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I woke up today in a good mood. I felt good, for once I wasn't being bombarded by dysphoria.
I got dressed, I tied up my hair, shaved this stupid stubble, put on some makeup, brush my hair, you know the usual.
Came online and just like that BANG, JK Rowling decides to be an asshole again.

Why, just why???
I normally let this stuff just ride over me but lately I have been finding it more and more difficult and this time it just broke me, I shut down and now I feel like shit again.

I am not depressed because I am trans, I am depressed because people insist on making my life fucking hell because I am trans.

What the fuck did we do to deserve this, it's not just words, we are being actively targeted, people with push and power saying things that everyone hears, news outlets spreading lies and misinformation. Laws being made that make our lives that much worse or more difficult.

It's just never fucking ending.
I genuinely thought that after so long of suffering, being forced to live as a guy, hating myself every single moment of every single day that things would be different when I came out but I have just been moved from one cage to another.

I just want to live my god damn life comfortable in my own skin, why is that worthy of this kind of rabid assault. We have done nothing except want to live our FUCKING lives.

Just leave us the fuck alone already, being trans is not hell, being trans in this fucking shit hole of a world is hell.
Viewed: 12 times
Added: 3 weeks, 6 days ago
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*offers comfort-hugs*  <3
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Thanks babe, just gets worse, my parents just cut off contact cus I'm trans...
3 weeks, 4 days ago
Well sounds like the problem is the parents, not you.  Parents shouldn't act like that!  :(

The governments of the world are good at finding distractions to direct people's anger against, because they're scared at what might happen if people look too closely at how they're robbing everyone blind.
But people are stupid enough to take the bait and attack each other.  Divide and conquer, it works every time.

There are still people who accept you as you are.  Just that their voices keep getting drowned out nowadays.
I'm not on here much, but, feel free to message me if you need to vent about anything.
Stay strong!
3 weeks, 4 days ago
Thanks babe. Your very sweet. <3
3 weeks, 3 days ago
Anytime  :)
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