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AmiralAesir's Gallery (81)

La petite violoniste

Destination incertaine
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Lisitsa inherited her mother's love for classical music, and so started to learn how to play violin. For the moment, she's still unsure and makes a lot of mistakes, but she's determined. She one day will show her progress to Daji, but for the moment she can only count on her aunt Bothan to help her in her goal...

 A friend of mine asked me an avatar for his fresh new account last year. I simply forgot to upload it...
 If you're interested in both retakes of great VG tunes AND original tracks that serve his well developed universe, KitsuneMusician is the name!   [icon]KitsuneMusician[/icon] Go watch him!

 Kitsune Lisitsa © Amiral Aesir

female 1,015,521, fox 235,069, vixen 27,425, violin 273, aesir 41, silver vixen 38, amiral 28
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 11 years, 3 months ago
Rating: General

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11 years, 3 months ago
Very nice, but would have been better if it was actually a violin she was playing. I play one rl, and can tell you that its nothing like the real thing.
11 years, 3 months ago
I'm not a violin player, so I won't argue but the fact I tried hard.
11 years, 3 months ago
" whitepawrolls wrote:
Very nice, but would have been better if it was actually a violin she was playing. I play one rl, and can tell you that its nothing like the real thing.

To defend this piece it was made for me for my avatar seeing such detail in a small 200x200 picture would be IMPOSSIBLE to say the least.  It's good the way it is and would not have it any other way.  Not every drawing has to be perfect just cause you perceive it should be, it was drawn the way the artist intended it.

11 years, 3 months ago
Wow talk about jumping on the angry train. I SAID it was a nice picture. I also said it WOULD have been nicer to have the real thing. If you can't take a little constructive criticism without blowing up then maby you shouldn't post things. Good day.
11 years, 3 months ago
" whitepawrolls wrote:
Wow talk about jumping on the angry train. I SAID it was a nice picture. I also said it WOULD have been nicer to have the real thing. If you can't take a little constructive criticism without blowing up then maby you shouldn't post things. Good day.

In response to this comment what you perceived as constructive criticism by stating in your own words
"would have been better if it was actually a violin she was playing"  
was considered more of a pot shot not ACTUAL criticism.  It's called common sense, if the picture was explained to be used for an avatar which would be shrunk down in any miniscule detail in a picture would be lost unless you wanted to nit pick it by using a magnifying glass to point out every flaw.  Anyone with a lick of sense would know that pictures made for avatars would HAVE to shrink them down and it would be worthless to make them overly detailed.  What you have done is NOT constructive Critique but a deliberate pot shot as you said again in your own words to literally add salt to your insult.
"I play one rl, and can tell you that its nothing like the real thing."
again was ANOTHER pot shot.  Normally I don't get defensive to things but this was a deliberate demoralizing remark to be made and NOT critique at all.  If I have to here is an example of ACTUAL critique to show you how its done so you will know next time before you try to do actual critique
EI- "The picture looks great, although the violin is missing some pieces to make it more lifelike but I don't know if you know anything about violins you can check google for pics or I can give you some tips.  I play a violin in real life and could not help but notice a few things missing.  Also depends on what you were planning when you drew this picture, maybe I can share a few tips with you but otherwise the picture is fantastic"
Being constructive is being helpful wanting to help the artist to succeed in his/her endeavor by becoming better through your criticism, your goal is to help the artist to find flaws he or she may have missed or something you saw that you though could be improved or added.  I only got defensive when you shot out two remarks that were not only rude and inconsiderate but also in NO WAY helped the artist to see the flaws only to see the insult you tossed at him.
You can take it however you want you can be as angry with me or him as you like but the fact remains is you did nothing to help the artist only insulted him, if you think you are so good I would like to see you do better and I will give an honest critique of your work not bias as you so openly expressed yourself to

So not good day to me
GOOD DAY to YOU my close minded friend.

11 years, 3 months ago
As I said....jumping on the angry train. Enjoy that trip.
11 years, 3 months ago
" whitepawrolls wrote:
As I said....jumping on the angry train. Enjoy that trip.

I stated my point no more to be said, you've proven to be too immature to understand the logic behind the point.  Hence your irrational response to see sense in what I have said and others will see it as well whoever views our little conversation.  Insults are insults and immature people will be immature people

Nuff said

11 years, 3 months ago
What they will see is you going way overboard on this issue over a simple comment on the object in the picture. Immature? I'm not the one going ballistic over this. As it is now I see your beyond being rational, so I'll leave it at that.
11 years, 3 months ago
If that is how you perceive it to be in your own defense then I cannot stop you, but to insult someone and call it critique is not the right way to go about things.  You aught to be well and ashamed to call yourself an artist.  I stated my point and you refuse to see it as a way to improve yourself or your behavior so therefore i treat you like an ignorant child till you learn to take constructive criticism yourself.  After all "Practice what you preach" is a common saying that you ought to live by.  You can continue this facade all you want I have plenty more I can say but your proving my point quite clearly.
11 years, 3 months ago
" whitepawrolls wrote:
What they will see is you going way overboard on this issue over a simple comment on the object in the picture. Immature? I'm not the one going ballistic over this. As it is now I see your beyond being rational, so I'll leave it at that.

After all I gave you constructive criticism properly on how to properly critique something, and you said for my colleague to learn to take constructive criticism, when you yourself can't...isn't that considered to be a Hypocrite.  Only thing I tried to do and failed obviously was to properly show you conduct on how to properly critique something to help better your ability to do so.  If that is considered going over the top well excuse me for trying to turn a frog into a princess.
(pun intended) but it was a complete waste of my time and intellect to do so and for that I apologize profusely to your close minded nature.
11 years, 3 months ago
No your not giving criticism at all. All your doing is ranting at me for giving you some in the first place. Anyway enough is enough. Go get mad at the next person that you don't agree with. I have had enough of your tantrums.
11 years, 3 months ago
" whitepawrolls wrote:
No your not giving criticism at all. All your doing is ranting at me for giving you some in the first place. Anyway enough is enough. Go get mad at the next person that you don't agree with. I have had enough of your tantrums.

Take it however you see it I care not your not worth the time to even bother to steer in the proper direction what i saw were insults and nothing more.  Therefore anything you say in your defense is null and void of any rational.  I know critique and know manners and you have sense for neither, unlike you I have passion for the arts and know this man did his hardest for never drawing a violin before I think for a first time it is fantastic.   I would rather applaud him on his effort and no so needlessly insult him just cause you think your the pinnacle of violin knowledge as I said you do better.

Pfft never mind its not worth wasting time on you or your pathetic excuses to pardon your antics here in any way shape or form.  You are how you are and cannot be changed but i pray never to meet your kind again.  I will get the artist to re upload and be done with this folly.
11 years, 3 months ago
I really don't care what anyone else thinks and will defend that if I have too but I LOVE this and the detail even shrunk down is fantabulous.  Haters and nitpickers be damned it was not meant to be a full page detailed piece to begin with just a simple picture made to be shrunk down.
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