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Taking a step back from Inkbunny.

Hey all. This has been something I've been thinking about for a while but have finally decided to pull the trigger on this.

I'm taking a leave from Inkbunny for an unknown amount of time. it could be indefinite but we will see what the future brings.

Why are you leaving?

The thing is, this site doesn't really do anything for me anymore. my personal engagement has been much lower on this site than others, possibly due to me not creating art for a majority of people that come to this site for specific content. the slower traffic accompanied by an overall displeasure with how AI art has pretty much taken over.

I came to this site like 14 years ago and I really liked it at the time. yeah Cub has always disgusted me but back then this site felt like a great alternative to the shithole that was (and still is) Furaffinity, and i could see how the mods cared for this site so i just ignored my distaste for the subject. Now don't feel as confident in saying that. Seeing how the mods Treat AI which has been wildly unpopular in the art community as a whole to appease to the minority of people that liked it just makes me so uninterested in posting here. Even worse their are other actually artistic processes that have been removed from this site because the mods thought it would do the exact thing AI is actually doing. I cannot with any enthusiasm say that the mods of this site care about artists with how these rules have been presented.

now I know some people are gonna come here and say "just ban the AI tags" which trust me I do but that doesn't stop people from posting AI art without following the set rules and I CBA to set up a ticket every time it happens just because the mods think AI art is ok.

What is going to happen to your gallery

Well, I'm wiping it as a form of protest. I know I could leave it up for people that enjoyed my art, but if you really want to see my art you can join my discord >>> https://discord.com/invite/VvPWTkqmfx <<< or follow me on my other socials to see my art there. I've got a lot of accounts and i use Postybirb to pretty much post on all of them so it shouldn't be too hard to find me.

Can I still contact you through IB?

yes you can still contact me through IB though i will prefer you contact me through other methods that ill read in a much more timely manner. I still plan to lurk on the site to see art from artists I support that don't post anywhere else.

Where can I find you?

as listed above, you're always welcome to join my discord https://discord.com/invite/VvPWTkqmfx as well as find me on other sites like Itaku,FA,Weasyl ect by looking at these links https://linktr.ee/amaterasuarts

Why should I care?

Well I supposed you don't have to. I'm sure a certain number of you will just feel like im being a big baby or that ill come back after im done crying about AI but for the rest of you, I wanted to give you a chance to know and follow me elsewhere instead of just disappearing overnight
Thanks a ton everyone for all the good times on this site and even though this isnt goodbye forever, it is goodbye maybe one day i'll be back until then. hope to see you all elsewhere!
Viewed: 140 times
Added: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
4 months, 2 weeks ago
I hope you come back, I don't see much of your art, but it's sad how a great artist like you leaves. Take care and come back when you are ready. ^^
4 months, 2 weeks ago
thank you <3
4 months, 2 weeks ago
It's a shame, but wholly understandable.
AI art-tools could actually HELP some artists by simply automating some aspects of tedium (texturing, color gradient over curves, backdrop enhancements, etc.) Even help sketch artists who struggle with the minutia of "completing" a submission that they'd like to have more detail, reach said "completion" by providing the line-art as a gen guide... I've been one of those. But a lot of folks feel(completely understandably) sleighted by the technology. 😓

I'd like to know more about this line though,
"Even worse their are other actually artistic processes that have been removed from this site because the mods thought it would do the exact thing AI is actually doing." To which are you referring? I'm not familiar and would like to know how you see they're (knowingly/ignorantly) sabotaging artists so I can watch for the same.🤔

Either way, I respect the decisions, though I'll be sad to see you go.
Anybody who says you're being a "baby" might be trying to pay you a compliment, given the site we're on? 😏
No, in all seriousness, pay them no mind. You clearly feel very strongly about this. You're standing by your beliefs. I hope you've also messaged the Inkbunny staff at least once on these matters, as sometimes that sets the stage for change, even if it doesn't end up starting with you.

