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Current living situation - HELP (TW: suicide mention)

(TW: suicide mention)

Hello there! I hope you all are doing great!

For those who don't know me, my name is Morgan and I'm a 26 y.o trans man (closeted to my parents).

I know I don't often talk much about myself on my art accounts, but right now I haven't been doing so well. My family situation has been complicated, I have been living with my mom for over 3 years now, sharing a single room and a bed and that honestly hasn't bothered me at all, I pay for some of my expenses and supplies and we've been cohabitating just well.

Recently we've had to take one of my older sisters in, in order to keep her company so she isn't alone, since she had a 3rd suicide attempt and my parents don't trust she'll not try it again, I've been making sure she wakes up at a decent time, I make her breakfast and take care of a few things around the house for her, take her to her appointments and manage her medications, and it honestly doesn't bother me, I am helping my sister get better and get back on her feet again.

But the thing is, our living space is small, and since she moved in with us I've had to sleep in our supplies room of sorts, I only have a small tent to sleep in, a few blankets and that's all, I have very little privacy, in the beginning I didn't even have much privacy if any at all, but lately I rarely have time alone and to work on my commissions, plus my back pain has only been getting worse, since I barely fit in the tent, I sincerely can't keep on living like this, my sister is struggling but so I am, I have to put up with her mood swings and have had fights over stuff often, I am not even allowed to reprimand her things such as not cleaning her current living space or leaving a mess for me to clean around the house, because if I reprimand her she'll no longer want to live with us and will want go live on her own (or that's what my mom believes) despite not having a job currently or no one else to go to, it's been extremely stressing for me.

For my own good and well being I've decided I want to move, but with my current irregular working hours it's been hard for me to save enough to move out, I need to be able to at least move away with my computer to keep working, I need to be able to pay for rent, bills and food, I wish to move closer to my boyfriend to different state from where I'm currently living so if I needed immediate help or can no longer pay for food or rent I can at least rely on him.

I've had my Subscribestar set up for that exact purpose for a while, while it had been on my mind that I wanted/needed to move out, now for the first time it is URGENT that I MOVE OUT, for my mental health and health in general, I may be ((needed)) here, but my sister has my mom, my relatives and my oldest sister to rely on, yet I've had to carry most of the burden.

I ask of you, if you can help, you can subscribe to Substar, where I offer HQ files of all my commissions, exclusive content, discord perks and even some art, so I can have a steady income to move out so I can steadily work again and have a bed to sleep in again.

I will forever be thankful if you were able to help, even if I don't immediately reach my goal I can at least put that money towards moving expenses and move aways as soon as I have at least 2 months or rent/bills/food saved.

Thank you so much for listening, it means the world to me and thanks for all the support throughout the years, I honestly never thought I would be able to accomplish anything when I first started drawing, I might not be able to stand up on my own in this world yet but I'm getting there, and it's all thanks to you. Thank you

Viewed: 12 times
Added: 2 years, 8 months ago
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