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The passing of a Gentle Warrior Fur :(

This is not fiction... I sit here in my cabin, and Far away in Floridia, my Grandfather lays. I think the most important man in my life. In October he had Knee surgery, in January a collapsed lung, now he lays in a coma, bleeding somewhere internally, and his organs failing, he is 87.

While he was a decorated World War II veteran who saw action in the Pacific, he was the gentlest soul I have ever known, While not a fur per-se he taught me respect for all life, he taught me that when hunting the thrill is not shooting an animal..but getting to know that animal, on it's level and to be invited into it's world.

I became a man at our Cabin with him...now I am the last of the breed from my family. I sit watching a gentle white snow, and the woods are silent, except for the whisper of wind thru the trees where I can ALMOST hear all of our conversations and joking. He loved it here more then any place else, in the woods, and he will never return. Outside the Chickadees mob the suet, where Grandpa and I used to watch them for hours. Beside me sits 2 TV Remotes, 2 because grandpa was never good with technology and could not remember to switch the switch between "TV" and "Satalite"

I have a cheery fire dancing in the fireplace that brings no cheer, fueled by wood that Grand pa and I cut and split last supper. In the Garage sits "my half' of the pick up truck we purchased to make hauling wood easier, he only got to drive it a few times. In the shed is his 1950's hunting Suit, he used every season because he know how to take care of things....now it is cold and empty. Beyond that the Garage we built together before I went to Iraq, just him and me.

He surely earned his rest, and I believe there is a paradise and it is selfish of me to want to keep him from it....But I miss my friend...my best friend

Watershipdown, a movie about rabbits had a line in it that keeps replaying in my mind...

God, grant us comfort, for my friend stopped running today
Viewed: 33 times
Added: 13 years, 2 months ago
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