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A recent trend in journals.

I've seen it done by a handful of furs already, and after trying to be quiet about it by keeping my mouth shut, it's gotten to the point where I'm sick of people babying the subject.

I've seen so many artist now making the similar statement, "I appreciate people liking my art/stories/flash/etc, but I feel like all they see now is what I draw and not me." It varies, some people saying they're only seen for their fetish art, others saying they're not taken seriously for the stuff they wish they were taken more seriously for. But overall, it's the same story at heart, "I want people to like me for me, not because they like my art;" and you know what, that's a fair request. Except that's not what it seems many of them really want....

As I've said, they're not asking people to acknowledge them as some art god or genius. They only want people to stop seeing them as an art source, and instead as a human being. Where this sits bad for me, as a fan of their art, not as some insider friend, or someone very close; is the fact that it comes off as hypocritical whining and bitching. Now before people say I'm just being an ass on this, hear me out.

I've talked to some of these artist before. I've TRIED to be a friend. I've TRIED to treat them like a human and more than an art dispenser....but for all my trying, as well as the trying of others, they were unresponsive. They were not interested in someone who just wanted to talk and understand them, and ask them how they were that day, and listen, and just overall treat them like a human being. They were more interested in people who day in, and day out told them, "You're such a good artist," "You're so cool," "you do whatever makes you happy, reguardless of consiquences." They were not interested in anyone who was not CONSTANTLY kissing their fucking asses, telling them whatever they wanted to hear, and never telling them what they didn't.

For all of the begging for people to treat them the way they wanted to be treated, they would turn down those who honestly wanted to offer them friendship, and instead turn to the people who they were "certain would never leave them..." and then they'd hit a slump, or would say "they're not doing that kind of art anymore," all thw people who they turned to, apparently left them, which only made they worse off, and led them right back to where they are now, still posting journal after journal, complaining about how people only see them as a fetish artist, or something to entertain others, and begging for someone to talk to them like a human being.

So, despite the fact that it seems mean, and apathetic, please excuse me when I say that I'm getting tired of seeing journals like that. Please excuse me for saying I'm annoyed by them, and that the only response they bring out of me is not empathy, but a smirk, because when I see these specific furs making these kind of journals, I feel like they're just spewing out BullShit.

I'm sorry if it makes me an asshole if I look at some artists and only see them for their art, and their fetish material, and that leads to them not being treated like a normal human being. But in my defense, I tried my hand at being that friend for a lot of those artists. I FUCKING TRIED. And I was blow off, because I didn't do whatever it was they wanted me to do, which was obviously not "being their friend" like they say they want. I only see them as a fetish artist, because THAT'S ALL THEY WANT TO BE to me and others that try to truely be their friends. In my opinion, they should just be thankful that there are still people kissing their asses; that I still favorite their art; or that I don't reply to their journals, reminding them that they can have no complaints against me, because I already tried. They should be happy that I'm just ranting in a journal, and leaving them ambiquious.
Viewed: 26 times
Added: 11 years ago
11 years ago
Some people like to complain for a variety of reasons, skunk. Or maybe they don't see all that effort.
11 years ago
It's most likely a cock-tail of it all.
4 years ago
I was surprised to see I commented on this.
3 years, 11 months ago
It's rather ironic.
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