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My final "important" message.

I, uh... I came to a realization.  

This is going to come off as "well, duh" to most of you, but it's an epiphany for me so please indulge my stupidity.  Also forgive me for how bewilderingly rambly this will be and for all the weird liquid projectile feces I'm about to humiliate myself with.

I'm going to start this with a bit of an anecdote: There's a Youtuber who makes content people enjoy.  He does this for years, building the channel and the audience.  The Youtuber fancies himself a writer, but hasn't really revealed that to the viewers.  He just dabbles while semi-regularly creating content.  Eventually the Youtuber is reviewing a movie he finds particularly appalling.  He loudly complains about the story, the characters, the world building, etc.  At some point he gets so frustrated he claims:

"This is so bad I could do better!  In fact, my novel [insert title here] that I've been working on for years is better than this!"  

This piques the interest of the audience.  "Ooh!  Tell us about your book Youtuber!"

"Well, I... you know, it's just a little something I've been working on...  You don't really want to hear about it."

"Pleeeeeeese, Youtuber!"  

"Well, since you asked so nicely..."

Youtuber tells them about his novel.  His complex characters, his deep themes, his well thought-out lore and world building.  And its... well, frankly, it's horrible.  Far worse than the aforementioned movie he was complaining about.  Maybe there's a core of a good idea buried in there, but for the most part it is simply atrocious.  However, the audience gobbles it up.  They think it's a fine story concept.  Amazing, in fact.  They tell him so.  This gives him the needed drive to finish the first draft.  His audience gleefully agree to critique his novel.  They love it!  It's perfect!  Don't change a thing!  

The novel goes to print and suddenly it's not just his audience that are critiquing it anymore.  The wider world gets their hands on it and...

Prof. Farnsworth: "To shreds, you say?"  

So what's the point of this story?  Is there some deeper meaning here or what?  For that matter, WTF are you even doing here, Timer?  Didn't you flip a double-bird on your way out the door to do some half-assed New Year's resolution soul-searching shit?  

I'll get to all that, just calm down.  And it wasn't a double-bird, I simply cocked a snook.  Maybe threw a bras d'honneur at the worst.  

Anyway, the point:  

Youtuber was loved for being a Youtuber.  They "loved" his novel because they loved his channel, not because his writing was actually good or anything.   They were obligated to consider his work as good because to do otherwise might mean that his opinions (which they often agree with, hence their own opinions) might be flawed.  He accepted this praise as genuine and considered anyone who had harsh criticisms as being disingenuous or possibly even "toxic".  Of course, anyone outside of that arrangement could see the levels of copeium being huffed on both sides.  He had something he was good at and leveraged it for something he sucked at.  As a result, it damaged his reputation, and also the reputation of his audience.

But in the wider sense, does it matter?  If his shit stinks, but he and his audience think it's roses, it must be roses, right?  Who cares if they roll it it?  

Get to the fucking point, Timer!

The discovery I've made is I never honestly appreciated my readers, okay?  I never sat back and really let it sink in that those that read my stuff and comment and fave and occasionally PM and whatnot have no other agenda beyond they enjoy my writing.  They're trying to reassure me that they do indeed want more.  They aren't here solely in support of my Youtube channel or because they share my religious or political views or any other unrelated whatever.  They aren't obligated to be nice to me because they're family members.  They aren't looking to get anything from me, jump on my gigantic cock (yes, it is), or marry me to get access to my massive treasure horde (no, I dont).  Since there's nothing else encouraging them to show up, it stands to reason that people must come here because they sincerely like my writing.  When they say something nice it is because it is genuine, not because it is a burden they must bear, to preserve their own ego, or protect my feelings out of a sense of pity.  The least I can do is take the appreciation I get at face value.  Instead, what I do is consider the praise as insincere, only accepting negative comments as truth.  Since I don't get a lot of negative comments, my overdeveloped sense of self-doubt/loathing is convinced I don't get a lot of truth.  When in reality I should be amenable to the possibility that I'm fucking awesome.

And regardless of what the truth is, we're all entitled to our roses.    

