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I'm still around! Just trying to find new doctors 😫


I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still around. I do plan on finishing up the comic and start up more commissions once I can, I'm just very pre-occupied with trying to get a new doctor since mine moved away.

I don't generally like or want to talk about this stuff because I don't want anyone to worry about/feel bad about me or anything, but I also want everyone to know why I've been gone so much!
A lot of it has been just horrible timing lol. When I first started art again, a joint problem decided to start flaring up that is now being deemed a medical mystery and may be a whole new type of arthritis?
But they don't even know because: I'm pretty young to be having it. It doesn't show up as arthritis or act like arthritis per se. Either way, the pain can get pretty intense when it's bad, and I have a very high pain tolerance, so it's not very fun hah.

Figuring this all out has taken a lot of medical research (and also a lot of money i can't afford, thanks, USA lol) but I promise I do intend to keep posting, I'm just really pre-occupied with trying to find a new primary care doctor to work with this stuff and also so I can keep getting other prescriptions I need.

I'll be back as soon as I possibly can though c:

Thank y'all!
Cass 💖🦨💖🦨
Viewed: 103 times
Added: 1 year ago
1 year ago
ohh. Hope all goes well. the system is confusing as it is without the added mysterious arthritis.
but you know well all be here when you return <3
1 year ago
using a mouse kills me. I've sucked it up but now my forearm just gets tired and painful quick. probably carpal tunnel.
maybe try to stretch really good (not extra forcefully) before you start using your arm.
1 year ago
Take care of yourself! 💕
1 year ago
I hope you get better and I hope it wasn't arthritis it can be treated if caught early
1 year ago
Sorry to hear of such issues. Uhm, skunk butt.
1 year ago
I understand the reluctance to share things, and make people worry about you... but it is nice to get an update. Take care of yourself.
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