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All I want for xmas - is to not starve & freeze (2023)

Yeah, again >_<
And off to a horrible start.
Need help to continue, cant do much if I go without food, heating & such.
Put alot of effort into trying to improve things, but things keep getting that much worse.

Been severely sacrificing the food budget for months, skipping meals and getting by mostly on cheap crap like noodles, and the suspiciously cheap dollar store cereals are making me feel worse.
I'm not sure how many know what it is like but it makes it difficult to focus and not pass out, and already have problems there.
And if cant afford to keep the indoor heat above 40f means hands stay numb & purple & bleed.
And I somehow need to save up around 1k to get through winter.
RL income is limited & unstable - is only about half the minimal needed to even live (is why not well).

I know others having problems too but this doesnt mean I need only a few big $$ helps, several people tossing in a few bucks helps too.
(a pity it cant be as simple as $1 per watcher then I'd be able to recover for 2 years in one shot, ugh)

Upset because as soon as I get a major computer problem out of the way, looks like I wont be able to do anything creative without this help.
But also yes, not eating well does seem to cause irritability.

As mentioned before, was trying to finish off several things, still a more elaborate Bunny Link video to finish, Tails, more of Riolu, scorbunny, Lucario, Braixen & the pics for people been trying to salvage from the multiple disk failures.

https://ko-fi.com/kitsunetails - seems to be the easier way people prefer.

https://www.patreon.com/KitsuneTails - not paywalled, is more a life-support/tipjar.

It's just fantasy to hope I could ever get up to near 400/mo support - that's the level I'd need to be able to actually hold onto progress and be able to do things like get better medical care, food and replace this horribly outdated equipment.
Would also free up time.

Would be nice to be able to resume personal projects someday too, but hoping for the best has always been a mistake.
Can only image what stuff I could have completed if I wasn't spending so much time troubleshooting problems & being weakened by crappy health.

About out of optimism.

Well, thanks to those who helped before & those that read this and consider helping.
Viewed: 109 times
Added: 6 months, 1 week ago
6 months, 1 week ago
welcome to the club of life sucks , im having a lot of problems with bills then i hear DTE  is going to raze the price of gas yet agin bad enuf we have to put up with that crap , then my brother in-law wants more rent money , and like he's realy hurting he and my older sister have  a $500k house and like 9 cars ,  

when im liveing in a $30k house that has no inslashon and is very very cold atm my cats food is getting low tho i have some food  life is getting very hard any more  ;_ ;  i just wish i could help you and some others on here .
6 months, 1 week ago
What's DTE? (I assume some energy/fuel company)

Yeah, but the problem with the bills is mostly the fees, I mean if it was only usage alone then all my utilities would only cost like 75 total/mo, but no, they gotta invent reasons to charge 50 more each for BS reasons.

And it's been difficult to get (good) food since 2018 (that trade war hit rural areas like this first - meat, dairy & produce lost its local discounts. Before then, eggs were $0.50/dozen, milk was 0.99/gallon, meat about 2.50/lbs, canned foods ~0.45 and fruits/veggies also around 40 cents/lbs), and since the pandemic the stores have been chronically out of generics, and the quality of name brands have worsened severely.
I mean I could get by fine on $50/month for food if the stores actually had the generics I need.
Like can make a huge lasagna out of about $3 of ingredients if have them.

I stopped using gas/LP long ago, the fees were pushing $50 each month even when not needed.
I just use electric radiators, good enough for small homes.
(Electric can be cheaper for small homes, but gas is better for large homes, since you need about up to 1kw per small room)
I don't trust gas powered appliances anymore anyway, they were always leaking a bit.

Well, I got pretty good at minimizing heating & airconditioning.
Things that help alot are dealing with the windows, in winter need to cover them with plastic (can often get window plastic at dollars stores in winter & some packing tape for it).
Also using dark colored curtains in the winter can generate alot of free heat from sunlight (each window can give up to a kw of heat, which is why best to do the opposite in the summer - then need to use light colored curtains).

Can reduce heat reaching less important rooms by partly closing those vents, but not too much since humidity likes to flow towards cooler areas.
Like I can find 61 degrees comfortable in thicker clothes, other rooms get about 50 degrees.

Water heaters can suck up alot of energy, like running the hot water for an hour can end up costing several bucks, because they use almost as much energy as it takes to heat the house.
So try to minimize that, like effecient shower heads can help (ones that use less water but increase presure through smaller holes, big hole ones just wastefully dump lots of water)

It can help to get pet food in bulk, but I know, kinda hard to actually have enough to get it.
Some places like those rural farm/hardware stores can have that and scoupable litter for even cheaper than WalMart.
6 months, 1 week ago
Do you have paypal?
6 months ago
Uh, I'm not sure if you should.
This broken government seems hellbent on making sure they delay support for your country, so you should be saving up more urgently than me, but also gathering supplies.
I got almost what I need for December so far.
6 months ago
Things are fkd up here, but i've got a good job recently and for now have enough. Also fome money just laying on paypal i can donate no problem.
6 months, 1 week ago
*Hugs* Funds sent, hope it helps a little.
6 months ago
Yeah, Thanks :3
Got to the point where I can start to buy some meaningful food.
Still got Jan & Feb to prep for though, so hopefully a few others still help later on.
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