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I don't know if people may be aware of things lately, but there has been a HUGE crackdown on ALL adult content over the last 10 or so years... From internet payment providers, porn sites, art sites, media companies, credit card companies, U.S.A. and E.U. right AND left wing governments, and religious organizations, just to name a few.

Have you noticed the uptick of artists on social media and even furry websites talking about how things like patreon or paypal or any other number of payment-for-art providers out there are getting banned without explanation?

**EDIT** Recently confirmed by ZaggyNorse on twitterX specifically from PATREON that "ANY EMPHASIS ON ANAMALISTIC GENITALIA" on anthro-characters is considered "bestiality" and anthro-characters in sexual poses with human characters is also classified as "bestiality" kind of like what PayPal did years ago. It also seems other art and payment providers are following along. So even if a site allows NSFW for now the "Payment Provider" might not like: Banks, Mastercard, Visa, and so on, forcing the site to eventually follow the rules of the payment provider if they want to keep making money. So I guess screw you if you want your overly buff horse guys with horse dongs or your furry dudes with a plump sheath. **EDIT**

There is some sort of regulatory or religious push to sanitize the internet of ALL porn... Often under the guise of "Protecting The Children" or "Common Sense Controls", but it is being pushed by everyone from hardcore religious conservatives and even so-called "left" and "liberal" governments as well as corporations!

They are coming after the people that like porn in all its forms and the people that make porn. Pictures, Video, Drawn, and even WRITING! Fantasy or otherwise!

Everything from needing WEBCAM FACE LOGINS to trackable real-life picture I.D. to get on porn sites with what you "jerk-off to" as a male, or "plunge the happy hole and flick the bean to" as a female, being on easily searchable databases.

It is like there is some world government or corporate effort to institute some Chinese communist-level "social credit score" system to see if you are one of the "deviants".

Why else would they require I.D. "on record" beyond initial adult confirmation?




Always be wary of overly complex bills / proposed laws with phrases like: "protects the children" or "common sense controls" as these are often NOT what they seem!

"Protecting the children" should be a PARENT'S responsibility, and "Common Sense Control" should be an INDIVIDUAL'S responsibility.

The rest of society should not be made sterile and CENSORED because someone can't parent their kids or control themselves online.


Because once laws are passed and rights are violated, and it is gone or banned, it will be insanely hard, if not impossible, to EVER get it back.
Viewed: 36 times
Added: 1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Oh ffs. 🤦‍♂️ This isn't the same internet as it was 20 years ago when I first laid eyes on Falstaff (if you know who that is, you're "automatically goated" as the kids say).

"Protect the children" my foot.  "Common Sense Control" sounds more like 1984-styled "thought policing".  And what's wrong with a bit of nookie?  Are so many lawmakers hungup on sex that they want to control how other people view and have sex now?  The world is already overpopulated, so why not allow people to make and view lewd art to spank to so that they aren't getting other people pregnant?  Oh, because "god doesn't like it"?  God doesn't exist!  Organised religion and zealous beliefs are what's ruining the world ffs.🤦‍♂️

Well I for one won't stand for censorship and being controlled.  I am a 40 year old man, not a child!  I don't need anyone telling me what I can do so long as I'm not harming myself or others.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
What I find so annoyingly funny is how often the people that are super hardcore ANTI-something, turn out to actually be that thing.

You get anti-gay politicians who end up getting caught with a male sex escort. Politicians and corporate types that want to ban porn "to protect the childrens" getting caught with real-life CP. Anti-gun people getting arrested on illegal weapons charges. Anti-immigration people employing illegal immigrants... So on and so forth.

What is even more annoying is that this anti-porn push is coming from multiple "sides" all over the place. Usually is some pearl-clutching "Moms" group or boy-diddling "Religious fundies". But now it is coming from companies, right AND left "wingers". I am so tired of the tribal political "wings" telling me how I should live my life according to their crooked morals.

Did a bunch of old boomer's dicks finally stop working and now they are pissed off they can't get it up anymore, so they gotta ruin the fun for all the adults that just wanna pump out some population-pudding into a rag?
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Couldn't have said it better myself.  Exactly everything you said is exactly how it is.  Bunch of f--king hypocrites telling me how to run my life when they can barely run theirs.  Fml.
1 month, 3 weeks ago

I've long since come to see any sort of "protect the children" or "think of the children" argument as a huge red flag that indicates the person saying it is going to be advocating some sort of censorship or invasion of privacy.

And the ironic thing is that even if you were to take the people making these arguments 100% at their word they would still not themselves be thinking of the children. Because when you pare away all the bullshit what these people are really saying (before any secret intent or lack thereof is taken into account) is that they want to oppress teenagers and punish them for sexting and watching pornography.

I want to know where these people came from, and where the people who believe them came from. It almost seems like they must have came into the world as fully formed caricatures of adults, because otherwise most of them would have grown up with this stuff themselves and know firsthand that it's harmless. I understand that some of them are ancient and predate the internet but it doesn't seem like all of them, or even a majority of them, are this old; and I can't understand how the ones that aren't ancient came to be the way they are.

Clearly some of them are jesus freaks and assorted god-botherers, but as you've pointed out not all of them are that either

I think tv news and internet news may be partly to blame. Their entire M.O. is to take the rarest of freak tragedies and make it look like they're likely to happen to you or your loved ones, and they're thus an obvious suspect in any case of mass panic
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I agree!