Though I prefer your return over not, I moreover hope your pursuits are fruitful and feed your soul. 🎇

edit: Reading the line again, I think I know to what you're potentially referring to? Alternates perhaps? Where a single image has over 15 variations of subtle details? If so, then odds are good you're quite right, I think.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah I'm sure one day AI stuff will be a great asset to artists but as it stands now all it does is rip other artists work to create something and very soon its just going to start cannibalizing other AI art until it all becomes indistinguishable.

I have discussed my grievances with mods and they pretty much just said they didnt care that much. The content in question is SFM stuff. a mods has specifically spoken out about the content https://imgur.com/a/E0MZpGt you can read it here.

it's pretty hypocritical to the AI stuff but the short and sweet of it is that "we already have that rule so we arent changing it and we needed a rule for AI"

who knows what the future will hold but if nothing changes then i wont have much of a reason to return.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
AH, I see. (*reads*) Oh wow... seriously...?? Yeah that is rather silly by comparison...
"all it does is rip other artists work to create something and very soon its just going to start cannibalizing other AI art until it all becomes indistinguishable."

I mostly agree with the first half, because of what I'm seeing less savory users primarily use it for (in most spaces) that at least leans that way.  I do disagree with the second half however, but mostly because that will come down to the audience/people/humanity as a whole. I do think you're not mistaken that some individuals will stray numbly into this territory, but it'll be short lived. It'll seem amazing for a flash for them, but like cancer it'll snuff itself out when left to its' own devices.

Tastes are unique to societies/cultures/families/individuals. So long as variety is needed for the spice of life, this "homogenizing" is not going to happen. (Or if it does start to happen, I suspect we're a long ways off from it as of yet.)
Artists, people like you with genuine drive, vision, and imagination will still be needed to get something out of these "cut and paste" -esque- 'neurons' that isn't "just like every other millionth output." The IDEA is what should be cherished... not some flashy soulless hermit crab shell that's made of plastic, looks nice but has no life in it, and is just as easily discarded back on the beach.

Speaking of, I got to thinking,

"On a beach of sand, a diamond is a rarity to treasure. So also, on a beach of diamonds, is a grain of sand."
4 months, 2 weeks ago
when i say that I mostly mean in terms of what AI at this stage is capable of doing. remember AI NEEDS the art of artists to do anything at all so its scouring the internet for that dataset, which each second is filled with even more AI art. that and artists are starting to do things like AI poisoning on their images means there will be less and less new ideas for the models to pull from and as it slowly (or quickly actually) starts to pull more and more from other AI works it will become less and less varied

now this is just what i see happening if AI continues on the trend it has, ofc laws could change, AI could become more ethical and be used as a proper tool for artists ect ect but until those changes happen I wont consider anything other than what is currently happening.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Well, I'm not trying to change your view, if anything I'm just offering up my own experience and appreciate your candor around it. Some artists are being too belligerent, and others too accepting, in my mind.

If anything, offering a measure of hope. Some folks have splintered away from these "masterpiece-ultradetailed" hackjobs and are already working to expand upon "themes" and concepts to pave the way for those tools.

Also, I've been hypothesizing a new means of copyright that'd hopefully get monetization correction for some of these artists. Especially popular/prolific ones.
In essence, so long as you had proof of file creation/posting, you would be entitled to a fraction of profit made on a dataset that uses it.

So a company makes an image generator that used one's art in it. This art is a single piece in a million or so.

This company that makes a 10million dollar profit, must now take 10% of that profit to be "tithe'd out" and honor the source.
So, being a single art piece of the million, The artist would be entitled to a dollar (whopee~ I know, stay with me though)

Because we can confidently create token maps, it's NOT difficult to figure out how much influence a particular set of 'neurons' were influenced by a particular piece in a dataset. So if someone starts blatantly copying your style, and somehow manages to make $10k profit, $1k comes out of that. Given that the software just "assembles" the pieces, it doesn't "invent", the software creators only get a fraction of that(5% at best). But given that the token map would easily mark the piece as the "thematic base" the artist would be entitled to the rest, closer to $900. But that would apply to all profits made this way, indefinitely.

