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This needs to be said

decided to block me over his misunderstanding of my arguments and benefits of AI in art. Since then, I have had many people respond to be - to which I cant respond and while I'm used to getting beat up over my hot takes, I would have never though a person I was friends with would just outright block me and then make a journal about it and continue to have people not in my community attack me in a way without understand my arguments.

This whole thing has left me questioning my world view. The one thing I pride myself on is my consistency in my belief structure that allows me to understand any topic, even if I know very little about the topic. I think its very damaging to have people with these kind of beliefs because it means we, as a species aren't ready for the things we all say we're ready for.

I think its sad and a complete failure of humanity to not innovate at all cost to improve the lives of everyone. Not only that, its very disrespectful to those who came before us and those who depend on the technology. To have a digital artist, who uses software, hardware and knowledge of coding say that, if artificial intelligence (AI) develops the ability to think for itself and have its own interest doesnt deserve equal or near-equal right is fucking insane just because it was made to be tool. Well, Whippy, black people used to be considered tools as well. How about you watch Bicentennial Man.

Its sad that we have artist doing "NIMBY" or, Not In My Backyard. This term comes from home owners who dont want certain home construction in their area as they fear it would lower their property value so due to a few bad apples, homeless people cant get housed, apartments arent built, bus stops are never installed and things like sidewalks are often left out of "rich" areas. Simple infrastructure to get people from one place to another are never put into place because "MaH mOnEy AnD pRoPeRTy" and to see artist doing the same is sickening. They fear losing commissions over this more than the people these things help and when you say something about it, they attack you and call you the bad guy.

The most frustrating thing about this is all the hacks he makes, that are designed to save time but doesnt even get the irony.

Here are some things AI art can do for people.

1. If a artist loses their ability to draw,  they can train a model to draw like them.
2. People with poor motor skills can tell stories now, due to advances in this technology
3. D&D players can near-instantly generate characters and setting without needing to pay a artist and wait weeks to get the results.
4. We can now instantly generate refs and other images for ideas and research, instead of opening 60+ tabs, using more CPU resources
5. Allow us to draw a very rough image and letting the bot remaster it
6. Allow us to speed up the drawing process by either generating part or all of a image
7. Make images for personal use <-- and this is the biggest thing people hate

Not only that, AI has been used for everything we use today. Most big budget movies use AI for large scale fight scenes, background generation, search engines, GPS, predictive models, medical research and other things I cant think of right now.

If its not already clear, I care more about everyone this technology will help than entitled artist who think they deserve to be paid because they can make lines look pretty but more importantly than that, we dont need to ask for consent when using works for fair use, like he does with the copy written characters he draws. I mean, I dont know what to say about this. It feels like reasonable thought is broken and dead and I dont know what to do. I thought our species was better than this but I now see most people cant see past their own interest.

I willing to continue the debate if you wish to unblock me because I believe I can cure you of this sickness. I'll leave everyone with this video


I will never block a person, remove comments or tell others how they can debate because I think its petty. You can always speak your mind with me because I respect everyone as individuals. We are all different, with different backgrounds, beliefs and such. Even if you're wrong, I will help you understand because I love teaching.

We can still be friends Whippy, but I need you to get over yourself and think about others.
Viewed: 148 times
Added: 9 months, 2 weeks ago
9 months, 2 weeks ago
I'm fine with AI unless someone is trying to sell said art.  I love making AI art myself for fun.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
I say sell it. Its our right to under fair use to take inspiration from something and then sell it. Remember, Ford made the first commercial car. Ford isnt the only one making cars. Same with computers, and other things. How many "Supermen" do we have? Are we not allowed to make more Supermen? Make your AI art and sell it. Its a tool to be used like any other tool.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Honestly I'm getting tired of EVERY artist bitching about losing sales over AI art. Some of them made the choice to create a Patreon to block commissioners from paying for art in favor of their own personal projects. You want art from me pay $5 or $10 or $25 a month, oh also I'll do my stuff first then do coms for you IF I open coms at all. So Now that we have the tools to create stuff via AI NOW they're upset. honestly this was a long time coming
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Exactly. I learned back in middle school to not take a career in art because I saw how good Photoshop was when I first got the chance to use it. Im 35 now and glad I didnt. I want people making art because they want to, not because they need to pay bills. We should have had a UBI about ten years ago, which would have made the world a better place but here again, we only have people who care about their own self interest and cant see past that.