With that humiliating Sally Field shit out of the way, I am deeply, deeply sorry for treating any fondness on your part so flippantly.  Even if you didn't realize it, I owed you all an apology.  I am sorry.


My fucking therapist is a liar.  I don't feel any better at all right now.  

Anyway... aside from the desire for public self-flagellation y'all prolly want to know what's going on here, right?  So things didn't work out how I was planning.  After all this time not sure why I expected they would.  Regardless of how things worked out, I'm not supposed to be here anymore.

Yet, here I am.  


Before I left I was going to post one final story.  A story in which "Timer" interacts with many of the characters I've created over the years in a non-canonical (and nonsensical) setting.  It included at least one from nearly every story posted here.  Even some characters that aren't associated with Timer but had something to say anyway.  An opportunity for one final word from each story/character.  The idea was this story would explain why I was doing what I was doing by stating it directly to the characters.  I touched on things like how painfully disgusting I find AI art to be, what my culpability is regarding the content I produce, what I'm hoping to move towards, and some other random points.  This gave me a way to play the devil's advocate.  It was turning out pretty good and I wrote around 5k words.  And then I realized two things:

My characters managed to pick apart most of my reasoning.  Not picked perfectly clean like a school of piranha, but more like flock of seagulls from an Alfred Hitchcock film.

Due to what that means moving forward I can't post the story anywhere, ever.  If I leave I can't post the story since many of the characters can't be here or anywhere else.  If I stay I can't post the story because many of the characters can't be here or anywhere else.  

(That makes sense in my head.  Trust me.)

This is all good in that I don't have to finish that particular story (I was getting tired of writing it anyway).  It was also bad in that my explanation for why I was leaving just became as worthless as a PhD in butt-wiping studies from Harvard, just with far less plagiarism.  This means I have to speak directly to my readers instead of being able to hide behind a layer of narration.  Unfortunate since it's quite awkward for everyone when I'm direct.


Case in point:


You know what?  Fuck it.  Fuck it up the ass and without removing the anal beads first.  I'm tired of trying to get my thoughts in order so I'm just going to Tommy Boy this.  I spent all God-damn month trying to write this and all I have is a confused, contradictory pile of bullshit, so I guess it's not happening or I'm too fucking stupid to express it.  I'm sorry but you can all spend the rest of your lives wondering what caused me to do all this.  Just take comfort in the fact that this is the least of my issues.  However, right now it's in my goddamn way and I'm sick of tripping over it so I'm just gonna sum it up:

Since it's apparently way easier to stay than it is to explain why I'm leaving without sounding like a gibbering lunatic (he said while hysterically frothing at the maw), I'm just going to stay.  

In fact, I'm doubling down.  I'm going to make "Timer" a cub only account and then create other accounts to port over stories that don't belong here.  So some stories have gone bye-bye and will reappear again sometime down the line under a different pseudonym.  Don't worry, they're the stories that nobody really reads anyway.

Basically I was stuck in the "pie problem" but without the pie.  There's really only one answer to that problem and it's to eat the damn pie.  

Yeah, I don't know either but I'm done thinking right now.  So here's a quote written by Mark Twain that I'm going to misapply to my situation obtusely: "All right, then, I'll go to hell."

Speaking of Huck, I've decided y'all can have this little excerpt from that story I'm never gonna finish cuz I guess I need to humiliate myself further.

A twig snapped behind me and I became aware of the allure of tobacco smoke.  I spun to find I was no longer alone on the path.  A lanky, feeble figure approached me with a lazy, sauntering gait.  He wore a long, black overcoat that was dust-stained to a powdery gray.  The black hat on his head in a similar state.  

"I'm your Huckleberry," the figure spoke with a southwestern cadence.  He took a drag from a non-filtered cigarette before tipping back the hat.  Yellow jackal eyes regarded me with amusement.

I rubbed the back of my neck in annoyance at how blatant that was.  "If anyone, I would have expected Roger."

Valentine coughed.  "Dont' be daft, I am far more fitting given the situation.  Moreover, Roger is presently committed."  