And really good point about the news and media. They hyper-fixate on anything either "scary" or "negative" or that they can "SPIN" as such because that is what drives viewership and ad revenue the most.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
One if the really disturbing things is that credit card companies have that kind of power in the first place. By all rights they should be considered a common carrier like the phone companies and other utilities and forbidden from passing judgement on what their service is used for. It's shocking that that slipped through the cracks.

The other troublong thing is that paypal and patreon exist in the first place. As far as I can tell they seem to be largely useless middlemen that are redundant with the credit card companies, and yet everyone seems dependent on them
1 month, 3 weeks ago
And this is why we need image AI and why we need it to be downloadable. So that there can still be a bottomless source of smut even if it's cut off from the internet.

It's also a good reason to download EVERYTHING while you still can
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I've long been of the opinion that people who worry about things like sex and violence in the media are literally insane. The worries they have about these things are entirely irrational and harm the people around them, but they're so prevalent that people don't see how insane they are because most people don't realize that sane and normal are not necessarily the same thing. The world would be a much much better place if these people could be made to take whatever sort of tranquilizers or treatment that they need to stop them from worrying about things that don't matter.

FDR spoke truly when he said that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". Worried idiots cause most of the world's trouble
1 month, 3 weeks ago
A thought occurs. The fear of porn in many movements that claim to protect people is explainable in terms of memetic theory. A movement that actually solved problems would quickly collapse having nothing left to do, a bit like an animal population that's eaten it's entire food supply and now finds itself starving. But a movement that actually worsens the societal problems it purports to solve, such as by removing cathartic outlets like porn and violent videogames, will ensure that it's always fed, provided that its contribution to the problem is not too exceedingly blatant. This doesn't even need a mastermind who understands this in order to come about; one that subtly worsens the problem through honest incompetance will simply thrive longer and better. Thus, once this particular piece of incompetance arises it will tend to stay, and thus its tendency to arise in multiple places and spread from one movement to another.
4 days, 19 hrs ago
I was just talking about this with a few other people on discord!

Like how cancer organizations don't actually want to CURE cancer because then they would lose all that free money.

Or political movements that achieve their goals, only to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find the "next popular minority" to say is "oppressed"... Or even more sinister... Convince some minority that IS NOT "oppressed" to think they ARE.
5 days, 4 hrs ago
My man!  Holy wow~!  I can't believe it, it's like someone else is just out there, typing my thoughts out and I'm reading them in the 3rd person.

Do you know about ISO200022?  You should go do some research if you dont, but if you do... would explain a lot~!

The answer, my good friend, is to read the bitcoin whitepaper.  No one can seize a bitcoin wallet, they can't just lock your account and drain it, they have to haz the seed phrase or else they can't do anything.  Bitcoin is public and open ledger so every transaction is 100% public and fully traceable.  Bitcoin is gold.  Uh otherwise I mean I just take my commissions in XMR because it's low fees and its private.  I dunno, I don't do many commissions but it's the only way I feel comfortable.  I wouldn't be able to use paypal, because people would cancel me. :<

But yeah, WOW, dude I was saying this stuff in 2020-2021 over on FA.  Saying that they would start cracking down hard on furry art and just independent artists and media creators in general.  Everyone was rabid about the stupid lockdown, masks, and jabs... they would not listen when I kept telling them that they are going to get censored too if they censor us...

EDIT :  The only thing I think you are not correct about is that you frame it in the context of NSFW.  NSFW is actually their biggest hurdle.  In reality, they are going after... all independent media... all independent content creators.  All major creators already that you see every day on youtube as promoted?  They all work for Night Media... literally, even the biggest one the beast...
4 days, 19 hrs ago
I never said "THEY" are "only" going after porn.

This is a journal specifically about NSFW content.

Pointing out political and societal censorship and control of the media by the "elite few" is a whole other can of worms.
4 days, 7 hrs ago
" AxleFurret wrote:

I know this is supposed to be a programmed-emotional-response "trigger word" now, but I mean it in the sense that I am not doing it, but multiple others are.


I see the "media elite" as being matched in power and influence by only the banking elite.  I think these families made an alliance a while back and are working together.  They aren't really "American" either.  It's like a "Jet Set" (or more appropriately, an "international waters set").

It's not like the media elite is going to allow themselves to be criticized (or really even named or spoken of) in the media that they themselves own.  Fame is to the detriment of a quality life.

The banking elite are also not going to finance anything that would draw negative attention or fame to themselves, either.

So, what we have is a "shadow" government, in the sense that we are not allowed to know who is actually in control.  The "Shadow Government" of American politics are the not-elected, un-named people who surround Biden and basically write his teleprompter script or edit the video clips together to make it look like he didn't stop every 6 seconds.


The "media" as I see it is a monopoly.  "Media" is everything from social media, to "news," to entertainment to movies to music.  That is all "media."  It is a monopoly.  The power structure that controls it is a monopoly.  All "news" is sourced from Reuters or AP, for example.  These same companies then get to write the lyrics for the music, and the scripts for the tv shows.  They intentionally promote narratives in entertainment to pair-with the news.  I do not trust anything that they say is real in any way, and I also don't consume any new media.  I get a dopamine hit from not clicking on whichever new video that is bring promoted by Night Media "talents."


Any form of media that wasn't made by the media monopoly, that is what they are trying to eliminate.  NSFW is only on a delay because they can't openly attack it directly.  Like, it's just a hold-out.  It was already "supposed to be" censored during the lockdown.  It's connected.  That's the only reason I tie-in all the other stuff.  
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