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Twitter is NOT a place to be Social

Don't get me wrong, I've tried to ween myself of Twitter before- But that was entirely for a temporary reason. I know saying "Oh, I can't order Tweets chronologically anymore" seems like a weird nitpick to jump the platform on, but it was tied to how I used Twitter fundamentally-


I guess this is a weird thing to say about a service that billed itself as social media, but I learned a very long time ago, Twitter is not a place where one can have a conversation with anyone for any reason. You can message people, sure, but conversations always get moved somewhere else. To top it off, a generous estimation of 60% of strangers on there, the ones who both agree or disagree with you, are not genuine people. Bots, trolls, or paid disruptives.

So I was never using it for social reasons. I wanted the art (read: porn) mostly, and some other funny posts from funny people. I'd comment sometimes but I never fooled myself into thinking I was having any genuine conversation about anything.

You know the reason I got a twitter account in the first place? In 2015, a convention was announcing live events on Twitter as they were happening in real time. That means not having a feed in chronological order robs Twitter of it's first purpose to me!

And I get it. I can use plugins or do some complex twitter list thing to get that back, but how long before plugins stop working, how long before the twitter list trick is seen as an oversight and corrected?

It's unfortunate. There's a LOT of art and works that I like on Twitter that sometimes only shows up on Twitter. But... that's how user-content services try to keep you. The service gives you a feeling of leaving your friends when you leave it. But while a lot of content might be exclusive there, none of my FRIENDS are exclusive on Twitter.

Oh! I am on Pillowfort now. It gives me vibes between old Livejournal and Tumblr. Without the anti-lgbt and anti-porn vibes. Pillowfort is https://www.pillowfort.social/Kupok
Viewed: 65 times
Added: 1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
HAAADEma , looks interesting.
1 year, 3 months ago
Why are ya paws SO MUDDY?! :D
1 year, 3 months ago
I love playing with and in the mud , it's pretty much how I got my nickname 😂 mudpaws
1 year, 3 months ago
Teehee, you said ween.

But yeah, I can't disagree. I am also on it largely for horny reasons; it is very convenient for finding certain types of artists, and also some of them are only really prolific there. Conversationally, it is fine for one-off comments, maybe a little back and forth.

I suppose if one has a super tiny following list that's only friends on whom one wants to keep tabs, one could get away with that, but eh.
1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
And that whole no-chrono makes those tabs hard to keep D:
5 months, 1 week ago
It's sad that -- a lot of the artists (especially the ones from Asia) are moving over to Bsky & Misskey, but with the way things work -- the people who like to start drama over drawings are gunna eventually move over to those sites / apps too.

And it will re-start the same cycle. Over and over and over... this always happens. You find a neat website and you go there to be chill and have fun, some angry people start trickling in from some other crappy website with a reputation for being Toxic, and then the Fun Place stops being fun....

I can't imagine what it must be like for some of these artists to get all these angry rants aimed at them just because they drew some art... but hopefully they do the smart thing and just ignore those people, rather than cave in and stop drawing what makes them happy.... there's no real point in trying to please such people, cuz the goal post will always get moved again.

Never ever ever concede to a bully. Especially over something like art, which is usually mostly harmless.
1 year, 3 months ago
Yeah, Twitter is a bit of a shitshow.  I just mainly use it for Animal Crossing shitposting and sometimes posting art, lol.  It's tough to keep up with anyone there unless you actually go visit each profile one at a time to see what's new with the person.
1 year, 3 months ago
I couldn't even stay on Twitter for the porn because no matter how hard and adamant I was about curating my feed, the shit I was trying to keep off my feed showed up on my feed anyway. After that, I swore off social media entirely. No more Tumblr (though I left it before the Great Porn Purge). No more Twitter.

It's honestly been better for my overall mental health to do so. I have ways to view NSFW Twitter without having an account so I still get my porn fix (though I mostly get it from here and e621 these days).
1 year, 3 months ago
I only ever got a Twitter account because there was someone I was trying to get in contact with, who I only found a Twitter account for. I only really keep the account because there's individual furry porn posts I occasionally get linked to by friends, that I need to be logged in to Twitter to see. I don't actually use the feed at all.
1 year, 3 months ago
I forget if I pinged discord so I’m copying it here so it doesn’t get lost hehe.

Finally got a moment to read this and yeah! Plenty of folks here either don’t have or use Twitter or rarely do and I always envy that haha. Your friends are in plenty of places! And people not having their art seen because they only post on Twitter, well that can just be seen as a loss for them or a once in a while check thing if needed. :3 We can’t all be everywhere online so limited website usage is normal, and why some artists make sure to post around multiple places anyway. (I do for people and friends like you!)
1 year, 3 months ago
It feels like you're just everywhere sometimes! Which is good to me. Wherever I go... there's the good nard.
1 year, 3 months ago
It's weird how everyone abandonned RSS and used Twitter as their RSS alternative of choice, right?
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