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Angry People?

Hey everyone!  I am alive! I've been super busy with work as most people are who do this shit for fun <3

Rant below, really nothing important just me ranting a little about my confusion.

I just wanted to get some input.  I recently commented on a relatively large artists post here, where they called someone out for calling a young critter a cub. Stating that they are not allowed to use that term in their posts because they don't like their art being associated with CP. Is that a common viewpoint here? I returned with a pointed question as a discussion about why using the correct term is bad, they snapped back at me and immediately blocked me.  Is this a normal behavior now? Is the cub community starting to get shunned even on IB, or are we just getting more people that hate on cub content here due to other sites (FA) becoming shit shows?

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Viewed: 308 times
Added: 6 months, 3 weeks ago
6 months, 3 weeks ago
It's just art. It had nothing to do with reality and will never have anything to do with it, no matter what you call it.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Eh, most likely someone trolling. Likely someone doesn't know that "cub" isn't just in reference to cub-porn. Just like some don't understand that there are furries that aren't in the fandom for the yiff/porn. Just because someone is a "furry artist" doesn't mean they draw NSFW smut all the time. Many do, and can make a bundle at it, but that isn't mandated by the genre.

As far as I know a "cub" is just a young fur. Sure it can be in porn, or it can be just purely innocent SWF content. Unless that's changed somehow. Either they are new to the fandom and are mistaken, they are trying to force a new definition on everyone else,  acting out of some weird guilty conscience (thou dost protest too much), or they are trolling for trolling's sake. In which case they are breaking one of IB's TOS rules. Inkbunny Pholosophy.

Imports from other war/disaster zones are becoming more common though.

IB's freedom of expression policy seems to be the best and well balanced IMHO. Even on controversial topics like cub-porn, AI-art, and other content that some may find "offensive" they have consistently struck a fine balance between legal (and safety) issues and the rights of artists content creators to express themselves openly and freely. Every time a new conflict comes up they have consistently struck that fine line, that while it may not make everyone happy, allows for the most freedom without blanket knee-jerk virtue-hammering.

For that I am most thankful.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Sadly it looks like this particular situation is not trolling, the artist just has a stick up their ass, and assumes all cub content is just as bad as the other thing. Or at the very least wants to ensure everyone around them thinks that. I feel like with that mentality you won't make it on IB... it doesn't help that they are not new, and are quite large.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Well in a way he's indirectly kink shaming, which is against the rules here. I suppose it is debatable if he is or is just passionate about having an anti-preference in regards to what he wants his work associated with... he's definitely in the wrong place if that is the case. He can disapprove of the cub-porn genre, or any art with cubs in them at all even in SFW situations, but he cannot attack others for it. For now, I'd just block him and move on. If he comes around and attacks you again under, yours, another artist's, or user's comment section or PMs you to do it, report him.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
It's understandable because most people  think furry porn are insane, not that it is a cub but generally speaking they prefer real people not animals that look like people, it's like saying anime is better because they are people rather than a dog acting like people.

My advice is, you can't please everyone, you just need to look for people who has the same likes as you.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Don’t think too much about this. If they did feel offended for pointing out, that a specific word was missing, that normally should be there, they might be a a**hole hating to be corrected.

There might also be a gab in the personal definition of the term “cub” as I don’t know the post this problem occurred with. Something I should have remind myself of in a discussion I had on this site.
As an example: If “young critter” means a character resembling a teen, I would also feel strange calling it a “cub”.

The only thing I’m rather sure about is, that it has nothing to do with them not wishing to be associated with CP, else they wouldn’t have posted a “discussable” picture in the first place.

P.s. please excuse if it’s hard to read or if I did some mistakes with spelling or wording, I’m no native to the English language.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Could well be an influx of people from FA in the last half a year.
However am still noticing how my posts with the cub tag tend to get way more faves than anything else, so I'd say we are still safe in that regard.
Dumbasses will always be a thing though xP
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Probably in denial.  'If they don't call it cub, then people won't hassle them for making cub art.'
Except it doesn't work that way, even real people who are in their 20s or 30s who look young get hassled.
Perception is all that matters to the ones doing the hassling, reality, or pretend reality doesn't matter.  Unless of course if they are your fans.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
" because they don't like their art being associated with CP.