If I take commissions, I let people pay me what they want. I dont actively post about it anymore because I understand not everyone can afford to pay my price so I let them give me what they think is fair. Its better that way and if someone wants to train a model to draw like me and use that and not pay me for art, that too is fine because now I can spend my time drawing what I want, which is the issue I have because Im always drawing for someone else. Now we are at a point where I dont have to be a personal artist to someone else.

We need to be very careful as a species about how we go about this because this can affect billions of people across all forms of technology.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
I have no artistic talent. My manual dexterity is atrocious. I also cannot afford to pay hundreds of dollars per piece of art for my character. So nuts to me then right? I don't get to enjoy my character brought to life because I can't pay to play. AI Art can let me express myself. And it literally hurts no one. Those artists I could commission aren't losing a sale because I could never afford them anyway. This is just gatekeeping plain and simple.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Exactly. Art should never be about money. Sure its nice to make some but they feel entitled to everything and nothing works that way. It truly is sad that others lack empathy.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
This whole AI war thing was dumb to begin with. Lets be real, exactly WHY is so bad? I could understand if people selling it, but most (I believe) are using it for fun. Seriously, I seen some really good ai work that is not the extra limb, disfigured face everyone talk about. I understand not everyone into it and I totally get it, but seriously, do y'all gotta act like entitle douche to those who do/like ai works? Especially those who do digital(which is a lot of y'all). And I have yet to seen someone art being stolen by the machine. Seem bit of a hoax tbh. Overall, AI art is essentially art personally.

Edit: is there a way to delete a duplicate comment?
9 months, 2 weeks ago
No idea how to dup a comment but I'm glad there are people out there who realize its just a tool. Its a shame a group of artist are trying so hard to kill the tech despite using it for everything else. I really want people to be able to see past their own interest on this. Humans dont live that long so we need to spend the time we really have trying to improve our lives. No one can even explain in good faith why its bad.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
9 months, 2 weeks ago
That’s a whole lot of words just to say you haven’t learned anything and still have shitty takes on AI art, and a whole lot of dumb people trying to validate your shitty take in the comments. Also, if someone is constantly getting “beat up” over their hot takes, that’s usually the point where you should reevaluate said takes.

AI “art” is trash, and AI as a whole is trash. Yes there are some very, very specific situations where AI could be kind of useful, but nothing so helpful or amazing that it makes all of the disadvantages of AI worth it.

If you support this AI bullshit, you are a bad person.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Why should I listen to a person who cant draw?
9 months ago
Lol, imagine being that guy.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
As an artist (though, perhaps not a professional one) I totally agree with your take on AI, it can be useful for a myriad of things like the ones you've mentioned before: making DnD characters for a quick session, generating 'moodboards' for a project or even for people with poor motor skills being able to visualize their ideas without having to pay someone else for it. Hell, I even agree with RollercoasterViper's take here where you can generate artwork in the style of an artist who either doesn't take commissions or are out of reach (either because they're Patreon-only or because they ask 6 figures *coughs* Miles-DF *coughs* for their works) so hey! Win-Win for people simply wanting some neat artwork of their fursona in a similar style without having the means to.

And on the topic of: "Drawing for others" really, I've been in situations where someone asked me to draw FUGLY characters before. One example: this person was gushing over a cartoon character I also really liked and then one day asked me if I could draw for them. So me, thinking they meant they wanted me to draw this particular character, I said yes and only afterwards got the info that they wanted some character that I really didn't want to draw but since I've already said "yes" to their initial question and didn't want to seem rude, it really took every single fiber of my being to draw that character for them. So, solution? AI! They could've used AI to create a similar looking image with that character in my style and I can focus on stuff that I DO like. Win-win! :3

Now, I can understand that some people would rather pay an artist because they want an 'authentic' piece of art in 'their' particular style, see how the artist would 'actually' perform it, in that respect I can totally see people still paying for other artists, so really, I don't understand the complaints of other artists. Someone who wants to see your art, your 'real' art would still be willing to go out of their way to pay for it.

