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Animator Igor Waiting for new Adventures to Come
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AnthonitecusWolff's Gallery (241)

Animator Igor and Astraligor Solving an Grass Puzzle

Animator Igor says Happy Birthday to Wally (for PizzaWolf)
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Animator Igor and Astraligor in a Amazon Adventure
Animator Igor and Astraligor Swimming Toguether
Animator Igor Waiting for new Adventures to Come
Animator Igor says Happy Birthday to Wally (for PizzaWolf)
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Animator Igor and Astraligor Meeting Sprig Plantar
Astraligor Skateboarding Naked
after animator igor and his son astraligor entered the grass pyramid they forgot about the warnings of the old jaguar saying to not disturb the amazonian spirits, but they thinked and said nah to this whole spirit thing cuz they don't belive in ghosts or any other abnormal activity. after the main entrance of the pyramid closes, astraligor was a little scared of the dark "d-d-dad... i-i'm scared, i h-hope there won't be any g-g-ghosts inside this pyramid" to encourage his son, his dad said to him "relax son, ghosts don't exist, also this amazonian spirits thing is a bunch of dorky campfire stories to scare some children, we'll reach the forest gem i belive it" said animator igor, and the two continued to explore the pyramid.
after walking up inside the mysterious grass pyramid, they reached to the first puzzle and a locked grass door "dad, i'll find a solucion to this puzzle, please don't do any dama-", "relax son there's some tunnel over there, let me enter it *enters the tunnel* wait a minute, there's a switch inside it, i guess i should press it *presses the switch and animator igor get's stuck* OH NO I'M STUCK, WHY WOULD ANYONE PUT AN TRAP SWITCH INSIDE A PYRAMID" screamed animator igor while trying to get out of that tunnel, astraligor in other hand is solvingf the puzzle "hmm, these are ancient adventurian script, what they say? 'among a group of monkey who want to reach a banana tree, which way would they get? path A or path B?' those ancient amazonians are a little tricky" said astraligor while a vine slaps animator igor's butt, "ouch my butt, son- OUCH! a little help- OUCH! PLEASE?" calm down dad, hmm... aha, got it! it's a prank question, i think the awnser was 'they would climb up the trees to get the bananas themselves, because monkeys can climb trees' *presses the secret button and door opens* see dad, i already solved it" said astraligor after solves the first puzzle, after a bunch of puzzles they finally reached the forest gem room, but it was guared by an grass golem but animator igor was on a hurry because he suffered a lot after some puzzles "no, no, no, no, nopety nope. c'mon astraligor let's grab that gem and get out of this pyramid", "i'm comming dad, sorry mr. grass golem but we're in a hurry, leave it a next time ok?" explained astraligor after the golem gives to him a thumbs up. after collecting the forest gem they decided to take a rest, later that night, animator igor was recovering after the grass pyramid almost killed him *ahem* many times *ahem* anyway, astraligor was sleeping until he sees the map "dad, after we get the three amazon gems, what would do after grab all three?", "well son, did i told you about your ancestor Astralikkor and the Adventures of Akakkor?", "no?", "well, let me tell you a story of adventures with treasures and... hot babes" said animator igor while was telling the adventures of astralikkor. after they got the forest gem, will they find the ruins of akakkor? what the amazon gems would do when reunited? find out tomorrow in the next episode of... Adventures of Animator Igor and His Friends.


UPDATE: now i added tribal detailing on animator igor and astraligor so they would look wild-ish

anyway, this is a sequel to "animator igor and astraligor in a amazon adventure" a few drawings ago so here it is. don't worry, i also didn't draw any winkies in there too so it's an SFW artwork.

Astraligor, Animator Igor and art style ©

Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 2 years, 6 months ago
Rating: General

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2 years, 3 months ago
Patch: Hi guys, do I need to be tribal as well?
2 years, 3 months ago
Astraligor: hold on a sec, i'm solving an puzzle

Animator Igor: and i'm stuck here
2 years, 3 months ago
Patch: Need my help?

" AnimatorIgorArtz wrote:
Astraligor: hold on a sec, i'm solving an puzzle

Animator Igor: and i'm stuck here
2 years, 3 months ago
Astraligor: done it, puzzle solved

*door opens and animator igor gets free*

Animator Igor: phew, that was hard, but don't worry patch we got this under control. if we are on a hard situation, we're gonna need your help
2 years, 3 months ago
Patch: Do you guys mind tribalizing me?

" AnimatorIgorArtz wrote:
Astraligor: done it, puzzle solved

*door opens and animator igor gets free*

Animator Igor: phew, that was hard, but don't worry patch we got this under control. if we are on a hard situation, we're gonna need your help
2 years, 3 months ago
Animator Igor: sure

(Animator Igor tribalizes Patch)

Animator Igor: also you have blue and purple marking in your arms, legs, belly and head
2 years, 3 months ago
Patch: Awesome!  Am I still naked?

" AnimatorIgorArtz wrote:
Animator Igor: sure

(Animator Igor tribalizes Patch)

Animator Igor: also you have blue and purple marking in your arms, legs, belly and head
2 years, 3 months ago
Animator Igor: yes, obviously
2 years, 3 months ago
Patch: Thanks!  Can I make you guys naked?

" AnimatorIgorArtz wrote:
Animator Igor: yes, obviously
2 years, 3 months ago
Animator Igor: nah, we're fine dressed as tribal warriors

Astraligor: yeah mr.patch cuz i feel more cooler with my loincloth
2 years, 3 months ago
Patch: What tribal markings are on my junk?

" AnimatorIgorArtz wrote:
Animator Igor: Nah, we're fine dressed as tribal warriors

Astraligor: yeah Mr. patch cuz I feel cooler with my loincloth
2 years, 3 months ago
Animator Igor: i guess you have yellow and orange stripes on your winkie
2 years, 3 months ago
Patch: Thanks

" AnimatorIgorArtz wrote:
Animator Igor: i guess you have yellow and orange stripes on your winkie
2 years, 3 months ago
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