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Sadly, I have been forced to ban someone.

It is a very, rare occurrence that I ban someone.

The person in question has conducted themselves intellectually dishonestly for quite a while, this quite common for people with their political views. That alone is not enough for me to ban a person, nor is it actually a contributing factor to me.

However, what is a contributing factor is a certain level of respect is required for communication to occur. I have allowed this person to come into my little area of the Internet, my home, and speak their minds freely without censorship. They have been rude, lied, misrepresents what people say, insulting, and have been an excellent example of the immorality and social disgrace the Political Left have become.

This person however, saw it fit to disallow me the same privilege at their home. They made it so I cannot post in their Journals... AND THEN LINKS ME TO Their Journal as part of our conversation. I went there in good faith to read it, and comment.   Clearly the respect is one way, so I have decided if this person is going to be so insufferable, they are no longer allowed to post in my area.

To allow someone like this to post freely here, while they disallow people they are even having a conversation with the same privilege in their area, would be a disservice to my followers. Those that engage in my journals do so for many reasons, but it would be a waste of their time to take someone like this seriously.

As I do not like banning people, it was necessary to justify 'why' I would do such a thing.  Thanks.

Viewed: 50 times
Added: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I dont like banning people as well, makes me feel bad even if the person ive banned has been nothing but nasty to me
1 month, 1 week ago
I don't like banning people because I'm all for free speech in the free market of ideas... but not everyone is willing to engage in conversation, discussion, etc.   Being a jerk isn't enough for me to ban a person lol.   The people fighting Hitler usually respected him in that, it was a war of ideals and his were terrible. You respect the weapons he has, you respect the Country he lead...  you can hate him, but if you don't respect him then you lend yourself to way of thinking which invariably leads to genocide.  ... which is why I stand so firmly against the left.
1 month, 1 week ago
dont see it as banning, you where just taking out the trash
1 month, 1 week ago
Meh, a fair assessment.   Hope you are doing well by the way ;)
1 month, 1 week ago
It sucks to ban anyone, but knowing someone who would have the audacity to speak his/her mind freely in your area, but wouldn't let you do the same in his/her area is definitely a red flag.  I would've done the same thing.
1 month, 1 week ago
Just more evidence the person was just a troll instead of genuinely trying to make a difference.  Jerk was using Trans people as a talking point to spread their hate.  I'm tired of watching P.O.S's using Trans as a stepping stone instead of trying to help with the causes for their rights, and everything.
1 month, 1 week ago
Oh boy, I am with frecuency banning people on all my galleries, channels or servers.  xD

Sometimes is about policy (specifically mexican policy, it sucks!!), sometimes about weird stuff (fetish people or spam), sometimes by questionable propaganda, and sometimes by racism topics.

Don´t worry, banning people sucks, but is a small victory for your ego.  :v
1 month, 1 week ago
No ego. I don't like banning people. I'm a very strong advocate for Free Speech and Uncensored Conversation on the Free Market of Ideas.  

When it comes to illegal stuff, or policy violations? Well that's different. But my Policy in general is I require a 'certain' level of mutual respect. If all you do is insult a person? You aren't making an argument. Hurting someones feelings? Welcome to life. lol

There 'should' be no ego boost in banning a person. If there is? Then the person banning people needs to be demoted lol.
1 month, 1 week ago
Well, only remember do not confuse freedom and debauchery.
1 month, 1 week ago
o_O  there.. there's a difference?  Golly you non lapins are weird!
1 month, 1 week ago
I'm a supporter of people enjoying freedom to engage in debauchery (If it's all mutual)!

Heathen/Pagan's unite!  

1 month, 1 week ago
That is totally understandable, and is about the only circumstances under which I would consider banning someone, as well.
1 month, 1 week ago
Yeah honestly, I don't see any other choice. It wouldn't have been right to let my follows endure it.
1 month, 1 week ago
This journal sounds like butt-hurt pussy-talk to me.

Lemmie teach you something your parents apparently failed to impart; civility is a privilege, not a right. And, personally, I have yet to meet the rightoid I would waste that privilege on. If you want to be talked to like you're not scum, stop acting like scum.

And if you're too thin-skinned to deal with being talked to in the manner you have earned learn to shut the fuck up! I come here for pictures of cute bunnies, not the fashy, falsehood-encrusted diarrhea you call 'an opinion.'
1 month, 1 week ago
What a rational, mature, brave creature you are!

My oh my, how impressive are your communication skills!

Do yourself a huge favor snowflake-  Before trying to talk saucy to your Betters, do an honest self-check and leave your ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and cowardice behind you.  

You've only proven YOU aren't worth conversing with.

Have fun talking to your hand.  It's the only thing that can't tell you 'No/Don't touch me!'

1 month, 1 week ago
" AniwayasSong wrote:
Do yourself a huge favor snowflake-  

They say, unironically, on a journal where one of their ilk is qq'ing because 'gosh dern somebuddy said mean things an' hurt mah feefees.' Don't you have some minorities to harass, scumbag?
1 month, 1 week ago
I too happen to respect, honor, defend 'Freedom of Speech.'
That doesn't give all the trolls/asshats infesting all the varied societies on the planet, permission to talk shit to others while hiding safely in whatever basement/under whatever rock, protected by their cherished monitor as they keyboard warrior the world, and think THEY won't be shut down for it.

If YOU do something that deserves/has earned being called out for it, YOU have no grounds to then continue crying and playing 'Victim.'

Grow the hell up, or just do the rest of the world a huge favor (And save YOUR tender little feelz), by not engaging in mature/adult conversations in the first place.

This has been a Learning Lesson for you, free of charge.

Now, feel free to f*ck off and go pester someone that truly gives a damn about you/your feelings...

You're very welcome.
1 month, 1 week ago
You can't reason with/have a conversation with a deranged or rabid animal.
Some people choose to be that way, so blocking them/their tirades is merely a rational side effect of THEIR misbehavior, not yours.
Nothing says we must subject ourselves to their antics, after all.

Respect is earned, not demanded.

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