I examined my hand.  Not a hand anymore.  A furry paw.  Specifically a ferret paw.  Sure, why not?  I guess that makes sense in a self-delusional way.

"So we're just gonna do this whole meta thing?"

Valentine blew a series of smoke rings.  "I reckon so."  

"And you're here to... what?  Talk me out of this?"

"That depends on what "this" is."  

"The same thing I always do.  Find a way to rebuild myself and carry on."

Valentine chuckled as he slowly circled around me like a vulture eyeing a corpse.  "There are two types of cowards, Myst-are Thyme-are; those that can pull the trigger and those that cannot."  The jackal leaned against the signpost as his jaundiced eyes danced gleefully in the shadow of the wide brimmed hat.  "We both know which sort you are, don't we?"  He flicked away the butt of the smoke before sweeping back his duster, revealing the mare's leg pistol strapped to his thigh.  

I gave an incredulous chuckle.  "Is that a joke?  I don't even have a—" I put a paw on my belt and recoiled.  There was the smooth, pearl grip of a Colt single-action dangling from my hip.  

This was no joke.  

"If we do this, your story will never be told."  I warned.

"Sanguis pro sanguine, my friend.  Alas, it is not my story, is it?"

I narrowed my eyes.  "You can't beat me, lunger."

Valentine's face split into a rabid grin.  "Say when."

Once again, I apologize to everyone and I promise to have no more "Important Messages" in the future.  I'll likely be quiet for a while since I intend to slink under a rock, but when I get my shit in order I'll be more than happy to roll in this bed of roses.
Viewed: 113 times
Added: 4 months ago
4 months ago
Well Wilco (aka. Rodger Blue) is a pseudonym for me that I use to write "cub" and cub related stuff under. I have a couple other online identities that serve other purposes for me. I like to keep them separate and divided. At least Wilco anyway for the very obvious societal issues. Of the other two, only one is used for writing. The other I use as a general net-persona/fursona and have been involved in many internet community based projects over the years.

I currently have three stalled novels/novellas/stories that are not cub related in various stages of completion. One is nearly completely outlined. Another has a beginning but is stuck in outline because of the complexity of its plot and concepts. (God I wish I could talk about them here but again... separate and divided... one shall not connect with the others. Period.) A third has neither an outline nor beginning written yet and is still in an idea stage, though, a very compelling one.

Then there is the little roleplaying universes that I share with my lifemate/partner. We had a long distance relationship to start, and so almost like love letters we shared some worlds and stories together. Since some involve cub they may migrate eventually to be re-told and shared in some way under my Wilco pen-name.

Anyway, that said. I don't really have an audience yet. Very few followers anyway. Plus my health problems keep getting in my danged way frustrating me to no end because it absolutely saps what little energy I have and actually is a hindrance to reading and writing... or makes it a very tiring activity anyway. You can imagine how depressed I've gotten as a result. I'm slowly on the mend though and hope to have enough brain cells and energy to start back up again.

My life, definitely isn't anywhere where I want it to be. But I really just don't have any say in that matter. I dug my hole, now I have to squat in it and stare at the worm eaten walls. I take responsibility for it.

Where was I... I was rambling... rambling... rambling... ah yeah. The thing I wanted to convey was that I empathize and in many ways understand your situation. I am among the fans who enjoyed reading some of your works, and even found some inspiration in them. I look forward to anything you write in this or any other genre, if you care to share it. I am not selfish enough to demand more of you, but wish to convey some gratitude for sharing your work.

I -know- that little bit that a lot of readers rarely consider. That we shave off a little bit of ourselves, our souls, into our works and writings. (Yes, I'm overstating it in this simile. Especially when it comes to writing smut.) That they are little pieces of self tossed out into the digital ether to either bear fruit, or to just gather dust. No-one wants to be beaten on for daring bear a piece of creative soul. And it is easy to forget about the encouragement or positive things that come from it or to take it for granted. Now mind you not everything we write is supposed to be a masterpiece born of sweat and blood... but even "junk food" has its time and place and indeed even a little real value. If it entertains even a little, then it's done its job. That kind of the point.

