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New year, same uphill climb for basic stability....

TL;DR: Roomy and I are close to eviction and require help to catch up, or we are homeless within the next month or 2 due to work complications, covid and an all together shitty situation for anyone who didn't already have money.  

So, let me preface this by saying, we did EVERYTHING right. While I was unemployed for several months during the beginning of this covid thing, I saved up MONTHS of unemployment pay so that I could pay for, and pre-pay several months on a new apartment. The thought, was that I would get into a better area with better work, and that I would be able to get my life back together in at least some fashion. I even found a roomy who was looking to do the same and get some long needed independence in their life outside their mother's home. I moved to NV, got set up with all utilities and an apartment for the 2 of us, paid 4 months ahead so that we could have a window to allow me to find work, while not having to stress about the bills for a bit. Well, it took a little longer to find the job, but that was cool because we planned for that, right? Well, I guess because it had been so long since doing much of anything physical, the second day in the kitchen, I actually rolled my ankle pretty seriously. Like, my foot was flat on the ground and I heard it pop and touch the ground next to my foot. It was the craziest, scariest feeling I have had in some time. Any way, as a result I ended up on limited duty for a while and fewer hours. As a result, they also lowered my pay. A little shitty, but I couldn't do anything about it at the time. I mean, I had only just been hired in the first place. Any way, fast-forward a couple of weeks to when I am walking into the Doc's office to get released for full duty again.....and my car won't start. I come to find out, that the thing had overheated on me and had gone through the coolant. Signs of a blown head gasket. So, wonderful. I end up getting to work anyway, even though I was late and risked further damage to the car. After work, the roomy came with coolant and such enough to try to get me home.....and I made it about 2/3 of the way before It stopped running for safety and I had to have it towed home. So, now my car is fucked. Luckily, I had talked with both the roomy and another guy at work to try to work out a sort of carpool thing if I paid for gas for the help. This arrangement lasted all of one day before he just decided not to pick me up the very next day. I called ahead to work to let them know about the trouble, but instead of working with me and realizing that all this shit was out of my control and I WAS making an effort to get there regardless, they decided to fire me over the god-damn phone. So, that was upsetting and aggravating, but I didn't just give up. Instead, I actually found a work at home job taking calls for united healthcare. It wasn't an all together difficult job, but as it's handled through a call center, it has its own hurdles and head aches to work through, and I am still struggling to get them to keep me on a regular program so that I can just do the job, but I swear it's like pulling teeth with these people. But, I am getting ahead of myself. I had the job for all of a week and a half before troubles started to boil up with the roomy. See, he had this manager that was hired on from a different garage. (he was a mechanic) The roomy had been at this same garage for over 2 years and his colleagues were there for about as long or less. So, already, the "manager" is getting hired into a position with less tenure than the employees at the shop. From the start of his employment, he wasn't even very quiet about expressing his want to try to get, "his old team" hired to this store. Now, a little history, this is the same man and same team that was responsible for their last shop actually closing. Back to just about a week and a half into my employment, and the fucker actually fires my roomy from the job. The asshole was looking for any reason to do so since he got there. Also, come to find out later, that he actually did eventually go through and clear the entire roster for his own, "team." The store is doing poorly now, for the record, but not his problem anymore. As a result, though, I had to shoulder the bills for everything from then until just about the end of October, when all of our savings had dried up. The roomy even maxed every credit option they had. We even resorted to donating plasma for some time until that became no longer an option due to their bonus program ending. Basically, we would get less than $100 each for 2 donations a week. Not a very sustainable help method.
Now, each month, the apartment complex had been sending us pre-eviction notices about the bill, but for a while they were at least letting us make partial payments to the rent to show we are at least throwing money at it and doing what we can to meat the bill. Just last month, we very nearly missed the window before eviction because they let us know, one week before it was due no less, that the complex had stopped taking partial payment for late rent. So, I had to actually resort to getting a loan from my mother who is going through her own financial hardships after the loss of her husband, and house. The roomy has tried streaming to try to get somewhere with that in his personal time to try to make something work, but it seemed everywhere he looked for work, either they were offering less than livable wages, or just outright never got back to him. I even referred him to my call center thing, but every time he called, he was left on hold for no less than 4 hours each time and NEVER got through to anyone to speak to for a potential position. He finally found a job at a Terrible's gas station for shit pay, preferring to take at least something over nothing, but we are still very dangerously close to a final notice eviction. We have tried to get housing assistance, but no one has gotten back to us at all about it. The roomy's attempts at unemployment got nowhere, and food stamps have yet to give either of us a call. It's like we are just being left alone to scream into the void for some kind of help and getting nowhere. These past 3 years have been a hell for many people, and it's no less stressful for us as well, and we desperately need the help. I have joined the roomy in trying to stream during my downtime for some sort of aid. I am not an affiliate yet, but I can't grow doing nothing. I have also been trying to do SOMETHING for me with my, "Commander Xan reporting" project because I have had very little in the way of a creative outlet in some time. That said, everything I try to do for me, or even if I take a little time to take care of myself makes me feel guilty that I am not doing something else to just make money and hustle, even though all our options have either been tried or are locked in an indefinite pause until someone else deems us worthy of assistance I guess.

 So, that's my update as of now to where things have been going. On the brink of an emotional break while facing eviction during a global pandemic in our shit show of a country that is more focused on the bottom line than the health and wellbeing of its people. I say all this for one reason that I know not many will hear, but I have to try because....well, what else are my options. WE. NEED. HELP! I am not an artist, unfortunately, so I can't really offer sketches or art. But, I am streaming now and trying to do my Commander Xan thing. That said, any donations at all to help us get our feet back under us so we don't have to worry about having a roof over our heads next week would be a godsend. We can figure out the food thing. We aren't starving yet, and we have yet to get to a food bank. So, we will be trying that later this week when it is open. I also have my own SNAP application in waiting for an interview call. So, fingers crossed. Below I will list a couple links to things that can be done to help us out. On either of our streams, something as easy as just opening a new tab, have the stream playing and muting the tab could mean the difference to me getting to affiliate, or the roomy further sponsors. And, again, any donations to either of our donation links would go directly towards helping to keep us off the street so we can try to get the bare minimum essentials back into our lives. For full disclosure on our financial situation as well, not counting the roomie's personal expenses for credit, car payment, and what have you, our living bills total to just under $2000 a month for rent, utilities, internet, and phone bills. (rent alone is most of that at $1401) and we are currently a full month behind with the next one coming due soon. (total of 2 months to catch up to zero) So, that is where we stand. If you have any idea of a way to help or know of anyone that would be willing to lend a hand to some furries in need, please do so. Any assistance at all is very much appreciated.

Xan Twitch stream - https://www.twitch.tv/cmdr_xan
Xan Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/user
Xan donation link - https://streamlabs.com/xan_folf/tip

Archie (roomy) Twitch Stream - https://www.twitch.tv/itsarchieeee
Archie donation link - https://streamlabs.com/itsarchieeee/tip

Again, thank you so much to anyone who can assist at all and for reading all the way through to here. Much love <3
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Added: 2 years, 4 months ago
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