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"Just for friends"

Hi everybody. I have a question.... has anyone come across artists who use publications "just for friends"? I am trying to understand the expediency of this point for myself. Just let's be frank that a friendship request for IB does not mean a desire to somehow get closer to the artist you subscribe to. This is more influenced by whether the artist indicates his contacts in his profile. In my case, sending a friendship request to another artist means that I see an interesting topic for myself in his drawings ** mem "Look, look! There! Yes, this is my fetish!"** =D

So, the ability to be added to friends on IB means the ability to see "private" publications. But has anyone ever seen something like this?
Viewed: 44 times
Added: 1 year ago
1 year ago
Yes. Some artists use it for their stronger or more controversial works. A few use it for all their works.

I think on IB it happens more because the artist is cautious than because it's needed. I post lots of weird stuff and don't have any trouble with that. But I think some people try to use it to stave off drama. To submit a friend request is to opt-into whatever weird thing that person might be posting.

I've also seen a few use the friends system because they're afraid of being recognized in real life and want to keep the images from being public. If it's hidden behind the friend system, it's not on search engines unless somebody posts a copy.
1 year ago
Yes, perhaps this is partly a problem of my perception. It always seemed to me that the IB is a kind of alter ego of the FA. Well, a place where you can create an account with a different name and publish something that the FA, mired in the rules, will not accept (not that it would be bad).

But nevertheless, I found a couple of people from my small list of "friends" who use this feature. But in fact, calling this function "friendship"..... is such a name. But I guess I'm just "stuffy" and just cling to words
1 year ago
видал у пары- тройки художников. я тоже пару раз кидал работы с пометкой "видимо для друзей" но функция бесполезна для меня, потому что, у меня нифига не рисуется =]
1 year ago
У меня тоже "нерисовач", который непонятно как побеждать. Но я знаю 100%, как заставить себя это делать. Надо просто написать заявление на увольнение, и отсутствие денег на еду сразу заставит меня рисовать коммишны, освоить Бусти, и приобщиться к рисованию по 6 часов в день.

............ делать этого я конечно же не буду=)
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