Just another idiot that thinks cub art is CP. Even though it's literally just young anthros that do knot exist. 🐱

" they snapped back at me and immediately blocked me.

" Is this a normal behavior now?

For Inkbunny, yeah. If they don't pre-emptively block you because they don't agree with your content. But yeah. That "relatively large artist" is a douchebag for going nuclear and blocking you.

All they had to do was either ignore you or just delete the comment chain. But it's Inkbunny, so ... you know...
6 months, 3 weeks ago
People just love to overreact. And some people don't know the difference between real life and fiction and say that drawings of fictional characters is the same as actual photos of real people. Hell, it's so bad that it's just downright illegal to post drawings of fictional underage characters in sexual situations in most countries.

I'd say it's actually quite normal (with norm being what the vast majority of people think, and they aren't always right) for people to want to crucify you for being attracted to minors, even if they don't exist and you are well aware that some things should never leave the realm of fantasy. So don't think too hard about it, it's just a knee-jerk reaction for some. Haters gonna hate.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
I've had to block an old/large artist for trash posting my stuff just for being AI, several in fact. Haven't done anything in the cub realm so can't speak to that. You can block by tags, artist, etc but some people still gotta have their drama instead of just block and leave others be.

Don't let it get you down, there will always be a drama queen stirring the pot.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
I only know of one artist that has tried to thread this particular needle. Some of their art features characters that could quite easily be perceived as minors, and yet they clearly have strong feelings that it not be labeled as such.

It's an emotionally charged issue for all sorts of people, for all sorts of reasons. Heck, even the recent Inkbunny policy to limit the spread of real CSAM through DMs was met with a variety of reactions. One of those was fear from people who make cub content while still believing that true CSAM is morally wrong. I felt some of that fear, myself.

I've recently had the privilege of some deeply personal conversations with other IB members. Some of them enjoy cub content while still drawing a bright line they refuse to cross, and I've been surprised by where that line lands for different people. None of them have been pro-contact, or advocate for actual CSAM being acceptable, mind you, but getting a peek into the subtleties of other people's moral reasoning has been eye-opening and thought provoking.

The level of judgement and taboo surrounding these subjects is often extreme, and that triggers a wide range of reactions. One of those is a strong fear of being labeled a pedophile. That's understandable because of how much hatred some people will unleash against those they feel fit the label, as well as fear about our own desires and how to keep them ethical.

Creating art that features characters who are visually indiscernible from minors, while insisting they are adults, is a rather unconventional place to draw the line. Nevertheless, I could understand that being part of someone's mental calculus on how to remain moral while still producing characters they find attractive. Or, maybe it's just fear of being target by hate mobs.

I do think that knee-jerk reactions that shut down conversation on the subject are counterproductive, no matter what your position is. This subject is too important to leave to emotion, because emotion-driven decisions seldom deliver ethical results. I think we can all agree that maintaining an ethically sound position is incredibly important on this subject, no matter what your position is. That means carefully considering your own actions and ideas, especially when someone else brings up a counterpoint that challenges your assumptions.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
I think it's the FA thing, and Twitter as well. People are starting to get burned by those platforms, so they're coming here, and suddenly faced with the reality that some people are into things that are banned on those other platforms because society has decided it's evil. Or maybe it's just a deep jealousy that other people have cleaned out all the societal gunk that is conventional wisdom out of their brains and just enjoy what they enjoy without hating themselves for it.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
🪲bug hug
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Wait till they find out there is an organization called the "cub scouts" and it doesn't even have underage furry porn.

If the person is a full time furry artist then their perspective is likely to be a little twisted.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
My personal opinion is who cares if they’re mad, let them be mad or indignant. I’m actually surprised I don’t get more hate than I do which is almost none. And I post a fair amount of spicy content with Cubs sprinkled in, Point is If they are cubs, a.k.a. nonhuman, nonexistent beings what does it matter what their relative or representative age is or isn’t ??
6 months, 1 week ago
2 months ago
There's been an influx of white knights the past years in this fandom. I guess they don't want to finger their religious leaders for real crimes, so they witch hunt around furry sites. Because that will totally save the world *sarcasm*
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