Again with the rambling... gather roses while ye may... again what I am saying is that I know that it is work, actual work, to write and share writings. Be they big projects born from love and imbued with our very spirit. Or little things that are simple craftworks that are meant to distract and entertain others just for shits and giggles. It still takes time, labor, and something personal to create and some amount bravery to share them.

It is appreciated!
4 months ago
Two and a half thumbs up for that ramble.  

Well, if you absolutely need to share one of those non-cub stories with someone you can hit me up in Discord.  You show me yours I'll show you mine.  It'll be our little secret.

I wouldn't call that simile an overstatement.  I put WAY too much of myself in this stuff.  If I'm not going to do it perfectly, why do it at all?  I'm trying to unlearn that.  I was reading a book the other day and I was like "this is pretty lousy, there's multiple filter words in almost every paragraph, everything in this world feels stale, and these characters aren't acting like human beings." and that was the first book of ten in a popular series.  I have to convince myself it's fine if I'm not the best. I don't even have to be the best I can be.  As long as most people don't notice I'm half-assing anything I should be fine.  That's the level to shoot for, I think.
4 months ago
" The discovery I've made is I never honestly appreciated my readers

I hope you learn to appreciate your readers.

I appreciate mine, especially when they leave praise and/or criticism.
4 months ago
I'm working on it.  
4 months ago
That's a long way to go for self-deprecation, but I totally get it. I hope that you truly are able to learn to appreciate what you've already earned. I've said many times myself that I write for myself, but I can't deny that, as a creative, I am also fueled by every view and favorite and comment, positive or otherwise.

It's hard, I get it, staying in a counterculture so universally reviled by the outside world, but nothing good has ever come from lying to one's self.

You're one of the more talented and prolific writers in this niche. You will always have an audience here.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Thank you for that.  

I don't know if it's so much about any shame about being in the counterculture, but I suppose I wouldn't shout it from the rooftops.  Although I'm pretty sure crossover in my gallery has done some harm.  Not just in the "wait, this guy also writes cub?  What a sicko!" category, but the folks looking for cub are likely a bit disappointed when I post a "consenting adults" story or "semi-mainstream fantasy story".  It feels messy.  I thought I wanted to move completely away from cub, but I found I was still writing that stuff anyway.  

So I came back since I'm obviously not done.  
4 months ago
Thanks for the update!

I enjoyed reading it--and I do mean that. :)
3 months, 4 weeks ago
You're welcome.

It was painfully difficult to write, so I hope it was at least entertaining.  
3 months, 4 weeks ago
*offers hugs*
4 months ago
*I peek into the room and begin chucking small burnt pieces of popcorn* ''boo, boo I say, boo!''

Okay so here's my thoughts. it's a lot to unpack and it quite honestly is a wall word salad. as somebody who is a reader as well as someone who occasionally PMS you since I fit that category quite snugly. I think you're being a little too hard on yourself since I never got the feeling that you never appreciated me to the extent that you mentioned in your wall of text,or I might be that dense. and I might be misunderstanding some of the points that you are trying to make in this announcement. however I can honestly say that your work has inspired me to continue my own work that I've been struggling to finish the last 12ish years.

 as somebody who's been following you for years I can honestly say I don't give a flying rat's ass about a certain YouTube channel or any other place besides here, your story career, I follow, I watch and I occasionally message the writers that I enjoy deeply. There's only a couple of writers that fit on my hand that I can name off that have inspired me to try to continue my work.

 ghosty: cabin break
 Vendetta: a bump in the night
 Timer: the line

if I made a mistake in understanding anything then I'm open to correction but I hope your three-month absence has brought Clarity to whatever it is you are going through, just understand that it is you in the end that has to take action to rectify whatever it is.also continue to expect me to poke you in PMS every now and again.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Well, no.  You in particular I always appreciated.  

But those other fellows?  Don't get me started on them.  (SMH)

4 months ago
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