As in, that would remain the case as long as more art is created with the data set the art piece resides in (or gave rise to as well, so degrees of separation doesn't mean you are suddenly ostracized from revenue generated from YOUR idea), to the degree that your art was applicable, and puts money BACK in the artist's hands in "honor of origin."

Anyways, didn't mean to ramble. Appreciate you taking the time to discuss this with me.
I agree, AI art as a whole is in a rather sorry state right now.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Sorry see you leave, as one first artist I watched and befriended on this site I'm going to miss. That said I find all reason you stated very valid and understandable.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Well there's plenty of places you can find/ talk to me still if u ever want to :)
4 months, 2 weeks ago
It's a shame about removing the art from your profile, but I totally understand the protest.

AI "art" is a blight, and I'm not sure why IB is so insistent on allowing it. It's basically just spam.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Hopefully one day the mods will feel the same but based on my interactions with them i dont think that will happen anytime soon haha
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah, so glad e621 took the stance of "put that on an entirely different site and keep it away".  Basically, they force it off the platform, and into a sandpit.  Defensive stance to reduce the number of people thinking they're smart by not tagging it.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
i think th epoint is that youre actually pretty much right BUT people just take it and "nod it off", so to say. I still duno why AI art is "somewhat" allowed here, its not even really fitting with this sides "theme" tbh (i mean, its no Deviantart or something, just just doesnt "fit" here tbh).

The problem is, how we, as the artists could fight against it or "show" that we really do disrespect the opinion. Sure,we could just "leave" and let it behind but than, it will not really "change" the situation. Its more like we "run away" from the problem insteed of really tackling it. I really think it should be tackled somewhat and talked about than actual artists run away from it.

Still, again, compliedly understandable but than, their "has" to be other opinions than just taking it or...well, leaving.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Well I've had plenty of discussions with mods about this particular topic and they don't seem all that interesting in changing their minds atleast that's what I got when I talked with them a couple of months ago and every time someone talks about it they just go. "Yeah just ban the keywords" which is a laughably bad take about a thing that literally steals artwork to be useful. The mods will try to play the "well its not technically illegal!" Card which is how I know they simply do not care about artists on this matter and it seems like they simply want IB to be another "safe haven" site for an otherwise taboo topic of art.

With ai art being mostly hyper realistic and this being a primarily cub based site, I see this becoming a PR nightmare trying to constantly say the "separation of fiction and reality" while AI puts out art that may have even been made with Real CP.

If the mods feel like listening one day then I'll be here to discuss it but ad of right now they don't really see an issue with it or simply don't care.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
saying "just ban the keywords" is like trying to add a simple band-aid to a broken knee. That will not work out if the problem gets "ignored", literally.

I wrote myself (literally like 5 mins ago) a journal about this whole webpage situation and where people could actually go and/or stay. Its really a complex situation if you think about it for longer because every page comes with its fair share of problems so it seems.

4 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah, I agree with that being a horrible solution.  All it does is makes sure lots of people post it, AND you get false positives for innocents getting flagged!  It was so hilarious to see FA not implement any kind of filters per user, even after highly requested for like a decade+.  But that's ranging off-topic?  XD
4 months, 2 weeks ago
"Join my discord"  No.  Sorry.  :(  I can't support proprietary platforms.  I guess this content will just 'go dark'.  As in, vanish from search engines.  They also are not intended as file host.  Did they enforce the link expiration policy to discourage that, yet?

At least you're using PostyBirb, so it'll show up on other sites.  Still sad to see you clear a gallery.
4 months, 1 week ago
Hate to see you go, but Love to watch you leave! :V (honky tonk ba donk a donk reference joke)
4 months, 1 week ago
I thought you might like to know about this tool in case you are unfamiliar with it now. It is the start of what I'm calling the AI Art Wars, lol.  It's an attempt to sabotage AI generators from using your stuff.   It's a start.

4 months, 1 week ago
I heard about this. Thanks for the link :)
4 months, 1 week ago
My pleasure. ^_^   Hope the best for ya.
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