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Deleting TG/Discord, Moving to Signal

Signal has now made phone numbers private by default and has released usernames and clickable links to profiles. I'd like to make long-lasting groups without worrying about a random karen getting me banned for evasion, so I'm moving all comms there. Also full encryption is based.

You can message me here. I made both Gay Baby Central, a general nsfw-ish chat group and The Squirk Empire, a NSFW porn sharing group for cub, rubber, diapers, transformation, fatfurs, hypnosis, bondage..check my new f-list page to see roughly what gets posted there. XD

I'm going to be hopping on voice chat quite regularily there for gaming streams and for monthly game/movie nights. Come check it out!
Viewed: 23 times
Added: 3 months, 1 week ago
3 months ago
Cute, but I've never heard of Signal... what's the interface like?
3 months ago
It's very similar to Telegram before it got a billion features. There are DMs, groups, and stickers. You can do voice and video calls with one person or a group. But it's fully open source, everything is encrypted, and it's run by a non-profit organization that can't be bought out. I think it'll be a lot safer for cub folks in the coming years. It should also be safe from paywalled features showing up.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Do I need a phone number to use it and does  it run in a browser?
1 month, 2 weeks ago
A phone number is required, but it isn't shared with others. It also needs to be installed on a phone or tablet for it to work. There's no web version, but there are versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux that can sync up with your phone once it's installed on there.

This is all because your devices are the ones that store your communications, and they talk to each other to stay in sync. Signal only holds new messages long enough to deliver them to one of your devices, even though they're encrypted. Their system was designed in such a way so that they have as little access as possible to user data.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Well, I just am really averse to using my cellphone number on anything, because that's supposed to be a work-only thing. I don't like mixing work and furry stuff.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I do hope that they drop the requirement eventually, but it does at least stop trolls from making dozens of accounts to harass people. This was a huge problem for me on Discord. In any case, it's impossible for anyone to find you via your phone number, or for anyone on there to see your phone number.

I really hope you drop by my chat. ^^ You seem like a nice guy tbh. I always see you making journals to help people raise money they need, that's really considerate of you.
1 month, 1 week ago
I try my best, buddy Squeaky. ;w;
Do I need a phone number to log in? Or do I log in with an username made at some point?
1 month, 1 week ago
It's used to log in on your phone. Then once it's on your phone you sync with your computer with a QR code. It's really nifty.

Usernames exist, but they're only used to find people. You can also share a link to connect with peeps.
1 month, 1 week ago
Mm, it reminds of Whatsapp, sort of.~
1 month, 1 week ago
Hehe, that's because Signal is open source, and Whatsapp stole their code and removed the privacy features.
1 month, 1 week ago
I didn't know that. o.o'
Well, makes sense.
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