to repair it because of the father.

So if someone could help us out. Even a little bit, it could save us. Even sharing, please if you can't give something please share this around as much as possible. I don't know what else I could do. Please, help!
Viewed: 29 times
Added: 4 years, 7 months ago
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