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Furry Fiction without Adam The Forsaken or his Friends

Hello all, I do not know how many of you actually read my stories or these journals for that matter, but I have been sitting on a story in practice deep within my repositories that I think a lot of you might like.

One day I got bored of the same old canon, multiverse and cast and to challenge myself to deviate from my usual intellectual properties, I went ahead and created a brand new cast which has no bearing or shared time period with my usual. It revolves around a wandering Tiger Merchant, A Farm Girl Tigress, A Warrior Female Fox and a Merchant Grey Tabby.

Little does the Tiger know at first one among his companions was the one who killed his father and sold his mother. It has a fairly medieval/feudal era feel about it and involves a mix of traumatic backstory as well as lots of sex at appropropriate moments.

I would be tickled pink if anyone here wanted to read it. Then again I would be lucky if anyone responded to this post muchless took the time to read it. Still I have hope someone will tis just a matter of when.
Viewed: 5 times
Added: 1 year, 4 months ago
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