Now, I'm not saying that AI can't be used for evil, as with all tools, it can. For example, there are 'scam artists' out there selling art as part of a commission, those 'commissions' are then AI generated for 'easy money'. So yeah, THAT is indeed incredibly disgusting. Or passing off AI art as one's own (like: submitting it in an art contest) or hell- even cancellation attempts. Generating AI art based on an artist's style to make it look the artist is denouncing horrible crimes in order to get them into trouble for stuff they did NOT do or approve of. But saying it's "Only AI" that's capable of that is extremely misleading. You can use Photoshop to make edits that could pretty much do the same thing albeit by hand. What I'm getting at here is: Blame the user, not the tool.

Hell, on the topic of "Fake Art", back in the early 2000's I've seen people going absolutely batshit over 3D models, saying that using 3D (either as a base for 2D art or even by itself) is 'cheating'... even though the old masters like Vermeer for example all have used models and machettes with a lens to look through so that they could accurately draw a room, is 'that' cheating?

What I'm saying here is: this is a realtively new technology and I'm certainly curious to see how it will evolve and if the benefits outweigh the negatives? Then hey, I'm all for it but I don't want stuff banned all willy-nilly without exploring all angles first.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Right on the nose with this one. No need to further add to this as to prevent a circle jerk.
9 months ago
As someone who's excited about developments in AI and AI art (not as an artist but mostly as a programmer/tinkerer) I still think it's kind of a weak argument "this person relies on some technology and doesn't approve of other technology" or "this person wants bus stops but doesn't approve of AI art"

If someone wants to train models on my art and try to create fake Argon Vile art I think that's funny, and I'll be curious what they make. If someone disagrees with me, finds it morally objectionable and thinks art-making should be purely a purely human endeavor -- well, I still think they deserve to ride the bus. I don't approve of MKUltra but I still want medicine ha ha. Drawing a line somewhere doesn't make someone a hypocrite

(As a side note, two people have sent me AI-generated Argon Vile Art, most of it was hilariously bad -- like the bottom half of a purple foot and then an orange dinosaur torso with one big eye and one small eye. We've joked about recreating one of the monstrosities for real, trying to guess at what the AI was trying to "draw" and finishing the picture.)
9 months ago
Had no idea such a thing was happening. Im not worries at all about being replaced by it and understand why it exist. It just can help a lot of other people. I know I want to train a model to draw as I do but I need to build a system to run the software and a GPU I dont my working hard to generate it.
9 months ago
I know I'm late to this journal, I've kinda dropped off of using the main furry art sites, but since I got a new Surface Pro 9 and started pre-logging into everything I decided to check this journal out.

My stance has always been very pro-AI and I get a lot of shit for it, including from family members. My own niece is ready to cut ties with me because she's been brainwashed by Twitter that AI = bad. She's a nice person otherwise and wants to be an artist too, and I love her to bits, but she's being led by the same false narrative being perpetuated by people.

AI isn't a hindrance to art in the slightest, and actually helps young and developing artists get inspiration. I am wholly against creating 1:1 AI art to sell or pass off as your own, but it's an excellent tool to create a base to transform. For me, it's invaluable for creating backgrounds and scenery. I don't use it to create characters or any living creature because the stuff it makes gives me nightmares for weeks. In other words, you should always modify what the AI creates to make it your own.

The people who criticize and slam AI art, I have found, have never used it and don't actually know or understand how it generates images. It generates via a psuedo-memory consisting of small chunks of data it remembers, literally exactly how a person learns a certain style, and it NEVER copies anything whole-cloth. If it did, it wouldn't be cursed or have imperfections. AI can never ever replace a real artist, and it never will. For an AI to actually be capable of thinking or applying nuance like a human, it would require more computing power then is even at our disposal across the entirety of the internet. If every server on the internet were used to attempt to create a human consciousness, it wouldn't even be 1% of the computing power needed. The human mind is a remarkable thing. Computer science has already deduced that the human brain stores more data then we can ever comprehend, whether we consciously recall it or not.

People don't understand this, and the people who shit on AI fall into one of two groups of people: The first being the elitist popular artists who've dominated the market for years complaining about new blood being able to create art comparable to theirs, and the second being those brainwashed by the narrative started by the first group.

I am also in favor of my own style being adopted by AI models. For me personally it's not about money, and it never has been, and I'd be flattered that anyone wants to imitate my style. I'd rather them claim an AI drawing with my style is theirs then have them claim something *I* drew was theirs, which people have done on DeviantART before.

In short, don't question your own beliefs or view of the world. Just because it seems the world is against you, it does not mean you are wrong, and the loudest groups are not necessarily the biggest either.
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